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Common misconceptions. The facts. Page 1 1 1 Page 1 1 1 1 2 Page 2 2 2 2 Page 3 3 3 3 3 Page 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 Page 7 7 8 8 9 Page 9 Page 10 10 10 10 Page 11 11 11 11 11 11

Canopy sizing:
Height above finished floor level. Depth. Overhangs. (Above & around appliances.) Special shapes. (Physical restrictions.) Special shapes. (Aesthetic qualities.)

Risks to be assessed:
Fire. Health & hygiene. Occupational health. Commercial.

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Calculation of air duties:

How to minimise the risks:

Fire. Health & hygiene. Occupational health.

Face velocity. Air change rate. Cooking equipment values. Other considerations.

Treatment of extract air:

Contaminants in the air. Baffle grease filtration. Mesh grease filtration. Ultra violet grease & odour filtration. Electrostatic precipitation. Carbon filtration. HEPA filtration. Water mist filtration. Odour Neutralising. Heat recovery. Recirculation of extracted air. Point of discharge to atmosphere. Extract air treatment choices. (Tabulation.)

Canopy construction:
Materials. Method. Finishes. Drainage points.

Canopy configurations:

Conventional - extract only. Peripheral - extract only. Conventional extract & supply air. Peripheral extract & supply air. Induction a special note. High level bakery oven extract only. Dishwash extract only. Condense only. Low level / Pass over / Backbar extract only. Re-circulation.

Calculation of supply air duties:

When & when not to have powered supply air. Supply air volume calculation. Introduction of powered supply air. Introduction of non-powered supply air.

Ventilated ceilings: (General comment.)

Cassette type. Plenum type. What certain recognised bodies state. Summary.

Treatment of supply air:

Filtration. Heating and / or cooling.

Fans & accessories:

The Canopy-ceiling: Lighting:

General. Types & design. Emergency.

Fire suppression systems:

Carbon dioxide. Dry powder / chemical. Foam. Fine water particle / fog systems. Wet chemical.

General. Fan blade types. Fan enclosures. Temperature ratings & insulation. Motor drive types. Fan speed control. Motor protection. Noise attenuation. Wiring.

Extract ductwork:
Sizing. Construction. Routes to atmosphere. Fire resistance. Access for cleaning & maintenance. Insulation.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

Supply ductwork:
Sizing. Construction. Routes to atmosphere. Fire resistance. Access for cleaning & maintenance. Insulation.

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System safety features & considerations:

Gas shut-down interlock. Noise levels.

Why have splashbacks? Materials & construction.

Services distribution units:

Why have a service distribution unit? Configuration. Construction & materials. Separation & compartmentation of services. Gas & electrical knock-off.

Site work:
Surveying. Installation. Commissioning.

C.D.M. & design risk assessment: System maintenance: Care & maintenance of stainless steel:

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk


Common Misconceptions of Kitchen Ventilation:
In commercial kitchens the prime concern of owners, designers and managers is, more often than not, the ability to produce as much food product, as quickly and efficiently as possible, with as little up-front capital cost as can be achieved and all with the minimum of running costs. Cooking appliances and food production machinery directly produce saleable products and therefore revenue; so they are nearly always at the top of a list of priorities. A ventilation system on the other hand, does not directly earn money and so is usually at the bottom of a list of priorities. For these reasons, kitchen ventilation systems are often perceived as a necessary evil to be provided in their cheapest form to satisfy the planning application or Environmental Health Officer because in the eyes of the proprietor, they serve no other purpose! All too often a kitchen ventilation system is left to be fitted into a scheme with little or no physical space allowed in the building and with an unreasonably low budget allocated. These are potentially very dangerous ideas.

Risks to be Assessed & Addressed

Fire Risk:
The fuel for most kitchen fires is cooking oil and meat fat, which emit greasy vapours during the cooking process. These vapours condense upon surfaces with which they come into contact, creating a highly flammable coating. In a kitchen without a canopy this coating would cover most of the walls and ceiling and in the event of a flash fire or flare up the consequences would certainly be disastrous. This risk affects any user of the building in which the kitchen is situated e.g. customers, employees and probably the general public.

Health & Hygiene Risks:

This same greasy coating of condensed vapours covering kitchen walls, ceilings and other surfaces also creates the ideal habitat and food source for bacteria.

Occupational Health Risks for Operatives:

A working kitchen is a dangerous place at the best of times. It is essential that kitchen staff are provided with an environment which allows them to carry out their jobs in the most efficient and safe way possible. Comfort is a key factor in achieving this and the greatest discomfort in a kitchen is the heat and humidity build-up created by the cooking process itself. Radiant heat is particularly difficult to deal with and it cannot be removed; only its effect on operatives can be relieved. The other major risk to occupational health is of an epidemiological nature caused by long term exposure of operatives to the fumes given off by both the cooking process and from the burning of fuel within the appliances themselves. Further information concerning the risk from cooking fumes is available in the form of the Health and Safety Executive Sector Information Minute SIM 5/2001/18 Importance of good ventilation in commercial kitchens and industrial cooking areas. This document states within its conclusions it is important that fume extraction systems to current standards are provided and maintained and refers to HSE Sheet 10 Ventilation of kitchens in catering establishments for guidance. Additional information on this matter is available in the form of research into Wok cooking and lung cancer carried out by the Shanghai Cancer Institute (National Cancer Institute 1995; 87: 836-841), domestic gas appliances and respiratory illness (Lancet report 1996).

The Facts:
In reality, a kitchen cannot operate without a properly designed and functioning ventilation system. A poorly ventilated kitchen will expose the owners, operatives and customers to very real and life threatening risks. In addition to these obvious hazards, the risks of commercial losses are potentially enormous. As we have now established that every kitchen must have a properly designed and manufactured ventilation system, it follows that every building containing a kitchen must be designed with sufficient space to accommodate such a system with all of its components. A proper budget should therefore be allocated to reduce unnecessary future accidents and costs. Consultants, designers, suppliers and owners have a duty of care to ensure that and kitchen ventilation system is fit for purpose. This encompasses not only the original design but any design alterations. Owners also have a duty of care to ensure that the ventilation system is properly cleaned and maintained as appropriate. (Failure to undertake this may render them liable for any third party claims following an incident.)

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk


Commercial Risks:
In the event that any of the above risks were actually to occur, the list of potential commercial losses is almost endless and many of them would probably result in the closure of a business. Here are a few broad examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Loss of management time. Loss of profit through temporary closure. Permanent closure through loss of income. Loss of man hours through illness. Legal costs to defend law suits brought by disgruntled or injured employees (or ex-employees). Legal costs to defend law suits brought by dissatisfied or injured customers of the business (or consumers). Drastically increased insurance premiums. Commercial fines imposed by safety enforcement authorities. Legal costs to defend criminal negligence charges brought by health and safety enforcement authorities. management

How to Minimise the Risks

To combat all of these problems effectively, a kitchen must have a means of containment for the fumes given off in the cooking process. (ie: a canopy or similar system.) This system must then have both powered extract and supply air. The extract volume should be large enough to create fume capture and to remove the amount of fumes given off from the specific range of cooking appliances it serves. The supply air volume should be 85% of the total extract so as to leave a negative pressure in the room, thus restricting cooking odours and fumes to the kitchen.

Fire Risk:
A canopy will reduce the amount of damage caused by fire because it will retain greasy fumes in a fire-resistant compartment. (ie: the canopy itself.) Flames are restricted to an area where they can do little damage and a kitchen could conceivably re-open after a little redecoration. At worst the fire will be contained for the maximum achievable period, affording the occupants of the establishment valuable extra time to escape.

Health & Hygiene Risks:

A canopy with integral grease filtration will capture and retain grease, thus confining the breeding ground for bacteria to an easily cleaned and sterile environment.

10. Possible imprisonment for upper following criminal proceedings.

Occupational Health Risks for Operatives:

The majority of air extracted from any kitchen is drawn out via the canopy, removing fumes and convected heat. A well designed ventilation system will help cool the operatives in such a way as to relieve the effects of radiant heat.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk


Canopy Construction
Stainless steel is now generally acknowledged as the only material whose properties are suited for use within a kitchen. The minimum grade of stainless steel should be type 304 and for special applications, type 316 or higher should be considered. Type 304 stainless steel is extremely durable with a long life span retaining its aesthetic finish throughout. It has excellent fire resisting properties due to its extremely high melting point and is recognised as a food safe substance due to its relatively inert nature.

Canopy Configurations
Conventional Extract Only, Wall or Island Canopies:
These are the most basic form of extract canopy, for use where the replacement air into the kitchen is being supplied by other means and where there is no requirement to introduce air through the canopy. Lower in cost, due to basic design, this canopy is less efficient in terms of performance and running costs compared with other canopy configurations. It is regularly used in schools and Local Authority type projects where there is a limited budget, or for use as a second canopy (e.g. Fryer canopy) in a large kitchen.

As kitchen specifications have become more stringent with regard to cleanliness it is no longer acceptable to use canopies with an external framework and / or visible fixings, all of which are potential dirt traps. Canopies should have a fully folded construction incorporating as few joints as possible and have no visible fixings. Any visible joints should be internal and hidden. This leaves a smooth easily cleaned surface as well as being aesthetically superior to the old-fashioned riveted or framed canopies.

A satin polished brush finish (sometimes referred to as dull polish) is generally applied to stainless steel sheet and sections for use in a kitchen environment. It is probably the most practical and cost effective finish available. However, there are a range of other brush polishes as well as Mirror finishes available usually at additional cost. Stainless steel can also accept polyester powder coating or other heat-applied paint finishes for special aesthetic applications where necessary.


Peripheral Extract Only, Wall or Island Canopies:

The peripheral design has the filters mounted along the outside edge of the canopy rather than in the centre as with the more conventional style, giving greatly improved fume capture and collection. Reduced extract volumes, mean lower running costs and reduced ductwork sizes. Another benefit is that the filter panels are ideally positioned for easy access and maintenance. (Important when considering CDM regulations) The kitchen equipment layout must be known in order to calculate the extract rate and in some instances, more duct connections may be required to the filter housings. Ideal for use in virtually every situation due to its efficiency and reasonably low capital cost.

Canopy Drainage Points:

Drain points within the condensate collection channels, are not normally necessary. If extract rates are properly calculated, water vapour will have very little chance to condense on the canopy surfaces before being extracted. Any condensation that does collect in the channels will evaporate as fast as it accumulates. It is also an unsightly component of the canopy and the thread or fixings of the drain point will protrude within the channel, providing a snagging point upon which cleaning cloths or fingers can be caught.


Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk


Conventional Extract & Supply Air, Wall or Island Canopies:

These are the most basic form of extract canopy where replacement air into the kitchen is required to be supplied from the canopy. It has the addition of a 300mm wide insulated supply plenum chamber fitted to the front face of a wall canopy (or the long edges of an island canopy), to provide total ventilation from one unit. The supply air enters the kitchen via diffuser panels fitted with filter media to prevent atmospheric contaminants entering the cooking area. The incoming air is delivered at a low velocity to diffuse with and displace the air being extracted. It also reduces the need for extensive ductwork runs in the ceiling void. It does however increase the total plan area required for the canopy.

Peripheral Extract & Supply Air, Wall or Island Canopies:

The peripheral design arranges filters along the outside edge of the canopy rather than in the centre as with conventionally styled canopies. This produces much more efficient collection of fumes. Reduced extract volumes, mean lower running costs and reduced ductwork sizes. Another benefit is that the filter panels are positioned where they can be easily accessed for maintenance and cleaning (important when considering CDM regulations). It has the addition of a 300mm wide insulated supply plenum chamber fitted to the front face of a wall canopy (or the long edges of an island canopy), to provide total ventilation from one unit. The supply air enters the kitchen via diffuser panels fitted with filter media to prevent atmospheric contaminants entering the cooking area. This reduces the need for extensive ductwork runs in the ceiling void. It does however increase the total plan area required for the canopy.



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Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk


Induction Canopies A Special Note:

Induction canopies are considered to be out-dated these days. They are expensive to fabricate and not as efficient as perceived when originally introduced. They are still occasionally used but special rules are to be applied for calculating the volumes and many designers use the wrong figures and methods. Whilst it does provide good edge capture for fumes, it does cause complications and is less cost effective because larger plant and duct sizes are required. Supply air is still required from another source within the kitchen. In short, a less expensive and more efficient option is the Peripheral Extract canopy.

Dishwash Extract Only Canopies:

These are small, simple and stand-alone canopies specifically designed for powered extract from dishwasher and steriliser sink areas. Air is extracted with ductwork and fan via an extract grille positioned within the canopy to suit ductwork requirements.

Condense Only Canopies:

These are not recommended for use. At best, condense canopies only protect wall and ceiling finishes from deterioration caused by the condensation and steam arising from appliances but will do nothing to evacuate that steam from larger dishwash machines.




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High-Level Bakery Oven Extract Only Canopies:

These canopies are built specifically to suit the dimensions and output of ovens within a commercial bakery area and can be designed to incorporate flues and vents for direct steam removal from the oven assisting in the overall extraction requirements. They sit directly over the front edge of an oven so as to extract from directly above the opening door and capture the rapidly rising plume of steam. Unfortunately, high level positioning can make maintenance a little more difficult but this is a pre-requisite of the cooking method.

Low Level / Passover / Back-Bar Extract Only Canopies:

These canopies are designed to extract within close proximity of the cooking or servery equipment whether through design or site restraints. Low level servery canopies allow an unobstructed view into the cooking area as there is rarely any ductwork running vertically from the hood. Low level canopies are extremely useful where low structural ceiling heights preclude the use of conventional canopies which hang down from the soffit.



Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk


Recirculation Canopies:
Re-circulation canopies are applicable where there is a need to create either temporary cooking areas or where it is simply not possible to get a clear ductwork route from the kitchen area to outside. The canopy should provide a means of drastically reducing the amount of steam, grease and odours, as well as some smoke, from the air to be returned. As such each of these canopies will contain a fairly comprehensive bank of filter types including primary baffle filters for grease reduction, secondary mesh panels for further grease and dust removal, bag filters for removal of smaller particulates and high quality impregnated carbon filters for odour reduction. However, the principle of re-circulating air has two main draw backs: Firstly no gas appliances can be served as the canopy and filters cannot remove the Carbon Monoxide and other exhaust gases created. Secondly, heat build-up can potentially be a problem so it would be necessary to allow for a suitable cooling system to be fitted in the kitchen, or the cooking area must be of sufficiently large volume.

