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Unit 2 (lesson5---8)

 Teaching Directions & Advice 教学指导和建议

课时建议:4------6 课时(每课时 50 分钟)
习题操练法(针对人称代词、特殊疑问句和 This is 句型)
竞赛法 (针对本单元新单词)
自主学习法 (针对孩子运用所学,编对话和造句)

 Teaching Targets 语言目标

Key Words 重点词汇
Mr. good morning Miss
new student French German
nice meet Japanese Korean
Chinese too make Swedish
English American Italian Volvo
Peugeot Mercedes Toyota Daewoo
Mini Ford Fiat I
am are name what
nationality job keyboard engineer
policeman policewoman taxi driver air hostess
postman nurse mechanic hairdresser
housewife milkman
Key Structures 关键句型
Nice to meet you.
This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Good morning.

My name’s Sophie.
Are you a teacher?
What’s your job?
Is he an engineer?
What make is it?
What nationality are you?
Grammar Focus 语法聚焦
特殊疑问句据首用疑问词,句末用问号,并用降调。他的回答不能用 Yes 或 No,需
要直接回答。回答时与问句重复的部分常常可以省略。以 how, what, who, whose, where
eg. ---What’s your name?
---My name’s Gina.
---What’s her telephone number?
---It’s 535-2375.
主格 宾格
I me 我
you you 你
he him 他
she her 她
it it 它
we us 我
they them 他们

eg. Is she your sister? Yes, she is.

Let’s play soccer. That sounds good.
Excuse me, Sonia. Is this your pencil?
Phonetics 音标
双元音(8 个):
[əu ] post nose goat

[ei ] cake face date

[ai ] hike Mike my

[au] how now about

[iə] dear here near

[uə] sure poor tour

[eə] chair bear hair

[ i] boy toy noise

摩 擦 音 : 摩 擦 音 共 有 10 个 , 发 音 时 要 注 意 发 音 器 官 的 位 置 , 磨 擦 音 也 是 清 浊

/f/ five foot photo

/v/ of vest visit

/θ/ three tooth thank

/ð/ that this then

/s/ so say see

/z/ boys apples bags

// wish shy fish

// pleasure usually television

/r/ right write rose

/h/ hill hat hear

Useful Words 词汇运用
1. This is …
① 介绍他人的时候经常用
eg. This is my sister.
② 在打电话中,常用 this 指自己一方,用 that 指对方。

eg. Hello, This is Tom speaking. Is that Mary?

2. Nice to meet you. (强调初次见) == Nice to see you.

Glad to see (meet) you.
How do you do? (强调初次见)
3. Good morning 早上好
①good adj. 好的,有益的

☆知识拓展 ☆

be good at 擅长,精通

eg. Are you good at English?

② morning n.早晨,指从太阳升起到中午的这段时间

☆知识拓展 ☆

① 一天当中的几个时间:

morning, noon(midday)中午 afternoon 下午

evening 傍晚 mid-night 午夜 night 夜晚

② 固定短语搭配如下:

in the morning;
in the afternoon;

in the evening;

at noon;

at night

4. too 表示“也”,一般放在句尾,且用逗号与前面句子隔开,


also 置于系动词之后,行为动词之前。

either 否定句中用 either 表示“也不”

eg. Mike’s father likes Beijing Opera, too.

I also like bananas very much

No, he doesn’t have any money, either.

5. make 作为名词时,指产品的牌子。

eg. What make is it? 这是什么牌子的?

☆知识拓展 ☆

make 作为动词时指制造、产生,使成为 后接动词原形。

eg. I think a good friend makes me laugh.

6. job 职业,职位。指工作为可数名词。

eg. What’s your job?


eg. What do you do?

What are you? (你是做什么工作的?)

7. new 新的,初建的,更新的
new clothes 新衣服;a new movie 一部的新电影

a new plan 一项新的计划

eg. He has a new movie, My Father’s Birthday.

8. policeman n. 警察 复数为 policemen

policewoman 复数为 policewomen 女警察

9. doctor n. 医生
eg. A: What does she do?
B: She’s a doctor.
see a doctor 看医生
10. What nationality are you? 你是哪国人?
此句为特殊疑问句 ,为特殊疑问代词。这句话用来询问国籍或民族。

● Proverb 谚语
A lazy youth, a lousy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲.
● Just for fun 轻松一刻

A joke 笑话
Teacher: Tell me the truth, now. Who did your homework?
Tom: My father.
Teacher: Did he do it all? It’s wrong.
Tom: Well, I helped him with it.



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