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PRESENTATION INSTRUCTIONS Prepare a 2-3 minute speech about how you have changed as a result of an event in your life.

A)Brainstorm life changing events. Examples: Graduating from school Performing in a performance A new or unusual job Life cycle event: birth, marriage, death ____________________(add at least 2-3 of your own ideas to the list) _____________________ ______________________

B)Choose one event and complete following: 1.What happened? 2.When did this happen? 3.How old were you? 4.Who was there? 5.How did you feel? 6.What was significant about this event? 7.How have you changed since this event:(Give at least two examples) 1. 2. C)Organize your speech into three parts: An introduction/body of information/Conclusion Your speech must be substantive and include all 7 points listed above. D)Grammar point: Use the present perfect and simple past E)Vocabulary: You must introduce at least a new and relevant vocabulary word to the class. Be prepared to teach this word in two different forms:
Example: Resilient- The ability to recover from a difficult event This experience although difficult, taught me to be resilient. (adjective) I discovered resilience in me that I never thought I had (noun)

F) Visual aids can be used to explain a concept (Not power point) G)Be prepared to practice your speech with a partner on: Monday: October 3,2011 H) PRESENTATION DUE: Wednesday: October 5, 2011

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