Refer to Recirculation of extracted air on page 19 for further details and information.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk


General Comment on Ventilated Ceilings

Over the past five to ten years, the use of ventilated ceilings as an alternative to canopies has become increasingly common. The following information has been compiled from reports upon actual installations and from discussions with: Designers of ventilated ceilings People who have sold ventilated ceilings People who have project engineered ventilated ceilings Installers of ventilated ceilings Customers of ventilated ceiling manufacturers End-Users of ventilated ceilings

Fume Collection & Containment Capability:

Because of the nature of all ventilated ceilings currently marketed, it is not possible for any localised capture or containment of cooking fumes to occur. These systems rely upon the extremities of the room in which they are installed to contain all contaminants. For example, in the event of one or more steamers being opened, the plume of steam caused will erupt upwards and then drift around the ceiling area until either it is eventually extracted or until it cools, condenses and falls to low level. This problem is obviously exacerbated where said plume of steam drifts into the locality of a supply air section where it will be more quickly condensed and blown around. This effect has been witnessed at several installations.

Grease Filtration Efficiency:

The principle of filtration employed in all cassette type ventilated ceilings is bafflement of airflow. This relies upon air moving at high velocity through a series of turns and restrictions forcing grease particles to be thrown out of the air stream and then impinge upon adjacent surfaces. It is known that whilst baffle type filtration is the best system for grease removal, it is incapable of reaching efficiencies of more than 80 to 90%, at absolute best and will more likely be around 50 to 70% dependant upon the combination of types of cooking process, food and oils being used.

Cassette Type Ventilated Ceilings

These are the type of ceilings which have been most commonly used. In simplest form they consist of a suspended ceiling grid retaining shaped tiles. Some of these tiles are grease filter panels, some are supply air panels and some are blank panels. They are generally arranged within the grid to cover the various items of cooking apparatus below. The various manufacturers guidelines indicate that the grid can be installed as low as 2400mm affl and as high as 3500mm affl although there seem to be no firm statements or instructions. The void area above the ceiling is then left largely for the Main Contractor to sort out and sub-divide into extract and supply sections with few guidelines actually offered, as to how or with what materials this should be achieved.

What Then Happens To The Grease & Contaminants Which Will Inevitably Be Carried Through The Filtering System? The Area Above The Visible Faade Of The Ceiling:
As previously mentioned, the void area above the cassette grid is sub-divided to create extract and supply plenums. This is not usually part of the ventilated ceiling contract and is generally left for the main contractor to provide. This obviously raises many questions over design responsibility. The divisions and plenums are usually formed by the building structure together with plasterboard down stands. Open-ended ducts are brought through the void to terminate in their respective extract or supply plenum without direct connection to the filter system.

It has become apparent that the main reason for the popularity of ventilated ceilings lies in the perceived high aesthetic value of the completed product. Whilst this is a wholly subjective topic and is a matter of individual taste, it is clear that many of the individuals involved in making the decision to specify on these grounds, have been comparing ventilated ceilings with canopies of poor quality and design or in extremely old installations. It is also considered aesthetically pleasing not to have downstands or intrusions into the kitchen from above. This then gives a clear line of sight across the kitchen area. In kitchens where ventilated ceilings have been installed for long periods of time, it has been seen that even with regular cleaning the cassettes & grid accrue a difficult-to-remove coating of baked-on grease, giving an unsightly brown tinge in patches where high out-put cooking is situated below.

How Can The Vast Array Of Services, Which Run Through Most Ceiling Voids, Be Accommodated Without Being Subjected To The Extremely High Temperatures Associated With Kitchen Extract & A Coating In Grease, Steam & Other Deposits? How Can Fully Airtight Connections & Seals Be Created To The Standards Required by H.V.C.A., C.I.B.S.E., N.F.P.A. & Other Recognised Bodies? Fire Risk:
Due to the problems of containment and those caused by the ceiling void, Fire Risk is greatly increased. In the event of a flare-up, there are no skirts or valances of a canopy to contain the spread of Flame at high level. Fire will be free to spread across the underside of a ceiling without restriction.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk


Although manufacturers claim otherwise, no baffle type filter can form a 100% barrier to flame and therefore, fire is able to pass into the ceiling void.

Extract Volumes:
It is claimed that extra low running costs can be achieved with a ventilated ceiling, which cannot be attained by a canopy. However, this cannot possibly be so if the designer of the ventilated ceiling has ventilated the equipment according to the recognised formulae as stated in "HVCA's DW/172", CIBSE Guide, BS6173:2001 and all other proven calculation methods.

What Happens When Fire Passes Through the Grid System Into A Grease Soaked Plenum, Or Void, With Unprotected Services & Structural Members Running Through It? Hygiene Risk:
For the same reasons that cause the increased fire risk, hygiene is an area of extreme concern. As unfiltered grease exits the rear of the filter section, it will then deposit itself upon the building structure, partitions & services within the void. (This event is precisely what modern canopies were invented to avoid). Over a period of time, a greasy coating will cover all exposed surfaces. Being of mostly porous materials, building fabric does not lend itself to ease of cleaning. Coupled with the fact that it is hidden from view almost permanently, it will rarely be inspected and even more rarely cleaned. This coating of grease then creates the ideal breeding ground for bacteria and vermin and will eventually be the point from which unpleasant odours can emanate.

Plenum Ceilings
Plenum ceilings generally suffer from the same symptoms as cassette ceilings with the disadvantage of having the aesthetics spoiled by downward protrusions into the clear line of vision. Usually the ductwork connects directly to the back of the filter systems and so the risks associated with the cassette ceilings void would be removed.

What Certain Recognised Bodies State In Their Publications: The National Fire Protection Association:
In NFPA96 Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations 1994 Edition, reference is made only to Canopies and their components as an accepted method of Kitchen Ventilation. Ventilated Ceilings are not recognised or referred to in any way in "NFPA96" and although nothing in the standard is intended to prevent the use of other methods or devices it goes on to say provided that sufficient technical data is submitted to demonstrate that the proposed method or device is equivalent in quality, strength, fire endurance, effectiveness, durability and safety to that prescribed by this standard. Upon reading the standard, it is obvious that a ventilated ceiling can meet very few of the mandatory criteria lain down.

All Of This Is Situated Immediately Above An Area Where Fresh Food Is Supposed To Be Prepared & Cooked. Maintenance & CDM Implications:
Another main selling point of ventilated ceilings is the idea that they create a low maintenance alternative to conventional canopy. This is clearly not the case as most of these ceilings are designed on the basis of using multiple cassettes. It is then simple to see how having to remove all of these cassettes from a mounting height of between 2400 and 3500 mm affl and then wash them individually, is going to be vastly more time consuming than the cleaning of comparatively few filters and flat surfaces of a conventional canopy. The cassettes are often of such a design, that they are difficult to handle and are of quite a flimsy and easily damaged construction. In addition to these problems, there remain the large grease soaked areas within the void itself. This clearly contravenes the Food Safety Act.

Defence Estate Ministry of Defence:

The Defence Estates Design & Maintenance Guide 18 September 1999 Edition under the heading of Choice of Ventilation System states For new build and major refurbishments, the provision of a fully integrated demountable ventilated ceiling, comprising air supply / extract modules and lighting is the preferred system. However, the standard gives no specification or design criteria for the ceiling.

Low Flexibility:
Once again, a prime selling point of ventilated ceilings is that they are highly flexible in the event of a redesign of cooking equipment layout below. From the information gained, this is clearly not true nor is it often applicable.

How Often Is A Kitchen Layout Changed So Radically That It Does Not Require A New Ventilation System Anyway? How Can A Ventilated Ceiling Be More Flexible Than A Canopy When It Is Sub-Divided Into Extract And Supply Plenums Above The Ceiling Grid?

There is very little in the way of documentation or track record to suggest that Ventilated Ceilings are either a good or bad idea in principle. In practice, they do not perform to the generally accepted and recognised standards of the industry and actually fall far short in almost all respects, of the performance of properly designed canopies.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk


The current standard of ventilated ceiling installations seems to allow systems which are potentially hazardous to health due to unacceptably high fire and hygiene risks. These points together with the aforementioned problems are broadly speaking, probably the result of the systems currently available, having been developed on the continent, where cooking methods vary greatly from those employed in the UK and the USA. However, It is clear that there are several advantages to a ventilated ceiling system and it would seem logical that an alternative design should be sought which encompasses all of the aesthetic advantages of a ventilated ceiling combined with the functional advantages of canopies.

The Canopy Ceiling

A ventilated ceiling system has been developed which provides a clean aesthetic line within the kitchen environment, total fume capture, efficient grease filtration, full containment of greasy fumes from the kitchen to the point of discharge, carefully controlled supply-air delivery and most importantly; all of this is based upon proven and used technology. This system is referred to as a Canopy-Ceiling. There are many of these systems installed and running to the satisfaction of their users. The filtration, lighting, plenum systems and containment are all components common to both conventional canopies and the Canopy-Ceiling. Extract and supply-air volume design criteria remain essentially the same as that for canopies. The main differences between conventional canopies and the new Canopy-Ceiling are to do with mounting heights, equipment coverage and infill supply-air sections between extract compartments. The typical mounting height of a Canopy-Ceiling would be from 2200mm to 2400mm affl to the underside giving a more spacious and airy feel to the kitchen in general. Thus to compensate for the added distance from the equipment to the point of capture, and therefore the greater dissipation of the plume of fumes, peripheral overhangs for extract compartments should between 450 and 700mm. Fire suppression systems can be fitted in the same way as they would within a conventional canopy.


Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk


Kitchen lighting should be designed to achieve levels of 500 lux at the work surface in any food preparation areas and 300 lux in other areas such as walkways and store areas. This is in addition to any natural light which although beneficial should not be included when calculating lighting levels. Emergency lighting should also be provided within the kitchen and this topic is covered separately within this guide.

Emergency Lighting
Emergency lighting is required to illuminate a safe exit route from within the kitchen should the normal means of lighting fail. Emergency lighting should normally be provided by the contractor responsible for designing the general kitchen lighting system, however, there are exceptions. Ventilated ceilings, plenum ceilings and kitchen extract canopies that occupy a large part of the kitchen should also include emergency lighting. Emergency lighting systems must comply with BS52661:1999.

Types of Lighting and Design:

Fluorescent lighting is the most common option due to its economic advantages and can consist of a number of different configurations, such as ceiling grid fittings, surface mounted fittings and recessed units. Tungsten fittings are less common within the main kitchen area but are used within kitchen canopies, often mounted in bulkhead units to save cost. Where used above food preparation areas the following criteria should be met: The light fittings should be housed in an easily cleaned housing with no gaps or crevices where dirt or grease can collect, ideally the unit should be recessed into the ceiling. The light housing diffuser should be constructed from a shatter proof material such as toughened glass or polycarbonate. Easy access should be provided to replace consumable components such as tubes and starters.

Emergency lighting should be powerful enough to provide a minimum of 1 lux along the entirety of the escape route from the kitchen, the lighting should activate within five seconds of the normal lighting failing. Due to the possibility of failure, it is advisable to use a number of lower powered units rather than a few high power units. The emergency lighting should be capable of operating for at least one hour. This duration should be increased if the kitchen forms part of a large building when other areas may need to evacuate through the kitchen.

Where the kitchen is occupied by operatives that are familiar with their surroundings, a non maintained emergency lighting system may be used. This consists of separate light units to the normal lighting scheme that are not normally powered. An automatic monitoring and switching system is used to switch on the separate emergency lights if the normal supply is cut off. This system is not suitable if the general public, who will not be familiar with their surroundings, are likely to be within or passing through the kitchen. In this case a maintained emergency lighting system should be used. This system requires that in the event that the normal electrical supply cuts off, the emergency lighting utilises the same lamps that were being powered by the normal supply. This means that the emergency lighting lamps are always being tested under normal operation and any failure can be noted and repaired at normal times.

Additionally, where the light fitting is within a kitchen canopy or ventilated ceiling above cooking appliances, the following criteria also apply: The light housing should be sealed against the ingress of grease and moisture and should be constructed to meet the levels of protection described by IP rating 55 protection against dust and jets of water from all directions. In the case of recessed units this IP rating applies to the visible/cooking side of the unit. The light housing should be capable of operating at the high temperatures generated by the cooking appliances, for this reason a toughened glass diffuser is recommended. Wiring and connection to the light unit should be hidden and suitably heat rated and protected within the canopy, surface mounted wiring should be avoided. canopy by the canopy manufacturer, lights should be pre-wired to a light connection box mounted at an agreed position on the canopy for final wiring to a switched electrical supply by others.

Where canopy lighting is being provided as part of the

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Fire Suppression Systems

There are two significant changes in commercial food preparation that have had a huge impact on kitchen fire protection in recent years, namely vegetable cooking oils and energy efficient cooking equipment. Whilst vegetable oils are a more healthy option compared with animal fats, they burn at a higher temperature and create fires that are more difficult to extinguish. Energy efficient equipment is highly insulated to reduce fuel consumption but this means they keep cooking oils and appliances hotter, longer and make the extinguishing of fire more difficult. It also potentially increases the risk of a reflash once the initial fire has been put out. Therefore, in the interests of personal safety, as well as good business sense, it is important that kitchen equipment and the canopy above it are covered by a good fire suppression system. At the end of December 2002, European Union Legislation came into force preventing the fitting and re-filling of Halon in fire suppression systems, except in critical situations as part of the fight against the destruction of the Earths ozone layer. As a result, this leaves five options for Fire Suppression systems available:-

Fine Water Particle Systems:

Water in conventional form is not suitable to extinguish or control oil and fat based fires. In fact, usually it is extremely hazardous because the penetration of water and the resultant expansion of water into steam will cause a fat explosion, resulting in the immediate spreading of the fire with considerably more violent fire consequences. This effect is avoided by using a fine water mist system, because water is applied in atomised form onto the surface of the oil and equipment, removing heat and preventing oxygen from aiding the fire. This process ensures that only negligible amounts of water penetrate the fat, oil and surrounding areas, causing rapid cooling to help prevent re-ignition. Being water based, usually pure water in a kitchen environment, it is easy to clean after discharge, contaminant free and therefore the kitchens operational down time is low. Initial installation can be expensive.

