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Programming Fundamentals

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 1
Course Objective
• To enable the participants to solve problems using the top down approach.

• To enable the participants to solve problems using modular approach

through use of functions.

• Error Handling Techniques

• To introduce the participants to structured programming and data

structures; to illustrate the use of data structures and structured statements
to write good and efficient code.

• To enable participants to understand and code string handling functions

• Sorting and Searching

• Project related discussion

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ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 2
Session Plan
• Introduction to Programming

• Functions

• Arrays and Strings

• Searching and Sorting

• Error handling

• File handling

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ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 3
Day 1
• Basic Programming concepts
• Algorithms

Day 2
• Functions
• Programming Specifications for the PF Project given

Day 3
• Arrays and Strings

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The module focuses on how to approach a given problem statement. The main objective of
the module is to make the participants algorithmically build solutions. The algorithm
solutions will be converted to C programs and tested using the Visual studio editor.

This module is a 7-day long course. The first 4 days of the course will be covering the basic
concepts of programming.A project , covering the concepts learnt in the 4days will be
completed in the next 3 days .

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Day 4
• Searching and Sorting techniques
• File handling and Error handling techniques

Day 5
• Comparing FDD with trainees documents

Day 6
• Coding and Code review

Day 7
• Online Exam Test
• Project Evaluation

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The basic programming concepts taught in this module are applicable to all programming
languages. The syntax and usage of them varies from one language to other language. The
course is designed to introduce the fundamentals of computing as well as certain aspects of
software engineering which will enable you to construct logical, readable, efficient programs.

Though the language C will be used as a base to implement the concepts learnt this course
is definitely not about C programming.

The evaluation instruments used in this module are

2 quizzes (on day3 and day4 of the course)
1 module test (on the last day of the course)
1 project (on the last day of the course)
While the coding for the project starts from Day 4 of the course, it is necessary for us to
ensure that proper testing and reviews of the code is done at frequent intervals.

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• Let Us C, by Yashwant Kanitker, Second Edition

• Programming in C, Schaum series, Third Edition

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ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 6
Day 1

• Software life cycle

• Programming Approach

• Programming Life Cycle

• Introduction to algorithms

• Basic constructs of C language

• Programming Style

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Today’s session will focus on the need for programming and how to get started with

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Software life cycle





D o it



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In the SDM session the various phases of the Software Life Cycle were discussed. Lets
have a quick recap of the phases of SDLC (the waterfall model).
Any project starts with the Initiation phase in which the need for such a solution is identified.
During this phase the software requirements are identified and scope for the project is
freezed.After the requirements are collected from the client using a requirements
specifications document, these are analyzed. The requirements after analysis are translated
to define the actual structure of the project during the deign phase. The output of the design
phase is ‘program specifications’ . Using these program specifications the actual programs
are written. This is the coding phase. Once the project is built its tested for conformance to
specifications. Test plans are prepared using the specifications and these are used during
the testing phase. If the project is tested successful, its then installed. The installation phase
may also involve some kind of user training in some cases. The final phase of the SDLC life
cycle would be then maintenance of the project . During maintenance some more new
requirements are identified and the cycle continue

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 8
Programming Approach

End User perspective

– Sequential Approach (Demo Sequential_Demo)
– Event Driven Approach (Demo EventDriven_Demo)

Programmer’s perspective
– Structured Programming
– Object Oriented Programming

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Its during the coding phase of the SDLC life where one needs to write program using the
specifications given. While writing programs there are lot of approaches used by the

From the programmers point of view the approaches can be classified into 2 types -
structured programming and object oriented programming.
Structured programming is built on systematically breaking down the problem into modules
The programs are organized into modules that are coded using independent functions and
data. Eg. MSDOS programs
Object oriented programming style results in programs that are organized into objects that
encapsulate functions and data. Eg. C++ / Java / Windows programming.

