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to Get a
Short Sale
This Ebook is a Gift from


Those who have gone before you have shared their tips and tricks to successfully
get a short sale approved by a bank. This insider information will get you a huge head
start so that before you even put your house up for sale, you can start preparing for the
first contact with the bank.
Although we strongly recommend that you gather and record all the following
information prior to any contact with the bank, we do not advise contacting the bank
yourself unless you have the time and tolerance for what may become a series of
challenges. This task is better left to someone who has developed insider contacts with
the lender; contacts that can speed a short sale along.
If you need assistance with someone to do your short sale, feel free to contact us.
We work with various short sale processors and will be able to recommend someone to
you. exists to assist home owners whose house owes
more than it is worth in todays market. On our website you will find up-to-date,
actionable information to create breakthrough solutions in real estate. We trust that you
will find our website to be a vital tool that sets you free because you are armed with truth
toward a brighter future.

Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

Home Owner Paperwork Needed to do a Short Sale

Hardship letter

Bank statements from the last three months

Tax returns for the last two years

Borrower information (see following pages)

In order for the short sale negotiation with your lenders to progress in a timely manner,
they will require the following information:
Homeowner Check List
Mortgage Statements 1st _, 2nd _, 3rd _, credit lines, etc. _
Copy of Driver License or State Identification Card
Two most recent pay stubs (1 full month)
If you have a self- employed business please include 6 months of profit and loss
Two most recent bank statements (all checking and saving)
Income Tax Returns (1040 and all schedules) for the last 2 years
W-2s or 1099 for the last 2 years
Any other documents to support your financial hardship.
Any liens on property, alimony or child support documents
Notice Letter from Banks i.e. (NOD-Notice Of Default, NTS-Notice of Trustee
All CREDIT CARDS BILLS with Balance, or Debt consolidations papers.
A repair sheet detailing all the necessary repairs for the home
Supporting evidence of the value of the home for example a comparative market
Please have copies or originals of the above documentation.
After the bank has received the above information a final decision, on the short sale
could take approximately 4 to 16 weeks.
Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

Short Sale Hardship Letter Tips

Basically, the two questions a lender asks itself when reviewing a short sale packet are:
1) Is this property going to go into foreclosure?
2) If this property goes into foreclosure, will we lose less money by approving a short
Even if the hardship does not completely meet the criteria of a true hardship, the
lender may approve the short sale because they believe that the property is going to go
into foreclosure regardless.
NOTE: As you write the hardship letter, you need to accomplish two goals.
1) Provide as much written explanation of your hardship as possible. Be specific.
2) Convince the bank that you are unable to make any more payments
The borrower should write the letter in their own words, but they need to make sure
that there is a clear picture of their financial condition, and back up their claims to
hardship with documentation, such as pay stubs, medical bills, job layoff letters and
more. The numbers should clearly illustrate that the borrower is headed for foreclosure
or bankruptcy. This will motivate the lender to cooperate.
Lenders are all about numbers, so the letter isn't a sob story about the borrower's
difficulties. It should be a factual description of a financial situation that is leading up to
a bankruptcy or a foreclosure on their home, or both. The lender must be convinced that
their only other option is foreclosure, and then they can analyze the numbers to see if a
short sale is a preferable alternative.
The short sale hardship letter can be typed or handwritten, but we have found that
handwritten is most effective. It should contain some standard elements at the top of the
letter including the name of the borrower(s), the date, the lender and the loan number.
The end of the document should have the borrowers signature with the date, as well as
the signature of any co-borrower. The length is not important so make it as long as
needed to have the desired impact.

Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225


Current Date
To Whom It May Concern:
Name and (Spouse) are currently unemployed, divorce, separation, layoff, transfer of
job, demoted.
We have been unemployed, divorce, layoff, transfer of job, demoted since (month, year).
We have moved to city, state and are staying with my Mother, Father, brother, sister,
cousin, uncle, aunt, etc.
We are presently preparing to file chapter 7 Bankruptcy, but my real estate agent
suggested listing the property to see if he/she can sell our house.
The property address has been vacant, rented, abandoned since (month, year). It has
been listed for sale for $(dollar amount) since (month, year).
I had been trying to keep up with my payment until (month, year) and we are now
exhausted with financial hardships.
We are now living under my Mother, Father, brother, sister, cousin, uncle, aunt etc. and
are currently receiving government assistance.
We are truly apologizing for any inconvenience that we may have caused to your
Please contact my real estate agent or buyer for the sale process if (short sale). I will try
my best to make any arrangements with you to have all of my debt to be paid to you.
Thank you for your help.
Sign and date

Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

(Company's Name)
(Company's Address)
RE: (home address)
Loan number: (#)
Dear (Ms/Mr. Brown:)
We have purchased our familys home in (date).
Since then, as you know, our country has experienced one the biggest housing market
crash in history. This, combined with the rising food and gas prices and current slow
down in the economy, has affected our ability to pay our bills on time.
Our adjustable interest rate mortgage payment has increased from ($) to ($) since we
first purchased the house making it especially hard to keep it current. In the last couple
of years our home has lost about (55%) of its value making it impossible to refinance it
since the equity we once had is now gone.
In the last three months our familys economic situation has gotten even worse because
(explain what caused the financial hardship. Ex: job lay-off, death in the family, medical
emergency,...) and we can no longer afford the new payments.
At this point we are trying to avoid foreclosure and/or bankruptcy and would like to
discuss with you the possibility of getting a short sale approval that could be beneficial
for both parties.
Enclosed, please find copies of our financial statements. (include documents that offer
proof of financial hardship: Copies of any unpaid bills and/or late notices you have
received in the last six months. Including: credit cards, car payments,...Past two months
of Proof of Income. Including: past two months paycheck/paystubs, social security,...
Last quarters profit and loss statement if self-employed, past two years of federal
income tax returns, past two years W-2's, and last two months of bank account
We truly appreciate any effort you can make to help our family through this situation.
I/we, (Home Owner Name/Co-signer Name), state that the information provided above
is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge.
Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

(Home Owner Name)

(Co-signer Name)
(Home Owner Address)
(Account #)

Lender Name
Loan Number
Today's Date
RE: Hardship Letter - Short Sale for _____________________ address
To whom it may concern:
I purchased my home at _____________ in ___________. At that time I was
employed by _______and business was very good. My salary and the possibility of a
promotion and raise made me sure that I could easily support my mortgage.
Unfortunately, a downturn in the market caused my company to reduce its workforce
and I was laid off.
After searching for a comparable job, I finally got a temporary position as an office
assistant as I continuing seeking other work. I struggled for several months to make my
mortgage payment, and was also hit with some medical payments that I did not expect
(the COBRA payment was more than twice what I was paying when employed). I knew I
would have to sell my home to protect my credit rating and possibly have enough cash
left over for moving expenses and some savings. I recently put my home up for sale,
however, there were several problems that I did not have enough money to fix, such as
the broken fence in the back yard and some pretty severe leaks in the roof which
indicated a new one was needed.
I really love my house, but I know that I cannot afford it. I am a single parent, working
as a temporary employee with few benefits and no savings. My financial situation cannot
sustain a home mortgage of nearly $2200 per month. I want to sell the home, avoid
foreclosure and salvage my credit. I know that a foreclosure on my record will affect me
for years to come. I would ask that you please assist me in avoiding this.
Please accept this offer as payment in full. My attorney has advised me to file
bankruptcy, but I prefer to avoid further destruction of my credit. I respectfully request
Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

that this short sale be approved, otherwise, I will have no choice but to file bankruptcy
for my own protection. I just want to move on and start over.
I deeply appreciate your help and understanding in this matter.
Sincerely, Home Owner Name Address and Contact Information
NOTE: This is a SAMPLE ONLY and should not be copied.
Your hardship letter should reflect your current situation
Homeowner Information

Short Sale Workbook

Hardship Letter

Reason of my inability to pay my mortgage is......


Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

Is your financial situation going to change in the next 3 month? if yes, please explain
your intentions?
Would you agree to accept if the Investor request you to sign a Promissory Note?
I/we agree that the financial information provided is an accurate statement of my (our)
financial status. I/we understand and acknowledge that any action taken by the lender
of my (our) mortgage loan on my (our) behalf will be made strict reliance financial
information provided. My (our) signature (s) below grant the holder of my (our)
mortgage the authority to confirm the information I/we have disclosed in this financial
Hardship Letter, to verify it is accurate by ordering a credit report, and contact me
Borrower Signature __________________________________________
Borrower Print Name _________________________________________
Co-Borrower Signature _______________________________________
Co-Borrower Print Name ______________________________________