Wet Chemical:
Strictly speaking, this type of suppressant is not foam. It is supplied like a water mist suppressant from a nozzle, but on contact with grease, oil and hot surfaces saponifies into a foam gel, not only reducing the heat but starving the fire of oxygen. It is an inexpensive agent supplied via an inexpensive system. It has a good flame knock down, average clean up time and a twelve year storage life before recharging. A distinct disadvantage is that there is an array of visible pipe work hanging down from canopy ceilings so as to target nozzles on specific items of equipment. This is unsightly and makes cleaning very difficult.

Carbon Dioxide:
Not recommended for use due to the Health & Safety issues surrounding it. As CO2 is dangerous when used in total flood situations, it can not be discharged once the fire has been detected as time is required to allow personnel to escape. It must have between 40-70% atmospheric saturation to be effective, which displaces oxygen in large amounts. In a deep seated fire (ie: a fire with a long burn life), it is not effective as once oxygen is allowed back in, the risk of re-ignition is high. Carbon Dioxide is also regarded as a greenhouse gas and as such, its usage has become less acceptable.

Dry Powder / Chemical:

Like Carbon Dioxide, dry powder is not effective on deep seated fires as the risk of re-ignition is high. It can often compact in storage which can cause unreliability when discharge is required. Whilst having very good flame knock down properties, it can put a kitchen out of action for long periods post discharge due to clean up and down time. Also like Carbon Dioxide, there are Health & Safety issues over dry powder as it is corrosive to numerous materials and is toxic.

Ordinary foam suppressants have a slower flame knock-down, work by smothering fires and can only extinguish efficiently where the fire is on a horizontal surface to allow pooling of foam over the fuel. Generally the least expensive system and a reasonable clean up time after discharge, resulting in low down time for a kitchen. Foam fire suppressants do contain high water contents and as such are extremely dangerous on electrical and high oil content equipment (eg: fryers)

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Canopy Sizing
The dimensions, overhangs, mounting height, location and air movement of a canopy are all inextricably linked; if one is altered, then another must change to compensate for the initial alteration. The following are what have now become the accepted standards for these design parameters of conventional overhead type canopies, having been proven by many years of practical application:

Where salamander grills are mounted in close proximity to the grease filter housing the manufacturer of the appliance should provide a deflector cowl to encourage products of combustion to be directed away from housing and cool before being drawn through the filters. This will also help to prevent the potential of fire-flares being drawn into the grease filters and possibly ignite grease and oil deposits beyond.

Special Shapes to Incorporate Physical Restrictions of Building Structure:

Canopies should be positioned away from structural intrusion from the building it serves wherever possible. However this is often not achievable especially in refurbishments and so it is necessary to incorporate a beam, column or down-stand. In such a case, the canopy should be fully worked around the obstacle so as to encase it in a fire resistant and easily cleaned enclosure of stainless steel to the same specification as the canopy itself.

Height above Finished Floor Level:

The height of a canopy should be between 2000 and 2100mm to underside of lowest point of the canopy from finished floor level. This is based upon a taller than average chef with a reasonably sized hat on.

The canopy depth dimension is defined as the dimension from the top edge to the underside. 400mm internal depth is considered suitable; any deeper and the filters and lights can become inaccessible for maintenance, any shallower and containment of fumes will be compromised.

Special Shapes to give Improved Aesthetic Qualities:

There is a move these days to bring much of the cooking of speciality foods to the front of house for the customer to enjoy the entire process. It is therefore becoming a more regular requirement that canopies become even more of an architectural feature. Special shapes such as straight hipped (tent shaped), pyramid shaped, curved in plan (to fit circular wall layouts), cylindrical, conical and even elliptical canopies are all now regularly requested by designers and end users. Use of these special shapes does not preclude the requirement to manufacture to the standards laid down for standard canopies and extra care should be taken not to forego function for aesthetics as it is possible to combine the two quite adequately.

Overhangs above and Around Cooking Equipment:

In plan, the overall length and width dimensions of the canopy should allow for minimum overhangs of 300mm for work-top cooking and 600mm for coverage of combination steamers and certain types of baking ovens. To maximise fume capture from any front face opening oven, the overhang must be equivalent to the door opening arc size plus 100mm. This should be sufficient to allow for plume expansion and the draw on the plume created when the door is opened.



Consideration should also be given to the distance between the cooking surface and the bottom of the grease filter housing. DW/172 recommends a minimum allowance of 450mm to avoid the risk of excessive temperatures or fire in the filters.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk


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Calculation of Extract Air Duties

Calculation of the extract duty for any kitchen canopy is probably the most critical part of the design process. There are more variables to be considered at this point and it is also the area which is least understood by people who have an influence over design. It is also critical, because it has a very direct effect; both on cost and physical space. Often extract duties are trimmed to fit a budget for plant or to save space in a plant room or void. There are definite right and wrong ways to calculate extract duties and below is a summary of the methods most commonly referred to. The rules and figures for calculation given below all assume that the preceding design criteria for canopy sizing have been followed.

It represents an air movement specific to each item of equipment, which encompasses the amount of expanded air given off, the quantity of carbon monoxide produced and the amount of smoke and steam generated together with a factor for diversity of usage. The calculation then is a simple matter of multiplying the surface area of each item of equipment under a canopy, by its specific velocity coefficient. The individual equipment volumes should then be added together to provide a Total Equipment Volume for the canopy. This however is not the Total Extract Volume. The Total Equipment Volume is a figure which accounts for all of the fumes and contaminants given off by the equipment but it does not necessarily mean that the canopy will collect all of those contaminants efficiently. The Total Extract Volume is then gained by applying the figures given in the second table of correction factors for canopy types: Take the Total Equipment Volume, choose the extract rate factor for the canopy type being used and add the two together to give the Total Extract Volume.

Face Velocity Method:

In the first instance, this is really only a guide calculation for preparing approximate budget costs for canopies and plant. It is utilised by applying a velocity across the face (plan area) of the canopy of 0.35m/s. The combined area (m2) and velocity (m/s) will give an extract volume. (m3/s) eg: 0.35m/s (face velocity) x ?m2 (canopy plan area) = ?m3/s (extract volume) The figure of 0.35m/s originally derives from the average velocity required across the face of a canopy in order for fumes at the outer edge to be entrained and collected thus avoiding over-spill into the room area. This is actually still very relevant and applicable to modern canopies of conventional configuration where the filter bank is situated along the centre of an island canopy or at the rear edge of a wall mounted canopy. Therefore strictly speaking, it should still be applied if any other form of volume calculation provides a lower figure. However with the advent of more efficient peripheral extract canopies where the point of extract is concentrated at the point of possible overspill, the necessary capture velocity is easily achieved without the need for a high average across the entire canopy face area.

Other Considerations:
When calculating kitchen extract duties there are always other considerations to be made which are too complex to be incorporated in the simple calculations above. For instance, in kitchens with low ceiling heights (up to 2400 affl) there is a good chance of an excessive build-up of heat because there is too little head room for convected heat to dissipate. In such an instance, a little extra air movement should be allowed say 15% to 20% more depending upon the actual ceiling height. Canopies which are too shallow (less than 350mm overall), or mounted higher than 2100mm for some reason, will require a correction factor to allow for the reduced containment or fume-capture capability. Specialist applications in food factories for instance will need special considerations because equipment sizes will be vastly increased and as such will create their own set of unique problems. There are many other variations which do not fit the rules perfectly and each must be considered on its own merits.

Air Change Rate Method:

This is an old calculation method and is virtually irrelevant these days for the purposes of calculating kitchen extract duties, because it takes no account of the type or quantity of cooking equipment to be covered nor does it consider cooking methods or equipment usage. The old rule used to be that a kitchen should have 30 to 40 Air Changes per Hour. However it would not be unusual these days, to find air changes in the region of 70 to 120 when applying the correct equipment calculations.

Cooking Equipment Values:

This is the most accurate and safe method to use and relies upon a list of cooking equipment output figures as compiled in the table overleaf, velocity coefficient listed in the fifth column from the left is the most important figure.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Extract Duty Calculation Sheet

Equipment Calculation to DW/172
Items of equipment covered by canopy Miscellaneous Benches / Infills / Work-tops: Sink: Pass-through Dish-Washer: Pan-Wash / Utensil-Washer: Rack / Flight Dish-Washer: Heating / Water Coffee Maker: Microwave Oven / Toaster: Bains Marie / Hot Cupboard: Servery Counter / Heat Gantry: Water Boiler / Still / Beverage Unit: Light Duty Boiling Pan / Tilting Kettle: Refrigeration Unit: General Cooking Induction Hob / Ceramic Stove: Pastry / Bakery Oven: Heavy Duty Boiling Pan: Pasta Cooker: Steamer / Pressure Cooker: Steaming / Roasting Oven: Combination Steaming Oven: Tandoori Oven: Pizza Oven: Convection Oven: Bratt Pan / Tilting Skillet: Boiling / Hob Top / Stock-pot Stove: (no oven) Open Top Range & Oven: Deep Fat Fryer: (Low / Med Duty) Toasting Grille: (Low / Med Duty) High Output / Flame Cooking Griddle: (Mild Steel) Griddle: (Chrome) Deep Fat Bratt Pan: Conveyor Pizza Oven: Heavy Duty Fryer / Frying Range: Rotisserie: Solid Top Range & Oven: Chain Broiler: (Burger Conveyor) Salamander / Steak Grille: Chargrille / Charbroiler: Wok Range: Wok Range: (Induction) Mesquite Grille:

Canopy Reference:
Plan dimensions: (mm) 0 0 600 800 2000 500 600 1600 1600 400 500 800 600 900 800 500 800 800 900 900 1200 900 800 800 900 600 700 900 900 900 1200 900 900 900 800 800 900 1800 1000 900 800 500 600 800 800 400 600 800 800 400 500 800 600 900 800 800 800 800 800 900 1000 800 800 800 800 600 450 800 800 800 1000 600 600 800 800 500 800 800 800 900 Co-efficient: (m3/s per m2) Gas Elec 0.03 0.15 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.24 0.25 0.30 0.25 0.35 0.30 0.30 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.38 0.38 0.32 0.35 0.35 0.45 0.50 0.30 0.45 0.55 0.45 0.50 0.75 0.60 0.75 0.75 0.95 1.10 1.20 0.03 0.15 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.03 0.03 0.15 0.24 0.20 0.25 0.15 0.10 0.20 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.26 0.25 0.25 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.40 0.45 0.40 0.45 0.55 0.51 0.55 0.55 0.52 0.40 No. of items to be covered. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Extract volume for item (m3/s)

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000


Correction factors for canopy type:
Low level / pass-over canopy Open both ends: Open one end: Closed both ends: Open both ends: Open one end: Closed both ends: Open both ends: Open one end: Closed both ends: Open both ends: Open one end: Closed both ends: Extract Rate Factor 15% 10% 5% 25% 20% 15% 50% 40% 30% 35% 25% 15% Option (1 or 0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Overhead wall mounted conventional canopy

Overhead single sided island conventional canopy

Overhead double sided island conventional canopy




Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Treatment of Extract Air before Discharge

Emissions from commercial kitchens have contributed to local environmental problems for many years; these problems are more prominent in urban areas where the restaurants and hot food shops are situated in close proximity to dwellings. To tackle this issue, The Environment Protection Act 1990 makes allowances for nuisance caused by commercial cooking. To minimise the complaints or concerns from the public and other commercial establishments, the Local Planning Authority needs to approve extract ventilation system and odour control equipment. Effluents from cooking processes need to be treated allowing for clean air to be discharged in to the atmosphere. Proprietors and operators of restaurants and food business need to take necessary actions to minimize the emissions and prevent odour nuisances to residents or other commercial premises in close proximity of the catering establishment. Grease needs to be taken out at the source point to minimise the risk of fire from dirty ductwork. It should be removed from the air stream to prevent accumulation of grease in the ductwork. There have been many losses of buildings due to duct fires aided by accumulation of grease deposits. There are several ways of treating cooking emissions and effectiveness of these control measures are governed by the particle sizes of contaminants.

microns or less in size. Particles of 1 micron or less adhere to surfaces by molecular adhesion. For comparison the eye of a needle is 1230 microns, where as oil smoke is 0.03 to 1 micron.

Baffle Grease Filtration:

The most common type of filters used at the point of extraction for the removal of grease and vapours are baffle type panels. Principles of baffle filtration are also applied to achieve the same objectives where the baffles are fitted as integral part of the extract plenums in non conventional canopies such as the water wash and water mist systems. Baffle filters consist of a number of interlocking vanes. These work by the centrifugal force of the air travelling through a series of turns and restrictions. As the grease laden air passes through the filter, airflow is disrupted by a series of forced changes in direction and velocity; as a result the grease becomes separated in the air stream and is deposited on the vertical vanes. The grease is drained off through weep holes on the bottom of the vanes and flows into collection drawers. They have reasonable self-balancing properties for airflow and are approximately 65 to 80% efficient. The efficiency of filters is dependent on the size of particles being filtered. For example particle sizes for meat fat may be heavier compared to fine vegetable fats, which is completely different from the water vapour and grease released as a result of frying frozen chips. Filter efficiencies which may be quoted at 90 to 95% may be true for one particle size range but not for a whole range of particle sizes experienced in practical cooking. DW/172 includes an expanded section on grease filtration and makes reference to filter testing to the UK standard of LPS1263. This test provides a GF rating for the filter tested and is based on both grease removal efficiency and flame resistance. (The relevant tests are based on procedures that are already in place American UL1046 (F Class) for flame arrestance and German VDI2052 (G Class) for grease extraction efficiency.) Baffle type filters are positive flame barriers which drastically reduce the chances of fire passing through to the ductwork however their effectiveness is dependent on exact design of the interlocking of baffles. Panels should be manufactured from type 304 (minimum grade) stainless steel.

Contaminants in the Air Extracted from Kitchens:

The most common contaminants in air extracted from kitchens are: Smoke Products of combustion from direct-fuelled appliances such as gas, oil and charcoal. Steam Grease Odours resulting from the cooking process.