From the end users point of view the approaches can be classified into 2 types – Sequential
and Event driven
Sequential programming results in programs that allow the user to follow a predefined
sequence of events. For example if there is a structured program written to accept student
info the sequence in which this input is prompted is fixed. Any user using the application has
to necessarily enter the input in that sequence only. Eg. MSDOS programs. CUI applications
On the other hand , in event driven programming the user can control the flow of events and
may choose the sequence of events. In such cases the UI is displayed to the user. User is
then allowed to enter the input in the sequence which the user wants. The program waits for
the user to send a message (by raising a event) which is processed and the program
proceeds with execution.Eg. Windows/GUI programs

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• What is an algorithm?

• Difference between a program & algorithm

• Definition of algorithm(broader look)

• Uses of Algorithms

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Let us now look at the steps involved in writing a solution to solve a given problem.

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• An Algorithm is a solution to a problem that is independent of any
programming language.

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An algorithm is just steps, written in plain English, that are needed to solve a given problem.
The general form what an algorithm takes is
Step 1 : START
Step 2 : <….>
Step 3 : <…..>.
Step n : STOP
A flowchart on the other hand is a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm.

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Algorithms & Programs
• An Algorithm is a solution to a problem that is independent of any
programming language.


• A program is an algorithm expressed in a programming language.

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Let us now take an example.

We will write an algorithm to find the average of three numbers. Read the problem statement
and find out
-what is the input required to solve the problem ( 3 numbers in case of the example above)
-What is the processing needed on the input that will generate the desired output (the 3
numbers input are added and the total is divided by 3 to give us the average)
-What is the output (the result we get is average which is displayed back to the user)

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Definition of Algorithm(broader look)
• An algorithm is
– a finite sequence of steps
– each step shall be explicit and unambiguous
– for each input, it shall terminate in finite time with output

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Now lets write the algorithm for the problem statements

We need to accept 3 numbers from the user, add them , divide by three, get the average and
show that to the user.
So the steps would be
Step 1 : START
Step 2 : Accept 3 numbers say num1, num2,num3
Step 3 : Add num1 num2 num3 and store the result in sum
Step 4 : Divide sum by 3 and find the average
Step 5 : Display Average
Step 6 : STOP

In the above algorithm

num1,num2,num3,sum,average are variables which are used to store values. A variable can
be defined as a location in memory that is capable of holding varying values. We have
different categories of variables – Simple / Array / Pointer / Structure variables
Accept and Display statements are input and output statements

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Use of algorithms
• Facilitates easy development of programs
– Iterative refinement
– Easy to convert it to a program
• Review is easier

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Writing algorithms makes logical thinking easier since there is no specific syntax/rules for
writing algorithms.Iterative refinement : This is stepwise refinement of the algorithm to get to
the actual solution ex. Taking names,then marks, validating marks, finding average. Its easy
to understand as its in plain English format.

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Basic three programming algorithm concepts.
• Sequential

• Selectional

• Iterational

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While building solutions there are three major constructs on which our solutions are built up.
They are Sequential / Selectional (Conditional) / Iterational (loops) Lets look at some
more examples which will use these type of constructs

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Example (Sequential)
• Write an algorithm to find the average marks of a student given the marks he
has obtained in three subjects.

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Example 1. Write an algorithm to find the average marks of a student given the marks he
has obtained in three subjects.
Input identified is marks in 3 subjects
Process is add the 3 marks and then divide
Output is the average marks
Step 1 : START
Step 2 : Accept num1,num2,num3
Step 3 : sum=num1+num2+num3
Step 4 : Avg=sum/3
Step 5 : display avg
Step 6 : STOP

The above set of algorithms clearly explains the usage of programming constructs like
sequential An algorithm facilitates easy program developments of programs, An algorithm
also known as pseudo code is independent of any programming language. It does not
contain any syntactic details associated with a programming language. Since the algorithm
only contains the logic of the solution without the implementation details it is a useful tool to
review and trap logical errors in the solution. The truly creative part of programming is the
design and development of correct and efficient algorithm. The coding phase can be viewed
simply as the process of translating an algorithm into the syntax of the any particular