Borrowers Financial Statement

Office Use Only
Loan Number 1: ______________________
Loan Number 2:______________________
Loan Number 3:______________________
Monthly NET Income: $ _______________________
Monthly Debt: $_________________ Monthly Expenses: $_______________________
Income Debt Expense =$_____________________________

Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

Years in the Property:_____________

Property Address: __________________________________________________________
Is this property currently rented? Yes ___ No ___
If no, date you last occupied: ___________________
Do you currently reside in the property Yes ___ No ___
Is the property currently listed for sale? Yes __ No __
Agents Name:___________________________________________________
Borrower Total $ _________________________________________________
Monthly NET $ __________________________________________________
Overtime $ _____________________________________________________
Commission $ ___________________________________________________
Bonus $ ________________________________________________________
Rental Income $__________________________________________________
Social Security $ _________________________________________________
Child Support $___________________________________________________
Alimony $ _______________________________________________________
Disability $_______________________________________________________
Unemployment $ __________________________________________________
Other Income $ ___________________________________________________
Total Income $____________________________________________________
Checking $_______________________________________________________
Savings $________________________________________________________
Co. Retirement $___________________________________________________
401K $___________________________________________________________

Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

IRA $_____________________________________________________________
Stocks $__________________________________________________________
Bonds $__________________________________________________________
CDs/Money Market $_______________________________________________
Other Security $___________________________________________________
Other Property $ ___________________________________________________
Notes Paid to You $_________________________________________________
Personal Property $ _________________________________________________
Client Fill Out
Borrower Information
Social Security Number:______________________________________________
Resident/Mailing Address:
Address, City, State, Zip:______________________________________________
Home Phone Number:________________________________________________
Work Phone Number:_________________________________________________
No. of Dependents:___________________________________________________
No. of Occupants:____________________________________________________
City, State, Zip_______________________________________________________
How Many Years, Months:_________________________________________________
Vehicle #1: Est. Value: $ ________________Balance: $_____________
Payment: $________________
Vehicle #2: Est. Value: $ _______________ Balance: $ ____________

Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

Payment: $________________
Life Insurance Cash Value $____________________________
Other $ ______________________________________________
Type of Debt




New Mortgage__________________________________________________________
Auto Loan_____________________________________________________________
Auto Loan_____________________________________________________________
Auto Loan_____________________________________________________________
Personal Loan__________________________________________________________
Student Loan___________________________________________________________
Credit Card____________________________________________________________
Credit Card____________________________________________________________
Credit Card____________________________________________________________
Credit Card____________________________________________________________
Credit Card____________________________________________________________
Credit Card____________________________________________________________
Credit Card____________________________________________________________
Credit Card____________________________________________________________
Credit Card____________________________________________________________
Credit Card____________________________________________________________
Credit Card____________________________________________________________

Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

Credit Card____________________________________________________________
Monthly Expenses
Food $ _______________________________________________________________
Home Phone $_________________________________________________________
Gas (utility) $____________ Cell Phone $______________Electric (utility) $______________
Transportation (taxi, bus) $____________Water $____________ Parking $________________
Sanitation (Garbage) $ _________________Auto Insurance $___________________
Alimony / Child Support $____________________Gasoline (vehicles) $__________________
Child Day Care $__________________ Cable TV/Satellite $______________________
Dependent Care $___________________ Internet $_______________________
Tuition $___________________ Uniforms $_______________Rent $__________________
Entertainment $_____________Medical Expenses $____________ Charity $______________
Prescription Drugs $__________________ Other $___________________
Property Taxes (if Pay) $___________________ Other $______________________
Homeowners Ins. (if Pay) $__________________ Other $_____________________
I (we) agree that the financial information provided is an accurate statement of my (our) financial status. I
(we) understand and acknowledge that any action taken by the lender of my (our) mortgage loan on my
(our) behalf will be made strict reliance financial information provided. My (our) signature (s) below
grant the holder of my (our) mortgage the authority to confirm the information I (we) have disclosed in
this financial statement, to verify it is accurate by ordering a credit report, and contact my real estate
Borrower Signature __________________________________________ Date____________
Borrower Print Name __________________________________________
Borrower Signature __________________________________________ Date____________
Borrower Print Name __________________________________________

Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

Property Damage & Repairs Needed

Property Address:____________________________________________

Estimated Cost $________________________

Contractor bids for work included?