The exhaust from cooking process produces two phases of contaminants, particulate and gaseous. The above pollutants are a major source of particulate matter, polycyclic hydrocarbons (A broad class of compounds that is formed primarily from combustion, and is present in the air in particulate form), and other organic compounds in ambient air as a direct result of emissions from commercial cooking. Contaminants such as carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are also emitted from the cooking appliances. The nature and quantities of the pollutants emitted depend on cooking stuffs, styles of cooking, cooking oils used and on the cooking fuel. Particles are commonly measured in microns, which is a metric unit of measurement. Approximately 98% of all air particles are 5 microns or less. The majority of harmful particles are 3

Mesh Grease Filtration:

Mesh filters are really only useable in a kitchen extract system as a secondary filter media. They work by impingement of airborne particles upon the woven mesh media of the panel. These will handle high volumes at low resistance but will clog up with congealed grease, putting stress on plant and increasing fire risk. They are approx. 40 to 60% efficient.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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They are more effective in filtering dust than grease, and are poor fire barriers. These should not be used as primary filters but are an effective source of secondary filtration to protect further filtration elements. They also need to be cleaned or replaced regularly.

At this point, the UV module would be incorporated, followed by an electro-static precipitator and then carbon filtration. Alternatively, the electro-static precipitator could be replaced by a HEPA filter after the carbon filtration. As with all gases, there are occupational exposure standards (OES). According to COSHH and the HSE (guidance sheet EH38 revised), it is important to protect the eyes with special goggles against UV rays, of which UV-C is the most severe. Where UV-C is used to produce ozone, in kitchen ventilation systems, safety features are incorporated to ensure that the tubes can not be operated where they are seen, either directly, by reflection or during unauthorised opening of the lamp housing. This is achieved by safety interlocks, micro switches and pressure switches that even prevent the lamps from running without airflow. The size and number of UV-C modules required in the extract system depends upon the Total Extract Volume required for the cooking range, as well as other factors including duct size and even the type of food to be cooked. All criteria, relating to feasibility of the system, including the effective and safe discharge and local authority requirements must be considered at the design and survey stage.

Ultra Violet Grease & Odour Filtration:

This relatively new concept of filtration uses special UV lamps, for the treatment of organic compounds, principally grease laden and odorous extract air, by the processes of photolysis and ozonolysis Operation of the UV system is automatically linked to the starting of the extract fan. The UV lamps operate in the UV-C band and produce ozone under controlled conditions by special gas discharge tubes. As ozone is a more powerful oxidising agent than oxygen at normal temperatures, it oxidises and essentially destroys bacteria, mould, viruses and organic materials such as fats. The end products of the continuous destruction to these organic compounds are carbon dioxide and water vapour. The air stream leaving the UV module will also contain a degree of ozone. Normally this small level of ozone will either be destroyed prior to leaving the duct or safely discharged at high level. In some instances, where there are short duct runs and/or low level discharge areas, a catalyst unit may be added further downstream in the ductwork to ensure that all excess ozone is eliminated prior to discharge, as ozone vented into the atmosphere at low level can be a nuisance smell. Ozone is not discharged into the working area, because the ventilation system operates under negative pressure. The grease laden and odorous air will firstly be pre filtered by high efficiency baffle filters to remove as much of the larger particles of grease as possible prior to the extract air entering the UV module, therefore increasing the efficiency and preserving the life expectancy of the system. Within the module, the grease compounds are broken down, oxidised and removed from the air stream. Whilst the initial capital costs are comparable with other systems available, the UV Grease and Odour Destruction System has significantly lower operating costs, maintenance costs and fuel / power consumption. Other benefits of the system include a constant overall pressure drop, (In carbon systems the pressure drop is higher as allowance needs to be made for the pressure drop when the system is dirty) reduced nuisance from kitchen extraction, reduced fire risks and it virtually eliminates the need for duct cleaning. Compliance with local environmental issues of high residential and occupational areas is easily met. UV grease and odour control is a very effective method in extracting grease and odours from medium to high output operations, although is not effective in removing smoke particles. In these circumstances, the UV module should be used in conjunction with an electro static precipitator. However, for more effective filtration, UV modules can be used in conjunction with other filtration components. For example, in an ideal scenario, the grease laden and odorous air would be pre filtered (using primary baffle filters), followed by watermist then secondary baffle filtration. - 16 -

Electrostatic Precipitation:
Electrostatic precipitators can achieve high collection efficiency for oily fume or smoke, however they are limited to the removal of grease and other considerations should be given if odour control is a major priority. Electrostatic precipitators are composed of two sections, a charging section and a collection section. The charging section uses ionizer wires to impart a positive charge to the incoming smoke, fume, and other contaminants. The charged particles are then drawn into a secondary electric field where they are collected on a series of metal plates. Clean air is then discharged into the atmosphere or re-circulated back into the general air stream. Electronic air cleaners create low-pressure drops, which greatly minimize fan requirements, which translate into energy savings as compared to other types of air cleaning systems. Lower fan power requirements also translate into quieter operation. The primary filters are cleanable, an important factor in considering routine maintenance costs and disposal issues. This filtration method is ideal as pre filters before carbon filtration to protect the carbon from grease contamination. Initial capital and maintenance costs are high.

Carbon Filtration:
Conventional ventilation filters only remove particulate matter and therefore some other means must be employed to treat and remove gases, odours and vapours. A commonly used and readily available product to achieve this goal is activated carbon.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

Active carbon has proved useful for separation (adsorption) of air impurities in the form of gases and vapours that have harmed the environment with their toxicity and odour and can be harmful to people, animals and plants. Activated carbon can come in many shapes, sizes and forms. It is produced from organic materials such as coal, coconut shells, peat, sugar that are thermally processed to produce an air- filter- quality activated carbon. It is treated with steam to open up tiny pores between the carbon atoms. Special manufacturing techniques are used to achieve highly porous carbons that have surface areas of 300-2000 square metres per gram. They are excellent at adsorbing odours or coloured substances from gases or liquids. This extraordinary large adsorption area has an excellent degree of separation and an ability to accumulate harmful substances. Activated carbon filters are available in two forms; virgin non-impregnated carbon and impregnated carbon. A virgin non-impregnated activated carbon is useful in the removal of general volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or hydrocarbons. Its uses are widespread, and are frequently applied as a general purpose catch all material for non-critical applications. For more specific and critical gas phase control, activated carbons are impregnated with speciality chemicals. This is done to enhance the removal efficiency and capacity for a specific contaminant that is not effectively captured by the virgin nonimpregnated activated carbon. Activated carbon works by adsorbing impurities through chemical attraction. The huge surface areas of the carbon give countless bonding sites. When certain chemicals pass next to the carbon surface, they attach to the surface and are trapped. Activated carbon is good for filtering out organic (carbon based) impurities and a few other chemicals, but certain impurities will not be removed, as they are not attracted to the carbon. Once all the bonding sites are filled, an activated carbon will be ineffective at which point, it must be replaced. As carbon removes odours by physical absorption, grease accumulation on the carbon face causes blinding of its open pore structure and so reduces performance. In kitchen applications it is essential that pre-filters are used to protect the carbon and efforts should be made to prevent grease particles from reaching the carbon filters. Large particulates need to be removed prior to carbon filtration. The better the pre-filtration, the more efficient and longer lived the carbon filters will be. In kitchen ventilation applications, activated carbons filters are used to adsorb odour from cooking and are normally installed inside the work system as from the canopy as possible. They should be easily accessible to allow for regular replacement. In an ideal set up, there would be primary filtration through baffles, followed by mesh filtration, then either UV or ESP filtration, see below, or a combination of both, then finally carbon filtration. Use of carbon filtration is an expensive process, where not only the initial capital costs are high but also the maintenance costs. Installation of such filtration adds cost to plant due to increased system resistances.

Maintenance costs are high because filters need replacing regularly. Time intervals of the maintenance are dependant on the cooking process and also the types of carbon filters being used. Efficiency of the removal of the odour is also dependent on the dwell time in the carbon cells; in order to achieve this the exhaust air needs to be slowed down to a velocity of 1 to 1 seconds dwell time. In order to reduce the velocity, duct or plenum sizes need to be increased which in turn will require a larger physical space to accommodate the carbon filtration plant. It is important to note that the high humidity encountered in many food processing / cooking operations can be damaging to activated carbon. Local Authority approval is required before carbon filtration is used in kitchen extract systems.

HEPA Filtration:
HEPA filters are rarely used in commercial kitchen applications; however they are effective in the removal of smoke, and other tiny airborne contaminants. These filters are rated at 99.99 percent efficiency for particles 0.3 microns in size. Developed by the Atomic energy Commission during World War II to remove radioactive dust from industrial exhaust, they are paper-like filters made of randomly positioned fibres that create narrow passages with many twists and turns. As the air passes through, particles are trapped, clogging holes and making the grid smaller, which enables the filter to be even more efficient with ongoing use. Due to the high efficiency of these filters, they need to be protected by pre filters to prevent grease reaching them. They have higher resistance to air flow thus requiring more powerful plant. For these filters to be effective in kitchen ventilation they should be fitted at the end of the duct run, i.e. it should be the last form of filtration. Most HEPAs use a woven glass material that does not rot or retain moisture.

Water Mist Filtration:

There is confusion over the purpose and abilities of water wash and water mist systems; water wash systems do not contribute to the filtration process, but cater for routine cleaning of internally inaccessible surfaces and sometimes fire protection, where as water mist filtration contributes directly to the filtration process. By passing cooking fumes through a wall of cold-water mist, which runs continuously throughout the cooking process, higher efficiency of grease removal can be achieved. A mixture of water and grease makes the removal of grease easier. Hot vapour passing through the mist is cooled, causing the grease particles to condense and increase in size.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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As a result they drop out of the air stream more easily when passing through the air turns of baffle filtration. This means that for a properly designed system, the air must be thoroughly filtered after the introduction of water-mist to the airflow and before entering the ductwork. This tertiary filtration must remove sufficient moisture to prevent leakage from ductwork joints further downstream in the system often in other less accessible parts of the building before the point of discharge. The efficiency of water mist systems when incorporated with baffle pre and post filtration can be as much as 90 to 98% in the removal of certain sizes of grease particle. A major disadvantage with water mist is that nozzles and drainage are susceptible to clogging up due to calcium build up, hence efficiency is drastically reduced unless a strict maintenance regime is implemented and high quality water treatment is applied. Initial capital expenditure, as well as maintenance and day to day running costs of water mist systems are high compared to conventional filtration and extract methods.

Heat Recovery:
Recovery of heat energy that would otherwise be lost or removed from a specific space can be beneficial and its conservation is very important. Heat recovery systems for commercial and institutional buildings are often complex, and involve many related factors which need to be seriously considered for proper operation. Initial capital and maintenance cost are high, and may outweigh the benefits of lower utility bills. The two most common ways of recovering heat from kitchen areas are by air to air or air to water transfer. Air to air transfer removes heat from the exhaust air and transfers to the incoming supply air whereas in the air to water method the heat is transferred to a domestic water pipe. The most common heat recovery ventilation (HRV) devices are as follows: Plate heat Recuperator - the exhaust air and supply air pass on each side of a number of plates. Heat is transferred through the plates with no cross contamination between the exhaust and supply air, however in practice there are leakages. Heat recovery can be regulated by a by-pass valve which controls the exhaust intakes and allows fresh air to by-pass the recuperator. They have high efficiency (50 to 80%). Rotary Recuperator (Heat Wheel) Heat is transferred by rotating wheel between exhaust and supply. The wheel consists of segments packed with coarsely knitted metal mesh. They have a high efficiency (75 to 85%). Battery heat Recuperator Water or water / glycol mix circulates between the water battery in the exhaust air duct and the water battery in the supply duct. Heat is transferred from the exhaust air duct to the water battery in it and transferred to the water battery in the supply duct, and hence the supply air is heated by it. In this system there is no risk of contamination as the liquid circulates in a closed system. One of the disadvantages of this system is its low efficiency (45 to 60%). They can be regulated by increasing or decreasing the water flow. Heat pipes These are self contained units, which consist of a closed system of pipes filled with a liquid that vaporises when it is heated by the exhaust air. They operate on a vaporising / condensing cycle; hot exhaust air causes the fluid in the lower part of the pipes to vaporise and the heat is transferred to the supply air passing over the upper section. As the supply air passes over the pipes, the vapour condenses back into liquid again transferring heat energy, and the cycle starts again. There is no cross contamination in this process but it has low efficiency (50 to 70%). For kitchen ventilation systems, a heat recuperator in any form, acts as highly efficient grease filter and as such will need a high level of maintenance. If heat recovery is to be employed, upstream filtration must be as efficient as possible to give the recuperator the best chance of working. A combination of baffle and UV filtration should be utilised at the very minimum. - 18 -

Odour Neutralising:
The ideal method of reducing cooking odours is to destroy or remove as much of the contaminant particles from within the extract airflow as possible. As an addition to filtration, some manufacturers offer an odour neutralising product. This product generally operates by pumping a chemical agent into the extract air flow, combined in some cases with a small degree of electrostatic filtration to encourage the chemical vapour to combine with the contaminants within the extract duct. The chemical itself has an odour designed to mask that of the cooking odour, the aim being to reduce the perceived level of nuisance odours detectable to the human nose at the point of discharge to atmosphere. The product has the advantage of being relatively low cost to install compared with the cost of installing fine particulate filtration systems and does not add significant resistance to airflow. The down side to this system is that it does not remove contaminants from the airflow and therefore does not provide any protection from fire or reduce cleaning intervals. The system can also suffer from balancing problems as the amount of chemicals being pumped into the airflow must be closely matched to the air being extracted. Too much chemical can cause a nuisance smell of its own, whilst too little will not mask the contaminant odour. This problem can also occur where there is not a constant or similar range of odours throughout the cooking process.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

Recirculation of Extracted Air, back into the Kitchen:

Designing a kitchen ventilation system can pose considerable challenges depending on the building structure. Although rare in commercial kitchen environments, re-circulation canopies may be the only option in tackling certain problems. Systems of this type can be free standing, semi-mobile and not be part of a building structure, and as such can be used in the following circumstances: Where the duct discharge to atmosphere is not possible, in say a basement or kitchen without external walls. Where there are planning restrictions over external duct/discharge points In temporary sites. In Sports stadia, shops and exhibitions. Where there is a requirement to use only fire rated ductwork through a building.