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Conversion of algorithm to C program
• Variables
• Input statement
• Assignment statement
• Output statement

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In our previous examples the

•Variables are num1, num2, num3
•Accept is the input statement
•Display is the output statement
Lets now get started with programming in C. C is a structured programming language. A C program consists of
functions and data. C program consists of a predefined function main() along with zero or more user defined

A simple hello world program

/* a simple hello world program */
#include <stdio.h>
printf(“\n Hello World”); // displays hello world on the screen
The first line of the program is directive. Directives are executed during the preprocessor phase, a phase prior to
compilation phase. The program begins its execution with the first instruction in the main function. The instruction is
a print instruction that prints Hello World on the screen. printf() is a predefiend function of the std I/O library which is
made available to your program by including it using a #include directive.
Other predefined function is scanf() for accepting input from the user during execution.
Each instruction in a C program terminates with a semicolon.
Comments are inserted in the program and more clarity and readability of the programs. They are enclosed between
/*….*/ or proceeded by //.

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Declaration of variables

Basic/Primitive data types supported by C are

• int
• char
• float

There are lot of other data types which are derived data types that are built on
these primitive data types. Some worth a mention are
• long
• short
• double

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Basic/Primitive data types supported by C are

int – for storing integer values. Size will vary from 2 bytes – 4 bytes
char – for storing character values – Size is 1 byte
Float – for storing decimal values – single precision values are stored where number of
digits of precision after the decimal point is 6.

There are lot of other data types which are derived data types that are built on these
primitive data types. Some worth a mention are
long – used to store long int
short – used to store short int
Double – used to store decimal values of 12-digit precision

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Input statement
• Read from user (standard input)
• scanf(“format”, .... )
– %d - for int
– %l - for long
– %f - for double and float datatype
– %c - for characters

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The scanf statement is used for accepting user input. Some other std input functions
available are
int getch() – defied in conio.h accepts a character
int getchar() – defined in stdio.h, accepts a character
int getc(FILE * fp) – reads a character from the file pointer specified (stdin in case input to
read in from the keyboard the standard input file)

Eg. char a=getch(); reads a

char a=getchar();
reads a char
char a=getc(stdin); reads a

A standard lib function used often in conjunction with scanf is the fflush(stdin); function. This
function is responsible for clearing the input buffer before / after any input operation.

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Output statement
• Write onto screen (standard output)
• printf(“format_string”, .... )
– %d - for int
– %l - for long
– %f - for double and float datatype
– %c - for characters
• Arguments are expressions

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The printf statement is used for displaying user output. Some other std output functions
available are
int getchar(int) – defined in stdio.h, accepts a character
int getc(int, FILE * fp) – writes a character in the file pointer specified (stdout in case output
is written on the screen the standard output file)

Eg.. putchar(5); will print the character equivalent to the ASCII value 5.

putc(65,stdout) will print the character equivalen to the ASCII value 65

which is ‘A’
char a=‘*’; putcha(a) will print character * on the screen
char a=‘*’; putc(a,stdout) will print character * on the screen

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Assignment statement
• Assign an expression to a variable
• var = expr ;

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Consider an example
int x,y; // this instruction delcares 2 integer variables. Indicating 2
memory locations are created that can store integer
values. The locations contains no value currently (ie junk value)
x=5; // x is intialised to 5. This indicates the
memory location x now stores value 5
Y=x; // x is assigned to 5. This indicates the
value of memory location x is copied to the value in
memory location y

