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The Return of Avalon Log-line In the far future, the human race is scattered and preyed upon.

A mysterious ship appears, and from it arrives a hero who has returned to save his people. Synopsis In the beginning of the sixth century of the twentieth millennium, human-kind lies scattered and warring across the universe, corruption and greed the motives of the mighty. Then, as foretold by a seemingly mad and raving old man, a great ship arrives out of nowhere to come to rest over earth. It bears the name, Avalon. From it descends a young man, not much more than a boy, with justice in his eyes and an army of warriors behind him. He is Arthur, the once and future king, restored; and he has come to save his people. The series follows his exploits as he reclaims earth and frees it from oppression, and then sets his eyes upon restoring humanity. It is a story of valour and chivalry, but also the development of Arthur, a youth with the weight of ages upon his shoulders. Of course, where there is light, there is shadow. Morganna, first of the nine ladies of Avalon is tempted by the opportunity for conquest and domination of the splintered human race. She is denounced by Arthur, and flees, the raise her own army and to plot against the youth she once loved as her own son. Characters Arthur A young man, aged sixteen. He is the restored King Arthur, healed and regenerated after his centuries upon the mystical Avalon. Aware of his duty and destiny, he sets forth into a new and fractured world, which is his responsibility to repair. He has a the determination of youth, but a heavy weight is born on his shoulders. A old, raving man emerges on earth. Escaped from his tomb of ages, this seemingly mad elderly man foretells of Avalon's arrival and the return of the once and future king. When re-united with Arthur, he reassumes his role as advisor and mentor, even if he is slightly madder than before. Cast out by Arthur after she suggests a cruel domination of the humanrace, Morganna retreats to the outer edges of the galaxy where she nurses her anger. She begins to use her magic to build her own army of knights and start out on her own quest to bring human-kind under her thumb.

Merlin -

Morgana -

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