Point of Discharge to Atmosphere:

A properly designed discharge system can often reduce the need for other filtration methods. Therefore positioning of the exhaust outlet is a top priority to avoid causing or contributing to local air pollution and to minimise any cross contamination with the supply system. The following points should be considered when deciding upon the point of discharge: The outlets should be positioned where ventilation is good and emissions are dispersed without any hindrance. Sufficient separation distance should be provided between potential receptors in the vicinity of the catering establishments to minimise odour nuisance. Exhaust outlets must be directed vertically, unless it can be demonstrated that it would be more advantageous to direct the outlet in other directions. Efforts should be made to minimise any deflection or restrictions of the emissions, by the use of plates or caps. It is recommended that China-mans hat type of cowls should not be used, as these results in higher static pressure, noise and the potential re-entry of the exhaust due to downdraught. Sufficient distance should be allowed between the exhaust point and any supply air intakes. Discharge points should be positioned at least 1000mm above any opening window. Where possible, the ductwork and discharge points should be located such that it is not aesthetically offensive.

The system has a series of filtration levels as listed overleaf; the filtered air is then re-introduced into the canopy via an integral supply air plenum, which distributes the air through the front face diffuser panels. The standard filtration components of a re-circulating system could include: Baffle grease filters Mesh grease filters Bag filters (varying grades) Activated carbon filters or UV filtration HEPA filters A high efficiency, low noise fan & control system. Supply air diffusers and cooling jets

The best method of discharging kitchen extract is by use of a high velocity outlet utilising a terminal air speed of 12 to 15 m/s. The terminal device should include a bird guard mesh of no more than 1 inch squared grid and a drainable elbow joint below.

With a re-circulating system it should be noted that gas cooking appliances cannot be used as there is no reliable method of removing carbon monoxide in practical application.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Tabulation of Extract Air Treatment Choices:

To define different cooking establishments, the types of food they cook, the way they cook that food and the intensity with which they produce their product, is a little bit subjective. However, it is necessary to do this in order to give at least some guidance upon how filtration methods should be chosen and the following tables are designed for this purpose. Each therefore, must be utilised with awareness of other considerations such as proximity to neighbouring buildings and domestic property and adjustments to selection must be made accordingly.


DESCRIPTION Pub & Bar Food, small cafes, coffee/tea shops. Government institutions (schools/hospitals/elderly persons homes), office and workplace kitchens. Italian/French restaurants, hotel restaurants, family pub restaurants, pizza restaurants, supermarket restaurants. Small low output fast food restaurants, steak houses, kebab/chip shops. Large, high output fast food restaurants, Mexican restaurants, Oriental & Asian restaurants. Food factories.





Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Cooking Establishment Categories:

Filtration / Establishment Application:

Establishment Category Filter Type

Light Option A Baffle Mesh Electrostatic Carbon Ultra Violet HEPA
Yes No No No No No

Light / Medium Option A

Yes Consider Consider No No No

Medium Option A
Yes Consider Consider Consider No No

Medium / High Option A

Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

High Option A
Yes Yes Yes Yes No Consider

Very High Option A

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Consider

Option B
Yes No No No Consider No

Option B
Yes No No No Consider No

Option B
Yes No No No Consider No

Option B
Yes No No No Yes No

Option B
Yes No No No Yes Consider

Option B
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Consider

Note: This table assumes that all discharge will be at high level. If high level discharge cannot be achieved, all categories from Light to Medium / High should be moved up to the next category. The table has been designed for a worse case scenario where the kitchen is in close proximity to other buildings and / or a dwelling, if this is not the case it may be possible to reduce the filter requirement.

Filtration Types & Abilities:

Filter Type

Filter Ability Flame Barrier Positive flame barrier will prevent flames entering ductwork. Grease Filtration Will filter approximately 65 to 80% of large grease particles. Will filter up to 50% of large grease particles. Will clog up frequently. Will filter up to 99% of fine grease particles. Will filter grease but will clog quickly - prefilters required. Smoke Filtration Will not filter smoke effectively. Odour Filtration Slight reduction in odour but not effective. Installation notes Maintenance Clean in commercial dishwasher.


Primary filter.


Not a flame barrier, use as secondary filtration only.

Will not filter smoke effectively.

Slight reduction in odour but not effective.

Used as a secondary filter to protect electrostatic and carbon. Must be protected by primary and secondary filters, see above. Must be protected by primary, secondary and electrostatic filters, see above. Should be protected by primary filters, efficiency increased if used after water mist. Only to be used in extreme situations and only after full grease removal upstream in system.

Clean in commercial dishwasher.


Not a flame barrier, pre-filter required.

Will filter smoke effectively.

Slight reduction in odour but not effective.

Regular swap out of collection media to manufacturer. Carbon cells must be disposed of and replaced regularly.

Activated Carbon

Not a flame barrier, pre-filter required. Not a flame barrier, pre-filter required. Drastically reduces fire risk in downstream ductwork.

Will not filter smoke effectively and pre-filters will be required.

Effective odour reduction.


Will destroy up to 99% of large grease particles.

Will not filter smoke effectively.

Effective odour reduction.

Wipe down components regularly. Replace tubes.


Not a flame barrier, pre-filter required.

Will filter grease but will clog quickly - prefilters required.

Very effective smoke particle filtration.

Slight reduction in odour but not effective.

HEPA media must be disposed of and replaced regularly.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchenventilation.co.uk

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Calculation of Supply Air Duties

When & when not to have Powered Supply-Air Input:
Whilst there is no legislation dictating the requirements of supply air into kitchen areas, to help combat the problems of radiant heat, fire and hygiene risks, and in order for the extract system to function correctly, a kitchen, or canopy, should have a supply air system. Logically, it makes sense that you need to replace the air you extract, without affecting other areas of the building. In reality, this matter is occasionally overlooked in the initial building design stages. Each kitchen should be looked at individually to decide whether powered supply is required or not, but for a general guideline, if the total air change rate exceeds 20 per hour, then powered supply is required.

Any form of filtration, is likely to restrict the ventilation and this must be considered when selecting grille sizes. Any naturally ducted airways should be as short in length as possible and at high level. Where make up air is being drawn via a serving hatch or counter, the HSE recommend that the air velocities do not exceed 0.25m/s to avoid complaints of draughts and cooling effects on food. Whilst door transfer grilles may be used in conjunction with other input devices, there is usually insufficient space to accommodate enough grilles to handle the supply required. These grilles do however help minimise the pressure on opening and closure of the doors.

Supply Air Volume Calculation:

In accordance with recommendations from DW/172 and the HSE Catering Sheet 10, where powered input is required, the system should provide 85% of the total extract volume, with the remaining 15% infiltrating naturally into the kitchen from surrounding areas dependant on the construction of the building. Infiltrated air is naturally drawn into the area from open serving hatches, corridors and adjoining rooms. This arrangement keeps the kitchen under negative pressure to prevent the escape of cooking odours. It is important to get the balance right as too much negative pressure can affect doors and windows within the kitchen area, drawing in the in swinging doors and creating a vacuum against the out swinging doors, causing issues with health and safety and fire legislation.

Powered Supply-Air:
The powered supply system is the preferred method of introducing air into the cooking environment for a number of reasons. There is more control over the air flow regardless of filters, there is a reduction in cross drafts and vacuums due to the reduction in negative pressure and there is less strain on the extract fan unit as it is no longer extracting and pulling in make up air from other areas at the same time. Powered supply air can either be delivered at the perimeter of the canopy through an integral plenum, or at another location within the kitchen to suit the end users needs. The supply fans can be roof or wall mounted with preliminary and secondary filtration. The supply air plenums can be fitted with spot coolers, as well as diffuser panels to assist with the directional requirements of the supply air. Where supply air is delivered through permanent diffusers, there needs to be an allowance of between 1.0 and 1.5m/s air flow velocity, to avoid unpleasant draughts.

Non-Powered Supply-Air:
Where incoming air is drawn in naturally, whether in the form of a natural ducted airway or grille, there should be some means of filtration. In the same way, it is imperative that any doors and windows should be fitted with fly screens or similar. The naturally supplied air is likely to contain contaminants and pests from either outside or other areas of the building.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Treatment of Supply Air

All supply air into the kitchen environment needs to be filtered to remove the risks of airborne contaminants, pests, insects and the bacteria they carry, from entering the controlled area. Ideally, there should be a filter between the outside and the fan to prevent large particles clogging up the fans mechanism, with a secondary filter between the fan and the kitchen area for the removal of finer particles. According to DW/172, these filters should be made of a synthetic material and have a minimum efficiency of F6. Glass fibre products must not be used.

Fans & Accessories:

The main design considerations for kitchen extract fans are; volume, resistance, noise level, size and cost. The three main fan types generally found within kitchen extract systems are; axial, mixed flow and centrifugal, as described below.

Fan Blade Types: Axial

The most commonly found fan type in existing and especially older kitchen extract systems. This type of fan consists of a propeller mounted in a cylindrical housing. Axial fans are simple, cheap, easy to fit and come in a variety of formats such as plate mounted, duct mounted or circular flanged units with a straight through air flow pattern. They have an additional advantage over other fan types discussed here in that they can run in reverse to change the direction of flow, although only at approximately 60% volume. The disadvantage with axial fans is that they are not particularly efficient, especially where high resistance is a factor, such as the resistance from canopy baffle filters. In practice this means that a much larger axial fan is required in place of a more compact centrifugal or mixed flow unit. A larger axial fan will produce higher noise levels, often a problem encountered in well ventilated kitchens. Axial fan blades have a tendency to load with grease / contaminants becoming unbalanced and so making the fan vibrate and create noise.

Heating and / or Cooling:

The following applies to installations in Britain and countries of similar climate. The balancing of incoming and extracted air should help prevent the kitchen from becoming too hot although in most cases the outside air is colder than the required temperature for the supply air. As such, it is sometimes necessary to warm the air before it enters the building. This would require the use of a heater battery, of which there are two types, an electric heating battery or a water heating battery. The electric heating battery is made up of enclosed metal filaments, which create electrical resistance and convert the energy to heat. Electric heater batteries are cheap to install and have a low pressure drop although the battery has to be fitted with overheating protection due to the considerable heat inertia of the metal filaments. Electric heating batteries have a low resistance to air flow and are cheap to buy and install, but have expensive running costs. Water heating batteries are fitted with pipes and fins running through the air stream (similar to a vehicles radiator) to maximise the surface area. The water is conducted from below and flows upwards through the battery, allowing any bubbles to collect at the highest point and be easily drained off. Water heating batteries need to be protected against ice and freezing temperatures to save the pipes from cracking. Most water heating batteries have frost protection which prevents the intake of air when there is a risk of freezing. Because still water freezes faster than flowing water, it is also usual to fit an internal pump to keep the water flowing through the battery. In contrast to the electric heating battery, these have a high resistance to airflow and are quite expensive to install, however the running costs are relatively low.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Mixed Flow The design mixed flow impellor is halfway between an axial and centrifugal blade pattern. The air flows in an axial direction but is then deflected 45o by the impellor. The resultant centrifugal force allows the fan to handle higher resistance when compared to an axial fan. Mixed flow fans are usually mounted in straight duct sections with straight through air flow although plate mounted versions are available but less common. When compared to an axial fan, a mixed flow fan is generally more efficient and will cope with a higher level of resistance. Mixed flow fans cannot be electrically reversed to change the direction of airflow although however, this is not usually a requirement of kitchen extract systems.

Blades collect grease and are difficult to clean. Sharper performance curve. Minimum amount of system resistance required or unit will over speed/over heat.

Centrifugal fans can be mounted as straight through duct fans but are more efficient when used to turn the airflow through 90o. Plate mounted centrifugal fans are also available. Backward curved centrifugal fans are of similar efficiency to mixed flow fans but at a far higher resistance level. This makes them ideal kitchen canopy fans. Centrifugal fans cannot be electrically reversed to change the direction of airflow although this is not usually a requirement of kitchen extract systems.


(Forward Curved Centrifugal)

A centrifugal fan (often known as a radial fan) is similar in shape to a drum, where the end of the drum is solid and the sides consist of blades. The air is drawn into the rotating drum and thrown out through the blades. There are different formats of centrifugal fan based on the type of blades fitted; the two types generally used are as described below: Forward curved: many tightly packed, small, forward curved blades. Backward curved: fewer, larger backward curved blades. In summary, although axial fans have been the most popular fan type for small to medium kitchen extract systems in the past, mixed flow and centrifugal are now more and more commonplace as they are better suited to cope with the higher resistance levels caused by baffle filters and secondary filtration such as carbon or U.V.

Forward curved centrifugal fans are cheaper and smaller than backward curved centrifugal fans, but are not as well suited for kitchen extract when compared to backward curved fans for the following reasons: Not as efficient.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Fan Enclosures: Roof Fans

Roof fans are designed to fit on to a timber or steelwork curb and either discharge vertically or downwards by means of a mushroom shaped cowl. No roof mounted ductwork is required so installation is straightforward. Ideally these fans should be mounted horizontally so if the roof is pitched the curb should be built up to provide a horizontal mount for the fan. Vertical discharge fans are suitable for extract only but mushroom (side intake / discharge) cowls are often supplied with a fan that can be fitted either way to allow them to be installed for extract or supply usage. Where supply and extract roof fans are located nearby, vertical discharge cowls should be used for extract and mushroom cowls for supply in order to reduce cross contamination.

Temperature Ratings & Insulation:

Where a fan is likely to be subject to high temperatures and levels of grease, such as fast food restaurants and other high output establishments, the motor should be mounted out of the air stream. In cases such as schools where the usage and temperatures are usually lower, a standard configuration motor may be used providing the Motor is suitably insulated; Class F insulation is recommended for temperatures up to 155oC and should be considered in most cases or Class B for up to 130oC may be suitable for a wash up or other low risk area. It should be noted that whilst fans fitted with motors out of the air stream are generally more expensive, they tend to require less maintenance and have a longer motor life.

Plate Fans
Plate fans can be fitted to a wall opening and are useful for simple wall mounted extract canopies with rear or end extract. They are usually limited to axial type fans although small centrifugal plate fans are available. The fan can be fitted either way round for extract or supply but cross contamination will occur if supply and extract fans are too close to each other. This type of fan is only really suitable for smaller systems with low volumes, resistances and contamination levels such as dish-wash extract or very low out-put bar meals type catering.