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 21
Operators In C

•Arithmetic Operators : + , - , * , /, %

•Relational Operators : >, >=, <, <=, == , !=

•Logical Operators : !, &&, ||

•Compound Assignment Operator : =, +=, -=, /=, *=, %=

•Address Operator :&

•Pre and Post Operator : ++, --

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The basic arithmetic operators help us in performing the arithmetic operations.The % (modulo operator) is used to
find the reminder of a divide operation x=5,y=2;
int z=5/2; will store 2 in z
int z=5%2 will store 1 in z
% operator cannot be applied to float data type. Hence the instruction 5.2 % 2.5 will result in erro
For comparing if 2 values are equal for not remember to use == and not a single =. == indicates comparisons and =
indicates assignment operation
eg. int x=5,y=3
x==y will be considered as an conditional expression that will be evaluated to true(non-zero) for false(zero)
x=y will be considered as an assignment expression which will assign 3 (value of y) to x. x after the instruction
will have value 3.
Logical operators available are ! (NOT), && (AND), || (OR)
eg. consider 3 variables x,y,x containing values 1,2,3 respectively
x=1, y=2, z=3
the condition x==1 && y == 3 will evaluate to false
the condition x==1 && z==3 will evaluate to true
the condition x==1 || y==3 will evaluate to true
the condition x==1 || z==3 will evaluate to true
the condition !(x <2 && y==2) will evaluate to false
AND table followed for evaluation is : T && T~T, T && F~F, F && T~F, F && F~T
OR table followed for evaluation is : T || T~T, T || F~T, F || T~T, F || F~F
NOT table followed is : ! T~F,! F~T

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Operator Precedence and Associativity

Precedence will be in order of

•Arithemtic – highest precedence

•Relational – lower than arithmetic

•Logical – lower that relational

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C offers a large variety of compound assignment operators. These operators are designed to handle multiple
operations using a single instruction
Pre and Post increment operations are used when add / subtract has to happen with before / after some other
eg. int x=4;
int y=++x; // this is preincrement operation. The result will be increment the value of x by 1
and then assign the updated value to y. x after the instruction gets executed will contain 5 and y will have 5
ie x=x+1;
int y=x++; // this is post increment operation. The result will be assign the value to x to y then increment
the value of x by by 1. x after the instruction gets executed will contain 5 and y will have 4
ie y=x;
Consider below
int y= x++ + ++x; this expr would translate to : x=x+1; y=x+x; x=x+1
After the instruction gets executed x contains 6 and y contain 10
In evaluating expressions the order of precedence starting from highest one is
•Compound assignment operators (+,=,*,/ - in order of BODMAS)
•Logical operators,Relational operators,& Address operators,* Indirection operator,Post increment /
decrement,Pre increment / decrement
Each of the operators set are evaluated with Left to right associativity except Pre incrementation /
decrementation that’s evaluated with right to left associativity.

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Finishing touches!
• Each C-program has a main function
• Execution of a program starts from main()
• include header files
– #include <stdio.h>

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Having understood the basic C program structure lets convert our earlier algorithm into C
Converting it to C Program
/* this program takes the marks as input, calculates average and prints the same */
#include <stdio.h> //including the std input
output library
void main(void) //main is defined which does not take any
parameters and returns no value.
{ //hence
indicated as void
float fMark1, fMark2, fMark3,fSum,fAvg; //variable
names need to follow naming conventions
scanf(“%f%f%f”,&fMark1,&fMark2,&fMark3); //use & while accepting

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Program Life Cycle


Source Header
Header Files



Object File

Object Files
Files Linker
Linker Libraries

Debug Version
Version Release
Release Version

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Now lets look at how do we test the program we have just written. The diagram above depicts the
various phases involved in the program life cycle.
Editing Phase : The first step in the process of building a program is creating source code files with the
code statements in header and source files. The code statements are entered into the files using a
standard editor (Visual Studio in our case). Care must be taken to enter the code such that it is properly
formatted and follows programming standards. Since a program is the most detailed design
specifications it must be easily understandable.
Preprocessing and Compiling phase : When the compiler is invoked the preprocessor (which performs
the preliminary operations on the source code before they are passed to the compiler) runs first to
create the compiler input. The compiler then scans the entire source code for any syntax errors and
creates an OBJ file that contains machine code linker directives, sections, external references , function
and data generated from the source files.
If there are any syntax errors the code is edited and recompiled. It is a good practice to review the code
once the code passes the compilation stage to locate logic errors and ensure conformance to standards
Linking phase : During linking the linker combines all of the object code from the statically linked
libraries and other object files, resolves the named resource and creates and executable. The linker
gives an error message if an external reference is not found. Library is a catalog of previously
developed objects ie sources which are independently developed, compiled and tested.Certain libraries
are supplied along with the compiler. These standard libraries contain functions for performing the basic
input/output , arithmetic etc functions. Users can create their own libraries
Debugging phase : During testing of the programs debuggers are used to execute the program
instruction by instruction display intermediate result set new values to variable etc. Debuggers speedup
the testing process. After the program is linked the final executable could be a debug version / final
version product

