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There are 27 questions in Basics with 9 comments

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1. Explain .NET architecture and framework?

.NET framework is a foundation calss on which you can build robust applications .This framework comprises of
web forms,window forms andconsole applications..NET framework is basically a collection of services and
classes.This exists as a layer between
Comments: 1 Last Comment: Dharini Muthuswamy
Added: August 31, 2005
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2. What is the difference between and asp

ASP.NET is compiled common language runtime code running on the server.While in ASP its interpreted by script
Comments: 2 Last Comment: vittal Post your Answer Added: September 08, 2005

3. What is
ASP.NET is the latest version of Microsoft's Active Server Pages technology (ASP). ASP.NET is a part of the
Microsoft .NET framework, and a powerful tool for creating dynamic and interactive web pages
Comments: 1 Last Comment: Nirupa.A Post your
Added: August 30, 2005

4. What is isapi?
ISAPI stands for Internet ServerApplication Programming Interface, is a specification that allows developers to
extend IIS by writing components that proces raw HTTP requests. An ISAPI components ends up as DLL that IIS
directs all requests
Comments: 1 Last Comment: Mamta K Post your
Added: September 01, 2005

5. What is soap and xml

Landuage used to define the SOAP is using the XML language.
Comments: 2 Last Comment: vittal Post your Answer Added: September 08, 2005

6. What is the Difference between web application and enterprise application?

Web applications are stored on a server and delivered to users over the Internet. A Web application is usually a
three-tier structure, comprising a User Service tier (allowing user access to the application), a Business Service tier
(allowing the user
Comments: 1 Last Comment: vishnu bobade Post your
Added: September 08, 2005

7. What is .NET?
According to Microsoft, .NET is a "revolutionary new platform, built on open Internet protocols and standards, with
tools and services that meld computing and communications in new ways".A more practical definition would be that
.NET is a new environment
Comments: 0 Post your Answer Added: September 13, 2005

8. What platforms does the .NET Framework run on?

The runtime supports Windows XP, Windows 2000, NT4 SP6a and Windows ME/98. Windows 95 is not supported.
Some parts of the framework do not work on all platforms - for example, ASP.NET is only supported on Windows
XP and Windows 2000. Windows 98/ME cannot
Comments: 0 Post your Answer Added: September 13, 2005

9. What languages does the .NET Framework support?

Comments: 0 Post your Answer Added: September 13, 2005

10. What languages does the .NET Framework support?

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11. What are CLR, CTS and CLS?

Comments: 1 Last Comment: vishnu bobade Post your Answer Added: September 13, 2005 12. What is reflection
in Microsoft .NET Context?
Comments: 0 Post your Answer Added: September 13, 2005 13. What does 'managed' mean in the .NET context?
Comments: 0 Post your Answer Added: September 13, 2005 14. What are IL and C#?
Comments: 1 Last Comment: vishnu bobade Post your Answer Added: September 13, 2005 15. What is an
Application Domain?
Comments: 0 Post your Answer Added: September 13, 2005 16. How does an AppDomain get created?
Comments: 0 Post your Answer Added: September 13, 2005 17. What is an assembly?
Comments: 0 Post your Answer Added: September 13, 2005 18. What is the difference between a private assembly
and a shared assembly?
John wrote on Tuesday, 13 September 2005 20:12:39:The .NET Assemblies Part1This online presentation about
.NET assemblies helps the webmasters to know about the three tier architecture and about .NET assemblies. The
author describes the real need of Comments: 1 Last Comment: John Post your Answer Added: September 13,
2005 19. How can I produce an assembly?
Comments: 0 Post your Answer Added: September 13, 2005 20. How do assemblies find each other?
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21. What is garbage collection?

Comments: 0 Post your Answer Added: September 13, 2005

22. How does assembly versioning work?

Comments: 0 Post your Answer Added: September 14, 2005

23. What is serialization?

Comments: 0 Post your Answer Added: September 14, 2005

24. What is Code Access Security (CAS)?

Comments: 0 Post your Answer Added: September 14, 2005

25. Is there built-in support for tracing/logging?

Comments: 0 Post your Answer Added: September 14, 2005

26. Can I redirect tracing to a file?

Comments: 0 Post your Answer Added: September 14, 2005

27. Can I customise the trace output?

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