Motor & Drive Types: Squirrel Cage Motors

Most fan motors are traditional squirrel cage type motors, these are the most common type of commercial AC motor available and generally consist of a casing housing all the motor internals sealed from the outside to prevent the ingress of dust and moisture. The casing is usually cast with external heat-dissipating fins along the length and in some cases a small fan blows air along the fins to further cool the motor. This type of motor can be used on either belt driven or direct drive fans (see below).

Duct Fans
Duct mounted fans consist of a fan mounted within a section of ductwork which is normally flanged at each end to allow connection into a duct run. The fan can be used either way round for supply or extract and can often be fitted with the motor out of air stream. These motor-out of air stream models are known as bifurcated fans because the air passage is split and transported around either side of the motor.

External Rotor Motor

A more recent type of fan motor, the external rotor motor works on the same principal as the traditional motor discussed above but the stator and the motor have swapped places, the rotor is on the outside and the stator on the inside. This means that the fan blades can be attached directly to the outside of the rotor and the whole motor is then an integral part of the fan. This newer type of motor has some distinct advantages, it is more compact than a traditional fan and motor combination and the motor is cooled by the transported air, making it more suitable for speed control. Due to the nature of its integral construction, this type of motor is only suitable for direct drive fans (see below).

Adaptable Box Fans

Adaptable box fans consist of a centrifugal type fan mounted in a box shaped framework with removable panels. By re-arranging panels the fan can be used either as a straight through fan or can be used to form a bend by turning the air through 90o. The performance of the fan is actually slightly better when used in the 90o arrangement due to the characteristics of the centrifugal impellor.

Direct Drive Fans

Direct drive is where the motor is connected directly to the fan, either by the drive shaft on a conventional motor or integrated in the case of an external rotor motor. This type of fan is more compact and usually cheaper than a belt driven fan and is well suited to most small to medium sized kitchen ventilation systems.

Custom Housings & Air Handling Units

Where the extract or supply volume is too high for off the shelf fans, an air handling unit may be required, this can be custom built to accommodate a larger motor and impellor than found in standard fan ranges and may well require belt drive. If speed control is required this type of fan will usually require the use of an inverter.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Belt Drive Fans

Belt drive fans consist of a separate motor and fan unit connected to each other by a fan belt and pulleys. This allows for a more powerful motor to be connected to a fan with blades of a steeper pitch. The advantages of this type of drive are that more air can be moved at a lower and quieter motor speed, the belt absorbs vibration from the motor and reduces noise levels and the pulleys can be adjusted to change the fan speed. This type of fan is generally used on larger kitchen ventilation systems and is often mounted in air handling units.

Can cause fan noise problems by creating harmonic vibration in the motor and should be avoided where noise is an issue. Life expectancy of motor bearings is reduced when operating at lower speeds. One controller should not be used for more than one fan unless the motor cases are shielded.

Transformer Speed Controllers

Does not cause noise problems from the fan motor. Multiple fans can be connected to one transformer without special consideration. Motor protection available when one transformer used per fan. Easy to wire by an experienced electrician. More expensive than electronic controllers. Large and controllers. heavy compared with electronic

Fan Speed Controllers:

Speed control is essential to allow accurate commissioning of the system and adjustment of fan speed as secondary filters become dirty. Where fitted, controls should be mounted either in a lockable, ventilated control cabinet or in a supervisors office. Alteration of the fan settings by the kitchen staff should be avoided because it could imbalance the extract to supply air ratio, or if turned down too low could reduce the extract to a point where it is not ventilating the combustion fumes properly. Too little or too great an air movement for the canopy design will result in a serious decrease in grease filtration efficiency as filter size and quantity are determined by a single air movement duty at the optimum efficiency of the filter. For these reasons, once a system is set up and commissioned, it should not be altered outside of predetermined parameters. Small to medium sized kitchen ventilation fans may be controlled by a simple on/off switch, an electronic speed controller, a transformer or a frequency inverter. Larger fans usually require a frequency inverter. Each of these control methods are described in brief below:

Have steps, usually five, so not infinitely variable. Life expectancy of motor bearings is reduced when operating at lower speeds. (Usually speeds 1 and 2.)

Frequency Inverter Speed Control

Controls speed by adjusting frequency. Can cause noise problems from the fan, harmonics, this may be reduced by changing set-up on the inverter. Motor protection available. Infinitely variable speed control. (Usually digitally from 1 to 100%.) Most expensive type of control compared to the others listed here. More difficult to wire. Complex controls, should not be adjusted by untrained personnel. Requires an un-switched electrical supply.

On/Off Switch
The simplest method of fan control. Very easy to wire and cheap. No form of speed adjustment so system cannot be tuned when commissioned. No form of motor protection (TK).

Electronic Speed Controllers

The cheapest form of speed control. Easy to wire by an experienced electrician. Small and unobtrusive. Infinitely variable, step-less, speed control, although there is a minimum start speed. Control usually 60-100% of rated voltage. Tends to get hot and makes a humming noise.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Motor Protection (TK)

Without motor protection, a fan motor will cut out when it overheats and automatically start again when it cools down. If motor protection (TK) is utilised, then when the fan motor cuts out it sends a signal to the controller. The fan motor will not start again until it cools down and the controller is re-set. This is advantageous as it indicates to the operator that there is a problem with the motor overheating whereas without TK protection the fan could be tripping out and re-starting for some time without the operator being aware, possibly leading to failure of the fan.

Noise Attenuation:
Attenuation in the form of conventional silencers is often used to reduce low frequency noise created by ventilation fans. These silencers usually consist of a rectangular or circular length of flanged duct which is fitted with internal baffles. The duct and baffles are fitted with a perforated metal liner, the area between the liner and the outer skin is filled with a sound absorbing material such as inorganic glass fibre. Due to their construction, the use of silencers should be avoided, when possible, on kitchen extract ducts. The sound absorbing material is also an excellent grease absorbing material, causing a fire and health hazard as the lining becomes saturated. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the material to absorb sound is reduced as it becomes saturated, to the point where it not longer effectively reduces noise. It is therefore necessary where possible, to ensure that the fan selection meets the specified noise criteria without the use of silencers. A further point to be aware of when considering duct silencers is that they restrict the airflow thereby increasing duct pressure. This may require a larger and possibly noisier fan to be selected. DW/172 states that Where in-line attenuators are used, they shall be constructed so that there is no grease impregnation into the acoustic media. A protective membrane shall be specified for this purpose, this will reduce the design performance of the attenuator. This should be taken into account when selection is made.

It is essential to ensure that any electrical connection to a fan or fan controller is carried out by a qualified electrician who has experience of this type of installation. Incorrect wiring can easily destroy a fan, controller or both at great expense. Where an axial fan will reverse the airflow if wired the wrong way round, a mixed flow or centrifugal will not so there is no obvious indication that the wiring is incorrect.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Extract Ductwork
The sizing of ductwork is generally a trade off between overall dimensions and noise / resistance levels. Ductwork should be sized to allow a velocity of 6m/s where connection to the canopy occurs and 8m/s in general extract duct runs. Higher velocities will increase noise and resistance levels. Increased resistance levels require more powerful, and expensive, fans.

Any vertical sections of ductwork should have a drain opening at the bottom and some means of grease collection under the drain.

Fire Resistance:
Ductwork within the fire compartment of the kitchen that does not pass through other fire compartments has no special requirements to that stated above (under Construction), where extract ductwork passes through fire compartments such as floors or walls, the duct itself should either be constructed so that its fire resistance is at least as high as the compartment it passes through or, alternatively, conventional ductwork may be used providing it is suitably clad in fire rated material. Additionally, the ductwork should be externally insulated so that in the event of a fire outside the duct, temperatures within the duct will not become high enough to ignite any grease build up. Fire dampers must not be used within extract ductwork. For further information concerning this matter refer to BS 55889:1999.

Kitchen extract ductwork that discharges straight to atmosphere and does not pass through fire compartments should be constructed from galvanised or stainless steel with a minimum thickness of 0.8mm. Longitudinal joints should be air tight and leak proof, ideally fully welded or formed by a grooved or lock seam with sealant applied afterwards. Longitudinal joints should not be sited at the bottom of the duct. Cross joints should be air tight and leak proof. Again, an ideal solution is to fully weld the joint but this is not always practical, therefore a separate flange can be fitted to the duct providing that the flange corners are either fully welded or in the case of proprietary duct flange systems, corner cleats are fitted. These joints should be fully sealed with a silicone type sealant or fitted with a gasket. Adjustable joints, often referred to as telescopic or slip joints, can be used to connect the duct to the canopy spigot. Adjustable joints should be sealed with a silicone sealant and the duct should be reinforced within 200mm of the joint, reinforcement can be achieved using formed angle or channel sections secured to the duct. Flexible connections should be constructed from a material with a suitable half hour fire rating; off the shelf flexible connections supplied with most fans are rarely adequate.

Access for Cleaning & Maintenance:

All internal surfaces of the extract duct must be accessible for cleaning. For further information regarding this we would suggest referring to HVCA documents DW/144 and DW/172.

Where extract ductwork runs through cold areas of a building externally mounted insulation should be considered to prevent condensation forming within the ductwork.

Routes to Atmosphere:
Where possible, the ideal route of any kitchen extract duct should be straight to atmosphere as directly as possible without passing through any other rooms or breaching any fire compartments. (See Fire Resistance below.) The minimum quantity of bends should be used and all internal surfaces should be smooth and clear of obstructions. Fire dampers should not be fitted to kitchen extract ductwork. (See Fire Resistance below for further information.) Backdraught shutters should not be used. Volume control dampers and turning vanes should be avoided where possible as they form grease traps. Swept bends may be substituted for turning vanes. The extract outlet should be positioned to ensure the extracted fumes cannot be pulled back into the building by any nearby intake fans. The extract point should also be well clear of and ideally above any unprotected openings or windows where fumes or smoke may be drawn back into the building. The extract point must be clear of external fire escapes.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Supply-Air Ductwork
The sizing of ductwork is generally a trade off between overall dimensions and noise / resistance levels. Ductwork should be sized to allow a velocity of 5m/s where connection to the canopy occurs and 7m/s in general extract duct runs. Higher velocities will increase noise and resistance levels, increased resistance levels require more powerful, and expensive, fans.

Fire Resistance:
Ductwork within the fire compartment of the kitchen that does not pass through other fire compartments has no special requirements to that stated above (under Construction). Where ductwork passes through fire compartments such as floors or walls between other rooms, fire dampers must be fitted within each penetrated structure to prevent the spread of fire.

Kitchen supply air ductwork should be constructed from galvanised or stainless steel with a minimum thickness of 0.8mm. Longitudinal joints should be air tight and leak proof, ideally fully welded or formed by a grooved or lock seam with sealant applied afterwards. Longitudinal joints should not be sited at the bottom of the duct. Cross joints should be air tight and leak proof. Again, an ideal solution is to fully weld the joint but this is not always practical, therefore a separate flange can be fitted to the duct providing the flange corners are either fully welded or in the case of proprietary duct flange systems, corner cleats are fitted. These joints should be fully sealed with a silicone type sealant or fitted with a gasket. Adjustable joints, often referred to as telescopic or slip joints, can be used to connect the duct to the canopy spigot. Adjustable joints should be sealed with a silicone sealant and the duct should be reinforced within 200mm of the joint, reinforcement can be achieved using formed angle or channel sections secured to the duct.

Access for Cleaning & Maintenance:

All internal surfaces of the extract duct must be accessible for cleaning. For further information regarding this we would suggest referring to HVCA documents DW/144 and DW/172.

To prevent condensation forming on the external surfaces of the duct, non tempered supply ductwork should be insulated wherever the duct passes through an area where the temperature outside the duct is warmer than the air within the duct. All tempered supply air ducts should be insulated to prevent internal condensation and heat loss.

Routes to Atmosphere:
Where possible, the ideal route of any supply duct should be as short and straight as possible without passing through any other rooms or breaching any fire compartments. (See Fire Resistance below.) The minimum quantity of bends should be used and all internal surfaces should be smooth and clear of obstructions. The supply air inlet point should be positioned well clear of any contaminated air extraction points and known polluted areas such as low level on a busy street. The prevailing winds should be considered to avoid cross contamination from any extracted fumes. A mesh should be fitted to the input point of sufficient density to prevent small birds from being drawn into the duct. A fine mesh, such as insect mesh, should not be used as it is likely to become blocked. Disposable filter panels should be fitted within the ductwork in a position where they are not open to the elements but can be easily accessed for inspection and replacement. Alternatively, disposable filter media should be fitted to the supply air diffusers within the building; again, these should be easily accessible for maintenance and replacement. Any vertical sections of ductwork should have a drain opening at the bottom.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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System Safety Features & Considerations

Gas Shut-down Interlock:
A gas supply system must be interlocked with the ventilation systems in accordance with BS6173:2001 (Specification for Installation of gas-fired appliances for use in all types of catering establishments (2nd and 3rd family gases)): The gas supply system shall be interlocked with any mechanical ventilation supply or extract system, and this will normally require the fitting of an automatic valve. Interlocks should be provided for both the powered supply air and extract air. This is to ensure that the products of combustion from gas and oil fired appliances are removed efficiently. It is also to make certain that sufficient air is provided for complete combustion at burning appliances and to enable the occupants to breathe adequately and provide comfortable working conditions. The requirements of the standard apply in full under the following circumstances: If there is a completely new kitchen installation. If there is a completely new kitchen ventilation system installation. If there is a substantial alteration to the existing ventilation system or part replacement of an existing system. If there is a substantial alteration to the existing cooking equipment line up.