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An Example

File test.c: Life Cycle

#include <stdio.h>
void main(void ) Edit test.c
int iResult; Compile test.o
scanf(“%d%d”, &a,&b); Gives error as a and
b are not declared
iResult = a + b;
printf(“%d”, iResult);

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Variables have to be declared before use. If not declared the compiler gives on error and
does not create a object code for the program. Hence the exe which is created using the
object code is also not created. The program uses ”+” operator on ‘a’ and ‘b’ where as ‘a’
and ‘b’ are not declared anywhere. This will result in compile time error

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Another example

File test.c: Life Cycle

#include <stdio.h>
void main(void) Edit test.c
{ Compile Error test.o
int iResult,iN1,iN2; Link No Exe created
scanf(“%d%d”, &iN1,iN2);
iResult = diff (iN1,iN2); EXE NOT CREATED
printf(“%d”, iResult);

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The program calls function ”diff” where as function “diff” is not declared /defined before the
function invocation statement This will result in compile time error.

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Another example

File test.c: Life Cycle

#include <stdio.h>
int sum(int a, int b); Edit test.c
void main(void) Compile test.o
{ Link ERROR
int iResult,iN1,iN2;
scanf(“%d%d”, &iN1,iN2); EXE NOT CREATED
iResult = sum (iN1,iN2); Function definition for sum is
printf(“%d”, iResult); missing

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The program compiles successfully and creates an object code. However during the linking
phase all function references are resolved. When a reference to ‘sum ‘ function needs to be
resolved it searches for the definition of the function. Because the function definition is not
available the reference is ‘sum’ function does not get resolved. This results in a linker error
and the exe does not get created. The program calls function ”sum” where as function “sum”
is not defined anywhere. This will result in linker time error.

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One more example

// Prg to find out the cube of a number

#include <stdio.h>
int iNum;
printf("Enter a number");
printf(“\n Cube of the number is %d",iNum*iNum);

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The above program when complied and linked gives no compilation (syntactic) / linking
errors. But when executed it gives us the wrong output. These errors are logical errors
\n used in the program in a white space character which indicates return key. Other white
space characters available are \t (tab), space,\0 (null terminator), \r,\”,\b,\f,\a. They are also
called as escape sequence characters.

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Given a set of files (say .c files) we can build an executable

or a library.A Library is a collection of object modules which
get linked to the object modules of the program at
Compile time (Static Linked Library)
Run time (Dynamically Linked Library)
• Why do we need Libraries ?
• Can we have user defined Libraries ?

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The stdio.h basically includes the standard input/output library in our application. And during
the linker stage this is linked to our object code and the exe is created. Since the linking is
during exe creation stage the library is a static linked library. There could be libraries which
get linked while the program is under execution. Such libraries are dynamic linked libraries
Adv of Static Linked Library
DisAdv. of Static Linked Library
Faster access to the functions defined in the library Resulting EXE is big in
Adv of Dynamic Linked Library
DisAdv. of Dynamic Linked Library
Slower access to the functions defined in the library Resulting EXE is small in

It is possible for us to create user defined libraries and include them within our program
through user defined header files. By default all standard header files are available under the
include directory. Enclosing the header file name in angular brackets signifies that the file is
available under include directory. When we create user defined libraries the header files
corresponding to it are created in our current working directory. These header file names are
included by enclosing them in double quotes.
A #include statement can be used to include any file content and not necessarily a header

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Library Vs Executable files

• Just an Archive (collection) of • Object modules are linked to form

object modules an exe
• No main ( )
• main( ) is present
(Only One Main)

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Libraries are basically reusable pieces of code which needs to be linked to every executable
that makes use of its functionality. This linking can be static / dynamic in nature. As
discussed static linking of libraries mean the libraries are linked to your code before exe gets
created whereas a dynamic linking of libraries mean the libraries are linked to your code
while the code is under execution. Dynamic link libraries link to your code on demand when
your code tries to refer to a function that is part of dynamic link library (DLL).