Remember to include 8 or more photographs

Profit and Loss Statement Ending Month of: _____________________________
Prepared by: __________________________________________________
GROSS YEAR-TO-DATE INCOME $___________________
Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

Advertising $_______________
Car and truck expenses $_______________
Commissions and fees $_______________
Contract Labor $_______________
Employee Benefits $_______________
Insurance (not health) $_______________
Interest paid $_______________
Professional Services $_______________
Office Expenses $_______________
Rent and/or lease $_______________
Repairs and maintenance $_______________
Supplies $_______________
Taxes and licenses $_______________
Travel, Meals, Entertainment $_______________
Utilities $_______________
Wages $_______________
Other Expenses






Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

Homeowner Information
Completion of this statement expedites your application for title insurance, as it assists
in establishing identity, eliminating matters affecting persons with similar names and
avoiding the use of fraudulent or forged documents. Complete all blanks (please print)
or indicate "none" or "N/A." If more space is needed for any item(s), use the reverse
sideof the form. Each party (and spouse/domestic partner, if
applicable) to the transaction should personally sign this form.
ESCROW NO.: _________________ TITLE NO.: _______________________
First Name Middle/Maiden name Last Name
Home Phone: _________________ Business Phone: ____________________
Date of Birth: ____________________
Birthplace: _______________ Social Security No.: ______________________
Drivers License No.: __________________
List any other name you have used or been known by:
State of residence: _________________________ I have lived continuously in the
U.S.A. since ________________________
Are you currently married? ____________________ If yes, complete the following
Date and place of marriage:

Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

First Name Middle/Maiden name Last Name
Business Phone: _________________ Date of Birth: ____________________
Birthplace: _______________________
Social Security No.: ___________________
Drivers License No.: __________________
Are you currently a registered domestic partner? ____________________
If yes, complete the following information:
Domestic Partner:
First Name Middle/Maiden name Last Name
Home Phone: ________________ Business Phone: ____________________
Date of Birth: ____________________
Birthplace: _____________________ Social Security No.: _______________
Drivers License No.: _____________
List any other name you have used or been known by:
State of residence: _____________ I have lived continuously in the U.S.A. since
Number & Street City From (date) to (date)
Number & Street City From (date) to (date)
Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225


Firm or Business name Address From (date) to (date)
Firm or Business name Address From (date) to (date)
Firm or Business name Address From (date) to (date)
Firm or Business name Address From (date) to (date)
Any prior marriages for either spouse? ____________________ If yes, complete the
Prior spouses name: ______________________________
Prior Spouse of Husband: ______________________________
Marriage terminated by: Death _____ Divorce _____ Date of termination:
Prior spouses name: ______________________________
Prior Spouse of Husband: ______________________________
Marriage terminated by: Death _____ Divorce _____ Date of termination:
Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225


Any prior domestic partnerships for either person? __________ If yes, complete the
Prior partners name: ______________________________
Prior Partner: ______________________________
Partnership terminated by: Death _____ Dissolution _____ Nullification _____
Termination _____
Date of termination: ____________________
Prior partners name: ______________________________
Prior Partner: ______________________________
Partnership terminated by: Death _____ Dissolution _____ Nullification _____
Termination _____
Date of termination: ____________________
The undersigned declare, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and
Executed on _________________________, __________ at
Signature: ________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________

Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

Contact Us
We are here to help you with any problems you are experiencing with real
estate that you own. If a short sale is the best option for you, we may be able to buy
your house and have the short sale processed for you.
Fill out the Get an Offer form and we will be in touch with you within 24
You can contact us by email at:
Or you can call our office: 800-544-8586
Or you can mail us at: Access Dream Homes LLC, P.O. Box 23839, San Jose, CA

About Us
Access Foreclosure Rescue is a website operated by Access Dream Homes, LLC.
This website is set up to assist homeowners to make a decision about their best option
when their home owes more than its worth.
Access Dream Homes is located in San Jose, California and is managed by
Brian Netzel, who is a real estate investor and principal of the company.

Terms and Conditions

We are not attorneys nor are we credit counselors. The information on this
website is general information and should not be seen as legal advice. If you or your
clients require legal advice, please consult with your attorney. All information provided
is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Please seek advice from an Attorney or CPA
regarding your legal rights and tax implications for a Short Sale.

Provided by Access Dream Homes, LLC | P.O. Box 23839 San Jose, CA 95153 | 408-227-2225

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