After carrying out the risk assessments, recommendations should be given to the person responsible for the kitchen with regards to the requirements of the regulations and the feasibility of upgrading the installation. The ultimate objective of introducing BS6173:2001 is to make the kitchen a safer place to work and to reduce the risk of fire, injury and death. Airflow in the ductwork should be monitored and signal sent to the gas solenoid valve in the event of the ventilation system ceasing. There are two types of switches, paddle and pressure differential, which are commonly used to monitor air flows within ducts and provide a switched output on detection of air flow or air flow failure. Pressure differential switches should be used in preference to paddle type, as it is more efficient due to the fact that paddle switches encourage accumulation of grease and dirt. If used switches should be inspected and cleaned regularly by a competent person as part of the maintenance schedule for the building. Duct pressure switches must be fitted on straight runs of the ductwork where there is minimal turbulent air, thus providing more accurate readings. The pressure switches are fitted to verify that there is air movement within the ducts. The switches make part of the circuit with the electrical control panel, which in turn switches on the gas solenoids. The gas supply should not come on until the fan is running. Duct pressure switches are used, so there is confirmation that there is a definite air movement. This is a fail-safe means of monitoring airflow. In preference to fan pressure switches fan power monitors, which provide positive confirmation that the fans are running. The monitors use the current draw from the fan motors as a means of positive proving of the operation of the fans. A fan current set point, adjustable, is set into the power monitor and, when the fan is switched on, the power monitor will only activate the gas valve interlock when the set point is reached. If the current level falls below the set point during the fans operation, the gas valve interlock will open and the power to the gas will be switched off. In the majority of installations, the mechanical or ductwork contractor will cover all aspects of Emergency Isolation Systems; however on occasions where a whole new system is to be installed, i.e. installation of new fans and ductwork as well as the canopy, it is the duty of the building designer and building owners / users to ensure an interlock is fitted to comply with BS6173:2001.

Currently, the standard does not apply in full if parts of the ventilation system are modified or if there is a like for like replacement of the existing cooking appliances, as it will not be deemed as a new installation. There is however another regulation, namely Regulation 27(4) of the Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations (GSIUR) that needs to be complied with in conjunction with BS6173:2001. GSUIR applies where kitchen appliances (e.g. some types of deep fat fryers and convection ovens) with dedicated flue systems are installed. The regulation (GSUIR) states that interlocks should be provided for power operated flues, however many manufacturers permit the installation of their appliances without the use of the flue, provided there is a powered extract and the appliances are under a canopy. As the extract system is performing the same function as a flue system, GSUIR would consider this as a power operated flue. Application of the above requirements has presented many difficulties with regards to the installation of new cooking equipment and maintenance work in existing kitchens. Many existing kitchen installations do not comply with the current requirements and in order to avoid major modifications, risk assessments should be carried out to health and safety arising from the current installation not complying with BS6173:2001.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Noise Levels:
Whilst no agency has overall control or responsibility for all aspects of environmental noise policy and legislation, external noise levels, from roof mounted plant etc., could be subject to the guidelines of a local authority and dependant on the surrounding environment. There is no single piece of legislation that makes it clear what noise levels are allowed within the commercial kitchen environment. There are two standard methods for rating the acceptability of indoor environments for the purposes of hearing preservation, speech communication and annoyance - Decibels (dB) and Noise Rating (NR). Whilst decibel recordings are a straight forward measurement of sound, noise ratings are measured in octave bands and dependant on frequency. High frequency noise, where the ear is more sensitive, is given a higher noise rating than a lower measurement. It is unreasonable to specify by Noise Rating instead of Decibels, unless a full analysis of the frequencies is carried out by a suitably qualified person, and when stating a specific noise rating, it is important to state the frequency of the desired rating. According to the 5th Edition of the Woods Practical Guide to Noise Control, the recommended level for kitchens is 40 to 50 NR (up to 73dB max). There are a number of considerations that must be taken into account when specifying fans and plant for the commercial kitchen environment. Information and advice on sound levels is readily available from fan manufacturers to inform your decision. The plant location and positioning within the building, as well as the structure of the building must also be considered. Where plant has to remain in the working area, it could be a consideration enclosing it within a sound insulating enclosure. For further information on noise reduction within the industry, please refer to HSE Food Information Sheet No. 32. As a general rule, noise levels should play a very important part in the selection of fans and ancillaries. However, the more usual levels specified of 40 to 50NR are extremely low for a working kitchen and in most cases will compromise the performance of the system if adhered to. The first difficulty is in the practicality of designing bespoke installations each time to these levels. The second is then to verify each design by measurement after commissioning. Because of the inherent complexity of the NR scale it almost becomes a separate discipline for design and commissioning.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Why have Splashbacks?
Some local authorities no longer permit the use of ceramic tiles to the rear of the cookline as these may crack and provide an area for grease ingress as well as a potential harbour of vermin and bacteria. Stainless steel splashbacks provide an ideal wall covering within food preparation areas where washable surfaces are not only essential but also a pre-requisite of UK health regulations. A properly manufactured and installed stainless steel splashback is extremely easy to keep clean, durable and provides an attractive finish to the kitchen.

Services Distribution Units

Services distribution units, otherwise known as SDUs are a means of distributing electrical and mechanical services in a covered sealed void from the point of entry in to the kitchen space, to the range of cooking equipment.

Materials & Construction:

Splashbacks should be manufactured from folded and braced stainless steel sheet and the structure behind should be of a suitably fire rated material. The splash-backs should start at approximately 100mm above the floor level, the exact distance is subject to the depth of the floor coving, and should extend up to ceiling level or, up to the underside of a kitchen canopy, where installed. Visible fixings should be kept to the minimum and, where possible, avoided altogether. Openings for electrical or mechanical services may be cut into the splashback to agreed positions. Once installed, gaps between the panels and the building structure should be fully sealed with food grade silicon sealant.

Why have a Services Distribution Unit?

SDUs are ideal for separating and enclosing mechanical and electrical services in a stainless steel housing which is aesthetically pleasing. Mechanical and electrical services can be provided to the cooking equipment with ease as they can be designed to accommodate services entry points from high or low levels. From an installation point of view SDUs are ideal because they can minimise coordination problems on site, especially if the services are integrally fitted in the factory prior to delivery. From a health and safety aspect, they provide easily cleanable surfaces and easier access between cooking equipment, minimising collection of dirt and grease between or behind the cooking appliances. They can be also be used to house local an electrical distribution board and components of fire suppression systems.

SDUs can come in a variety of shapes and forms, but normally comprise two vertical columns known as risers and a horizontal run known as a spine running between them. One riser should house the electrical services, while the other should house the mechanical services. Likewise the spines normally consist of two compartments, one for the electrical and the other for the mechanical services runs. The top section of the spine is usually reserved for the electrical services and the lower one for the mechanical services.
Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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SDUs should be configured to suit site constraints and service entry points as well as the equipment layouts. The majority of the SDUs are specified to be fitted to house the electrical and mechanical services where the kitchen appliances are set out in an island configuration, however occasionally they may be required to serve wall mounted ranges. The most common configuration is the rugby goal post type, H shape, where the services entry point is from high level, followed by the football goal post type, inverted U shape, where the services entry points are from ground level. The SDUs can also be designed to have both services risers on one end and a supporting leg on the other. Individual risers are also sometimes required to house either the mechanical or electrical services or both.

Gas & Electrical Knock-off:

If service distribution units are fitted out Knock off buttons should be positioned, at both ends, in an accessible position near the exit from the catering areas including the risers. This is to comply with DW/172 and BS6173:2001.

Construction & Materials:

SDUs should be manufactured from folded and welded type 304 grade stainless steel. If joints are required in the horizontal spines, they should be formed with internal standing seam joints and fitted with stainless steel nuts and bolts. External seams should be sealed with food grade sealant. The horizontal spine should have a removable lid for access to the electrical compartment fitted with cable trays for installation of electrical wiring. The mechanical services compartment should be fitted with pipework support grid to provide support for the mechanical services. (ie: Gas and water pipes.) Access panels, screw fixed, should be provided to gain access to the risers and spines as per customer requirements. One hinged access door with quick release latches should be fitted on the mechanical riser to gain access to the gas shut-off valve for maintenance purposes. Services risers should be provided with adjustable telescopic feet to allow for any discrepancy in floor to ceiling heights or the canopy mounting height as well as uneven floor finish. In cases where services are required to be fitted out; these should be carried out in the factory to save time and problems on site. Competent persons or a specialist company must be employed to carry out the gas and electrical work to comply with the relevant regulations.

Separation & Compartmentation of Services:

In accordance with BS7671, electrical and mechanical services must be separated and must be water tight. In cases where fitting of mechanical services within the electrical spine or riser is unavoidable, special enclosures must be fitted to completely separate the services. For riser compartments containing gas services, ventilation grilles should be installed both at high and low level in order to prevent any potential gas build-up.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Important information for design input comes from the survey of the particular site itself. This site survey usually takes place after preliminary design and prices are agreed and the purposes of the survey are as follows: To determine the access route from the offloading point where the goods will be delivered and to ascertain the maximum sizes of components which can be transported / carried to the point of installation. To check the physical dimensions of the building structure and confirm that the canopy as designed will fit to those constraints. If for some reason the structure to which the canopy or other components of the system fit is not built or incomplete, then it will be necessary to agree and confirm the intended finished dimensions with the customer and builder. To confirm that the intended method of fixing to the building structure is suitable for the application. To generally liaise over and confirm the delivery, installation and completion programmes with the customer and main contractor. To confirm site plant requirements for lifting, access, handling etc. To carry out the necessary site safety plan risk assessments and method statements in accordance with current legislation on Health & Safety.

For this reason it is necessary to carry out the process three times over and take an average of the three results for the final commissioning figures. However this is only necessary after the process of balancing airflow with dampers and fan speed regulation has been carried out. The following details should be measured and recorded as applicable: Total extract volumes through each system and relative percentage of design. Total supply-air volumes through each system and relative percentage of design. The control knob positions for any fan speed regulators should be recorded and clearly marked on the controller or a notice placed adjacent to the control noting the optimum settings for performance. Total light out-put level at the working plane. Noise level within the work-space. Noise level at the point of discharge or adjacent to plant if outside.

The process of installation must be carried out by trained personnel who are fully conversant with the health and safety requirements of working on a building site. They must be trained in the use of any plant required to assist in the process of installation and work in conjunction with other trades in the area. Regular reference to the site specific instructions and a site safety plan will be necessary.

Commissioning of the kitchen extract system is the point at which all of the aforementioned design information is finally pulled together and made to function as per the original intent and specification. Extract and supply airflows should be measured at the face of the filters or diffusers using a timed averaging method. This process is notoriously difficult for gaining accurate results because of the many factors which influence airflow readings such as air temperature, humidity barometric pressure, cross-drafts, internal room pressures and the very sensitive nature of the instrument used for the job.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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C.D.M. & Design Risk Assessment

CDM is an abbreviation for the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994. CDM is an ongoing process in any project which must start at the point of initial design but which can only be confirmed at the point of survey. The Intention of the regulations in this situation is to make designers of products and areas of a building site, consider the ramifications of their designs on the Health Safety and Welfare of those who not only have to build and install the product on site but also those who must later use, maintain and replace or dispose of the product at a later date. To quote from the HSC booklet entitled Designing for Health & Safety in Construction a guide for designers on the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994: The CDM Regulations are needed because of the unacceptably high rate of death, injury and ill health associated with all types of project ranging from new works through to subsequent maintenance, repair, refurbishment and eventual demolition. To really cover and consider these issues properly, a design risk assessment must be carried out. To give an indication of some of the considerations in the context of Kitchen canopies, the following is a typical CDM risk assessment.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Project Title: Risk Assessments carried out by:

Kitchen Ventilation Ltd.


Project reference number: Date of assessment:

Ian Levin, Jim Dixon, Birendra Shrestha & Steve Mason.

NOTES ON THE SCOPE OF THIS DESIGN RISK ASSESSMENT: Our product is designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the requirements current standards, guides and codes of practice. We offer many configurations and types of product but the choice of which product is used on a project is usually pre-determined by either the written specification and drawings of others or the budgetary constraints placed on the project by the client. For these reasons the scope of our design input is limited by retractions which are outside our control and therefore design assessments for our products should also be sought from the major decision makers on each project. The assessments below only cover areas where we have some decision making power to alter design. Activity / element to be assessed Offloading and positioning canopy components. Considerations made and actions taken at design stage. Full site survey to be undertaken taking into account where delivery vehicles can be parked, state of ground to be covered, points of access into building, availability of lifts / stairs to higher floors if required and size of doorways / corridors. Risk rating with considerations and Recommended control options to be utilised. Probability x Severity = Risk

Ref no.

Risk of

Due to

Who is at risk?

Muscle strain / Difficulty in Installation team. cuts / crushing handling large or trapping. components in site conditions.

Positions of canopy "site joints" to allow module sizes to be easily handled in prevailing site conditions. Roller pallets / dolly wheels and lift trucks to be used. All site installation staff to be trained in; manual handling, use of site handling aids. Use of formal site safety plan.

2 Installation of canopies Crushing / over fixed immoveable trapping. obstacles such as dwarf walls. Collapse of canopy and/or lifting equipment during positioning. Collapse of canopy due to failure of fixings. Installation team and any other tradesmen in area during installation. Full site survey and collaboration with other Positions of canopy "site joints" to allow module contractors to be undertaken. Try to arrange removal or sizes to be easily handled in prevailing site delay of installation of obstacles or arrange for scaffold conditions. Use of formal site safety plan. platform upon which to build canopy up to be supplied by others.


Installation team any Proposal of fixing type to customer for written Training of installation staff in correct use of other tradesmen in approval from main contractor or structural engineer of approved fixings. area during it's use in the building structural materials. installation and cooking operatives after installation. Cleaning & maintenance operatives postinstallation. Filter design to allow for reasonably easily handled size and weight with minimum sharp edges and fitted handles. Canopy configuration design to position banks of filters as low down and as near the periphery as possible to reduce need for use of ladders and avoid reaching over cooking equipment. Full instructions and recommendations on cleaning and maintenance of grease filter panels to be forwarded as a part of the operations and maintenance manual for the project.



Fixing / suspension of canopy from structure.

Crushing / trapping.



Removal of grease filters Muscle strain / Positioning of from canopy for cuts to hands filter panels in maintenance. or digits. awkward location within canopy.


Cleaning of grease filter Dermatitis panels and collection trays

Contact with cleaning substances

Cleaning & maintenance operatives postinstallation.