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• Write a program which reads the marks of a student in 3 subjects and finds the
standard deviation of the marks

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Example (Selectional)
• Write a program to find the average marks of a student given the marks he has
obtained in three subjects. Then test whether he has passed or failed.
• For a student to pass, average should not be less than 50.

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We have earlier written a program to find out the average marks of a student given marks in
3 subjects. Let us now extend the scope of the problem to find out whether is has passed
our failed. Now this introduces us to a next construct – the selectional construct
Step 1 : START
Step 2 : Accept num1,num2,num3
Step 3 : sum=num1+num2+num3
Step 4 : avg=sum/3
Step 5 : if avg > 50 then display the student has passed else display the student has failed.
Step 6 : STOP

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 33
Conditional statement
• Used for deciding on which action to take

if (expr) if (expr) if (expr)

stmt1; stmt1; stmt1;
else else if (expr)
stmt2; stmt2;

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The if statement controls conditional branching The body of an if statement is executed if the value of the expression is nonzero.
Stmt1 is executed if the condition evaluates to true , else Stmt2 is executed.Note that semicolon is placed at the end of Stmnt forming the
if and else clauses. If the number of statements to be executed is more than one then the statements need to be enclosed in a block
ie if (expr)
Stmnt1; Stmnt2;Stmnt3;
For each else there needs to be a matching if. The compiler resolves this by associating each else with the closed if that lacks else. If
constructs can also be nested,
Some examples :-
int iN1,iN2,iN3 ,iN =0;
1) if(iN > iN2)
printf(“iN1 is larger”);
printf(“iN2 is larger”);
2) if(iN1 > iN2)
printf(“iN1 is larger”);
else if(iN1 < iN2)
printf(“iN2 is larger”);
printf(“Both iN1 and iN2 are equal”);
3) if(iN==1) // prints iN is not one
printf(“iN is one”);
printf(“iN is not one”);

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Conditional statement-(Contd..)
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4) if(iN=1) // prints
iN1 is one
printf(“iN is one”);
printf(“iN1 is not-one”);
In the above example the expr that’s evaluated is an assignment expr and not a conditional
expr. (becoz of = and not ==). The expr will assign a non-zero value to iN and then iN is
evaluated. Since it contains a non-zero value (indicating true evaluation) the if part is
5) if(iN1=0) // prints
iN1 is non-zero
printf(“iN1 is zero”);
printf(“iN1 is non-zero”);
In the above example the expr that’s evaluated is an assignment expr and not a conditional
expr. (becoz of = and not ==). The expr will assign a zero value to iN1 and then iN1 is
evaluated. Since it contains a zero value (indicating false evaluation) the else part is
6) if(5) //prints
printf(“True’); //becoz expr evaluates to a
non-zero value.

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Conditional statement-(Contd..)
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7) if(0) //prints false

printf(“True”); // becoz the expr evaluates to zero value
8) if(iN==3); //gives a compilation as if terminates after expr.
printf(“true”); // this means there is no matching if for the
else below
else // hence a error at compilation time is
9) if(iN1==1 && iN2 <3) //prints true as the expr evaluates to true – T && T
10) if(!4) // not of a non zero value is zero hence
false is printed

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 36
Alternative conditional statements
• ? : operator < (cond.)?true:false >
• switch block
switch (expr)
case value1: stmt1; stmt2; break;
case value2 :stmt1; stmt2; break;
default : stmt1;break

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The ternary operator is used as a replacement to simple if conditions.

