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Using Google Translator

Learn and practice expressions for formal letters /emails Improve accuracy Practice Punctuation


Google Translator. This is one of the

simpliest and most useful tolos the internet has to offer, but of course, it is not without its limits. Copy and paste this example of a formal letter in the Google translator. What do you think about the translation? Seores Les rogamos que se sirvan remitirnos su catlogo de herramientas y equipos para jardinera, as como informacin completa sobre precios y entregas. Los saluda atentamente Gonzalo Albrecht Encargado de Compras


Practice Task. Find an example of a short letter in your


Internet Search. Google (in your lan-

guage or in English) typical expressions for formal letters. What is a correct way to say these words in a formal letter?
Lords Deliveries The compliments

language. Copy and paste it into a Word document. Now copy and paste the text in Google translator and copy the translation under the origina l in the Word document. Now correct the errors in the text and paste in your Word document to give to your teacher.

You should have a document that looks like this:

Christina Jones 15 September Using Google Translator Original Text:

3 Punctuation Rules.

Translated Text:

In English, days of the week, months, nationalities , languages all begin with capital letters Example: Monday, 15 September

Corrected Translation:

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