Design of panels and trays to allow size and robustness Full instructions and recommendations on for cleaning in typical commercial dish-washer. cleaning and maintenance of grease filter panels to be forwarded as a part of the operation and maintenance manual for the project. End user must produce own risk assessments and safe systems of work. Light unit design to allow easy access through the diffuser. Design to incorporate retention wires for diffuser and components are to be easily removed. Full instructions and recommendations on cleaning and maintenance of Light fittings to be forwarded as a part of the operation and maintenance manual for the project. End user must produce own risk assessments and safe systems of work. Full instructions and recommendations on cleaning and maintenance of Light fittings to be forwarded as a part of the operations and maintenance manual for the project. End user must create own risk assessments and safe systems of work.


Maintenance of light fittings.

Muscle strain Positioning of Maintenance light units in operatives postawkward installation. location within canopy.


Use of glass in light diffusers.

Minor cuts or Shattering of ingestion. glass diffuser whilst being maintained or whilst cooking.

Cooking, cleaning & Diffuser glass to be of 4mm toughened stypolite. maintenance Diffuser frame to have safety retention wires fitted. operatives postinstallation and customers of the food facility.

8 Changing of supply-air inlet filters Muscle strain / Inaccessible or falls from difficult to height remove panel design. Cleaning & maintenance operatives postinstallation. Canopy design to incorporate its own supply-air filtration behind input diffusers. Diffuser design to incorporate easy-to-remove lift and pull design. Panels to be designed in easily handled sizes Full instructions and recommendations on accessing & replacing supply filtration to be forwarded as a part of the operation and maintenance manual for the project.


9 Cleaning of extract plenums. Fire / hygiene Grease build risk up on inaccessible surfaces Cleaning & maintenance operatives postinstallation & users of building Canopy design to incorporate adequately sized and positioned cleaning access panels or doors into plenum areas if fitted. Materials from which canopy is manufactured to have high fire resistance. Full instructions and recommendations on cleaning cycles to be forwarded as a part of the operation and maintenance manual for the project. End user to create own risk assessments and safe systems of work. Dismantling contractor / team to carry out own risk assessments and develop safe working procedure.





Dismantling and disposal of product when redundant.

Muscle strain / Difficulty in Dismantlers at time of cuts / crushing handling large demolition. or trapping. components in site conditions. Bodily impact Insufficient to head. headroom. Cooking, cleaning & maintenance operatives postinstallation. Cleaning & maintenance operatives postinstallation.

Canopy originally designed in reasonably handled sections for installation. Canopy manufactured from recyclable stainless steel. As installed drawings supplied with O & M manuals.

Utilise minimum recommended mounting height of 2000mm affl. To be increased as operational requirements dictate Canopy design to utilise easily cleaned and robust material I.E. type 304 stainless steel. All fixings to be hidden or shrouded. All edges to be deburred or have safety edges applied. End user to create own risk assessments and safe systems of work.




Mounting heights.

Full instructions and recommendations on cleaning methods and cycles to be forwarded as a part of the operation and maintenance manual for the project. End user to create own risk assessments and safe systems of work.



Cleaning of canopy surfaces.

Cuts / abrasions

Snagging of sharp edges.



Insulation of canopy surfaces.

Hygiene risk Condensation Cooking, cleaning & and slips, trips build-up from maintenance & falls temperature operatives postdifferentials at installation and high humidity customers of the food facility.

Canopy design to incorporate thermal insulation behind Evaluation of effected areas / surfaces to be horizontal surfaces and where cold supply-air and carried out at drawing stage. warm, moist extract air pass either side of a single skin of canopy surface.

14 Use of silicone sealant. Hygiene risk. Silicone seals degrading with time and use. Cooking, cleaning & Specification and use of food safe sealant. maintenance operatives postinstallation and customers of the food facility. Full instructions and recommendations on cleaning methods and cycles to be forwarded as a part of the operation and maintenance manual for the project. End user to create own risk assessments and safe systems of work including silicone replacement timetable.



0% to 20% risk = TRIVIAL RISK



Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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System Maintenance
We always recommend that if there are no specially trained staff, who are experienced at maintenance of these sorts of system available on site, that a specialist sub-contractor be engaged and retained for the purpose. In the case of specialist odour removal systems such as UV, ESP or Carbon Cells, a specialist should definitely sought and if in-house staff members are to be used, they will require special training in monitoring, testing and handling of the various components. However, for general guidance we suggest the following: To define establishments, the types of food they cook, the way they cook them and the intensity with which he produce their product is a little bit subjective. However, it is necessary to do this in order to give at least some guidance upon how maintenance should be carried out and the following table is designed for this purpose but it must be utilised with awareness of other considerations such as proximity to other buildings and domestic property. The cleaning cycle for a canopy and its components will depend not only upon the regularity and duration of cooking below but also upon the type of cooking and the ingredients used. The following tables give an indication as to how often certain types of installation should be cleaned. Grease filters and grease collection drawers should be designed, sized and constructed to be robust enough to withstand regular washing in a commercial dishwasher as this is the most thorough and labour-efficient method of cleaning them. When re-installing filters, always make sure that they are the right way around i.e. with any framework drain holes at the front, lowest edge. When handling any components of a canopy, it is imperative that operatives wear proper, gripping, cut-resistant work-gloves for protection against metal edges, as well as the detergents and cleaning agents used. No matter how well finished a filter panel may be, it is easy to cut soft water-soaked skin during the cleaning process. Grease filters by their very nature will have a coating of grease and therefore will be slippery and difficult to handle. Suitable gloves can be obtained easily through most suppliers of personal protective equipment. Access to filters for removal & replacement will often mean reaching above head height and as such, suitable access equipment and or safe working procedures may be required. It is strongly recommended that an in-house, site specific risk assessment of these hazards should be carried out. Canopies and their components must be designed to be easy to clean. Providing that cleaning intervals are not left too long, washing with soap or mild detergent and warm water, followed by a clear water rinse is usually quite adequate for our equipment. When too long a period is left between cleans, grease will become baked-on and require special attention. An enhanced aesthetic appearance will be achieved if the cleaned surface is finally wiped dry.

No grease filtration is 100% efficient and therefore there will always be a certain amount of grease carried through the filters and deposited on the internal surfaces of the filter housings, plenums and ductwork. Once again, the amount of grease carried through any filtration system will depend very much on the type of cooking and ingredients used. If left unattended, this layer of grease on the non-visible surfaces of the canopy creates both hygiene and fire risks. For these reasons it is necessary to have a deep clean operation carried on a maximum of a six-monthly cycle and even as often as three-monthly in extreme situations. Deciding upon when cleaning should take place and how often, is mostly subjective and responsibility is ultimately with the manager of the facility. However, the simplest guide to follow is that if a surface or component looks dirty, then it needs cleaning. The final point to remember is that regular inspections must take place of all surfaces but especially non-visible ones what is out of sight is often out of mind and is therefore neglected. Inspections of this nature should be included in the maintenance schedule for any kitchen installation.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Establishment Categories:
Category Light Description Pub & Bar Food, small cafes, coffee/tea shops. Government institutions (schools/hospitals/elderly persons homes), office and workplace kitchens. Italian/French restaurants, hotel restaurants, family pub restaurants, pizza restaurants, supermarket restaurants. Small low output fast food restaurants, steak houses, kebab/chip shops. Large, high output fast food restaurants, Mexican restaurants, Oriental & Asian restaurants. Food factories.





Very High

Component Cleaning Cycles:

Filter Type Light Baffle filter wash cycle Mesh filter wash cycle Electrostatic filter Maintenance swap out Carbon filter replacement UV Tube wipe down UV Tube replacement Grease drawers clean Ductwork clean* 7 Days 7 Days 12 Months Light/Medium 7 Days 7 Days 6 Months 2 Months 8000 Hours 7 Days 12 Months

Establishment Category Medium 5 Days 5 Days 6 Months 6 Months 6 Weeks 8000 Hours 5 Days 8 Months Medium/High 3 Days 5 Days 5 Months 5 Months 4 Weeks 8000 Hours 3 Days 6 Months High 1 Day 5 Days 3 Months 3 Months 2 Weeks 8000 Hours 1 Day 4 Months Very High 1 Day 5 Days 3 Months 3 Months 1 Week 8000 Hours 1 Day 3 Months

Note! Regular visual inspection should be carried out on all components. *If there is UV in system, increase cleaning interval by 3 times

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Care & Maintenance of Stainless Steel

All grades of stainless steel will stain and discolour due to surface deposits and can never be accepted as completely maintenance free. In order to achieve maximum corrosion resistance the surface of the stainless steel must be kept clean. Provided the grade of stainless steel and the surface finish are correctly selected and cleaning schedules carried out on a regular basis, good performance and long service life are assured.

usually quite adequate for domestic and architectural equipment. An enhanced aesthetic appearance will be achieved if the cleaned surface is finally wiped dry. Where stainless steel has become extremely dirty with signs of surface discolouration (perhaps following a period of neglect or misuse) methods of cleaning are detailed on the chart overleaf.

PROBLEM Routine cleaning, all finishes

CLEANING AGENT Soap or mild detergent and water (such as fairy liquid)

COMMENTS After application, use a sponge or clean cloth to rinse with warm, clean water and then wipe dry if necessary After application, use a sponge or clean cloth to rinse with warm, clean water and then wipe dry if necessary

Factors Affecting Maintenance

Surface contamination and the formation of deposits must be prevented. These deposits may be minute particles of iron or rust from other sources used on the building of new premises and not removed until after stainless steel items have been fixed. Industrial and even naturally occurring atmospheric conditions can produce deposits which can be equally corrosive e.g. salt deposits and marine conditions. A working environment which offers more aggressive conditions, e.g. hot humidity, such as in a swimming pool, increases the speed of discolouration and therefore requires the maintenance to be on a more frequent basis. Modern processes use many cleaners, sterilizers and bleaches for hygienic purposes. All these proprietary solutions, when used in accordance with makers instructions are safe but not if incorrectly used, (e.g. warm surface of any quality of stainless steel). Strong acid solutions are sometimes used to clean masonry and tiling of buildings but they should never be permitted to come into contact with metals, including stainless steel. If this should happen the acid solution must be removed immediately by copious applications of water.

Fingerprints, all finishes

Soap and water or organic solvent such as Acetone or Alcohol

Stubborn stains, discolouration all finishes Oil/Grease marks, all finishes

Mild cleaning solutions such as abrasive free stainless steel cleaning creams. Soap and water or organic solvent such as Acetone or Alcohol Oxalic Acid. The cleaning solution applied with a swab, allowed to stand for 14-20 minutes before being washed away with water. Slight scratchesimpregnated nylon pads. Polishing with scurfs dressed with iron free abrasives. Deeper scratches apply in direction of polishing

After application, use a sponge or clean cloth to rinse with warm, clean water and then wipe dry if necessary After application, use a sponge or clean cloth to rinse with warm, clean water and then wipe dry if necessary May continue using mild cleaning cream to give a final clean After application, use a sponge or clean cloth to rinse with warm, clean water and then wipe dry if necessary Do not use ordinary steel wool. Iron particles can become embedded in stainless steel and cause further damage.

Maintenance Programme
With care taken during fabrication and installation, cleaning before handing over to the client should present no special problems, although more attention than normal may be required if the installation period has been prolonged. Where surface contamination is suspected, immediate attention to cleaning after site fixing will encourage a trouble free product. Food handling, pharmaceutical, aerospace and certain nuclear applications require extremely high levels of cleanliness applicable to each industry. Advice is often sought concerning the frequency of cleaning stainless steel and the answer is quite simple 'clean the metal when it is dirty in order to restore its original appearance'. This may vary from one to four times a year for external applications or it may be once a day for an item in hygienic or aggressive situations. Frequency and cost of cleaning is lower with stainless steel than with any other materials and will often outweigh the initial higher cost of this superior product.

Rust and other corrosion products, all finishes

Scratches on brush satin finished finish

General Cleaning Methods

Stainless steel is easy to clean. Washing with soap or a mild detergent and warm water followed by a clear water rinse is
Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Acids should only be used for on site cleaning when all other methods have been proved unsatisfactory. Rubber gloves should be used and care taken to see that acid cleaners are not spilt over adjacent areas. Special precautions are necessary with oxalic acid. Solvents should not be used in enclosed places. Smoking must be avoided when using solvents. In all instances follow the manufacturers safety instructions. In general, cleaning is carried out to restore the original surface appearance to prevent corrosion and maintain hygienic conditions. Stainless steel is easy to clean, and washing with soap or a mild detergent and warm water, followed by a clear water rinse is usually quite adequate for domestic, architectural and commercial catering equipment. If the water is hard, the steel should then be dried with a soft cloth to prevent water spotting.

Whilst every care is taken in ensuring the information contained herein is accurate, no responsibility implied, or otherwise, is accepted for loss or damage incurred due to this information. It is the responsibility of the reader to ensure the methods and designs used are suitable for any particular application and he should satisfy himself before proceeding with a product or system not designed, verified manufactured and supplied by Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Limited.


The information in this publication may not be regarded as a guarantee for the proprieties of materials or products dealt with or of their processing.

Thorough cleaning is particularly important in catering and medical applications where cleanliness is required not only for aesthetic purposes but also for hygiene. Stainless steel's smooth and pore-free surface does not harbour bacteria and is easily cleaned, if necessary using the most vigorous techniques.

Cleaning Catering Equipment

When the steel has become extremely dirty, perhaps following periods of neglect or after being subjected to a particularly aggressive environment, mild abrasion only, such as scrubbing with a nylon or other non-scratching scourer, my be necessary. Ordinary steel wool soap pads should never be used as they may leave particles of mild steel on the surface of the stainless steel which may cause localised areas of rusting. Stainless steel soap pads, however, are quite suitable. A bright annealed of 2B finish will be permanently marked by the use of abrasives which therefore should be avoided at all costs. Discolouration, heavy dirt or rust which may resist normal cleaning methods can be removed using a proprietary stainless steel cleaner followed by a clear water rinse. Some deposits and stains encountered in catering and medical applications can be difficult to remove. It should be noted that nearly all abrasive cleaners will scratch the bright annealed or 2B finish of stainless steel. On other finishes the cleaner should be used in the direction of the polish. A clean dust and grit free cloth should be used to avoid scratching. In all cases, the mildest cleaning procedure that will do the job efficiently should be used.

Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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Britannia Kitchen Ventilation Ltd Phone: 01926 811300 Fax: 01926 811484 E-mail: sales@kitchen-ventilation.co.uk Web: www.kitchen-ventilation.co.uk

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