Example :-
iMax = (iN1 > iN2) ? iN1 : iN2;
Here the condition evaluated is iN1 > iN2. If it evaluates to true then iN1 is assigned to iMax
else iN2 is assigned to iMax.
The switch block is used as an alternative to if construct when the value in a variable needs
to be matched against a set to values. The expr needs to be of int / char type only. All case
values need to be unique. The switch-case help control complex conditional and branching
operations. The expr value is matched against all case values. If a match is found the case
block executes and the control comes out of the switch (becoz of a break). In absence of a
break statement the execution continues with the next case block till it encounters a break /
the switch block terminates (which ever is earlier).If expr does not match with any of the
listed case values then the default block executes. The default is an optional statement and
it need not come at the end; it can appear anywhere in the body of the switch statement. In
fact it is often more efficient if it appears at the beginning of the switch statement.
This is one of the code tuning technique in which we place cases according to the frequency
which they occur in . i.e if we know that the user is going to give the options that is invalid
most of the times we can place the default as the first case so that the first case statement is
satisfied and executed , instead of checking all the cases and then executing the default.
According to ANSI at least 257 case labels are allowed in a switch statement.

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• Write an algorithm to find whether a given year is a leap year or not.
• Write an algorithm to find the largest of 3 numbers

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Algorithm to find if a year is a leap year

Step 1 : START
Step 2 : Accept year
Step 3 : if year % 4 ==0 then print year is leap else print year is not leap
Step 4 : STOP

Algorithm to find the largest of 3 numbers

Step 1 : START
Step 2 : Accept num1,num2,num3
Step 3 : if num1 is > num2 and num1 is > num3 then display num1 is largest
Step 4 : if num2 is > num1 and num1 is > num3 then display num2 is largest
Step 5 : if num3 is > num1 and num1 is > num2 then display num3 is largest
Step 6 : STOP

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 38
Example (Iterational)
• Do the following for N input values. Read N from user
 Write an algorithm to find whether a given year is a leap year or not.
 Write an algorithm to find the largest of N numbers
 Write a program to find the average of a student given the marks he
obtained in three subjects. Then test whether he passed or failed. For a
student to pass, average should not be less than 50.

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Now lets extend the scope of our algorithms. The problem definition now needs to give us
solution for a set of input values. This introduces to us the the concepts of looping constructs
Algorithm 1
Step 1 : START
Step 2 : Read N
Step 3 : ctr=1
Step 4 :-Accept year
Step 4 : if year % 4 ==0 then print year is leap else print year is not leap
Step 5 : ctr=ctr+1
Step 6 : if ctr < N goto step 4
Step 7 : STOP

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Example (Iterational)- (Contd…)
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Algorithm 2
Step 1 : START
Step 2 : Read N
Step 3 : ctr=1
Step 4 : read num
Step 5 : max =num
Step 6 : read num
Step 7 : if (max < num) max =num
Step 8: ctr=ctr+1
Step 9 : if (ctr <=N) goto step 6
Step 10 : display max
Step 11 : STOP

Algorithm 3
Step 1 : START
Step 2 : Read N
Step 3 : ctr=1
Step 4 : Accept num1,num2,num3
Step 5 : sum=num1+num2+num3
Step 6 : Avg=sum/3
Step 7 : display avg
Step 8: ctr=ctr+1
Step 9 : if (ctr <=N) goto step 4
Step 10 : STOP

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 40
Looping statements
• Repeat an action specified number of times

for(expr1; expr2; expr3)


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The for statement lets you repeat a statement or compound statement a specified number of
times. The body of a for statement is executed zero or more times until an optional condition
becomes false. You can use optional expressions within the for statement to initialize and
change values during the for statement’s execution.
Execution of a for statement proceeds as follows:
1. The initial-expression, if any, is evaluated. This specifies the initialization for the loop.
There is no restriction on the type of initial-expression.
2. The conditional-expression, if any, is evaluated. This expression must have arithmetic
or pointer type. It is evaluated before each iteration. Three results are possible:
· If conditional-expression is true (nonzero), statement is executed; then looping-
expression, if any, is evaluated. The looping-expression is evaluated after each iteration.
There is no restriction on its type. The process then begins again with the evaluation of
· If conditional-expression is omitted, conditional-expression is considered true, and
execution proceeds exactly as described in the previous paragraph. A for statement without
a conditional- expression argument terminates only when a break or return statement within
the statement body is executed, or when a goto (to a labeled statement outside the for
statement body) is executed.
· If conditional-expression is false (0), execution of the for statement terminates and
control passes to the next statement in the program.
A continue statement in a for loop causes looping-expression to be evaluated.
for( ;; ); - creates an infinite loop

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 41
Looping statements - (Contd…)
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The following example illustrates the for statement:

for ( i = 1; i < N; i = i + 1 )
sum = sum + i;
This example calculates the sum of the first N –1 natural numbers. First i is initialized to 1.
Then i is compared with the constant N; if i is less than N, the statement body is executed.
Then i is incremented and tested against N; the statement body is executed repeatedly as
long as i is less than N.
Note: One operator comma “ , ” is often used in the for statement. In a for statement, a pair
of expressions separated by a comma is evaluated left to right and the type and value of the
result are the type and value of the right operand.

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Looping statements - (Contd…)
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The program converted for our algo 2 in as under.

#include <stdio.h>
Void main (void)
int iMark1;
int iMark2;
int iMark3;
int iCounter;
int iEmpNo;
int iNumber;
float fAverage;

printf (“Enter the number of students “);

scanf (“%d”, &iNumber);
for ( iCounter=1; iCounter<=iNumber; iCounter++)
printf (“Enter the Empno, Mark1, Mark2 and Mark3”);
scanf (“%d %d %d %d”, &iEmpNo,&iMark1, &iMark2, &iMark3);
fAverage = ( iMark1 + iMark2 + iMark3 ) / 3.0;
if (fAverage >= 50 )
printf (“Employee Number %d has passed”, iEmpNo);
printf (“Employee Number %d has failed”, iEmpNo);

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 43
Looping statements
• repeat an action until an unknown number of times

while (expr)

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The while statement lets you repeat a statement until a specified expression becomes false.
The expression must have arithmetic or pointer type. Execution proceeds as follows:
1. The expression is evaluated.
2. If expression is initially false, the body of the while statement is never executed, and control passes from
the while statement to the next statement in the program.
3. If expression is true (nonzero), the body of the statement is executed and the process is repeated
beginning at step 1.
The while statement can also terminate when a break, goto, or return within the statement body is executed. Use
the continue statement to terminate an iteration without exiting the while loop. The continue statement passes
control to the next iteration of the while statement. The following is an example of the while statement:
while ( i >= 0 )
sum = sum + i;
i = i –1;
This example adds the value of i to sum if i is greater than or equal to 0 and then decrements i. When i reaches or
falls below 0, execution of the while statement terminates.The above example 1.4 can also be written using the
while loop.
while(2) - creates a infinite loop
while (true) - creates a infinite loop
while(expr); - create a infinite loop

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 44
• Do the following for an unknown number of students
• Write a program to find the average of a student given the marks he obtained
in three subjects. Then test whether he passed or failed.
• For a student to pass, average should not be less than 50.

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#include <stdio.h>
void main (void)
int iMark1,iMark2, iMark3;
int iCounter, iNumber, iEmpNo;
float fAverage;
char cCh;
while (true)
printf (“Enter the Empno, Mark1, Mark2 and Mark3”);
scanf (“%d %d %d %d”, &iEmpNo,&iMark1, &iMark2, &iMark3);
fAverage = ( iMark1 + iMark2 + iMark3 ) / 3.0;
if (fAverage >= 50 )
printf (“Employee Number %d has passed”, iEmpNo);
printf (“Employee Number %d has failed”, iEmpNo);
printf(“Do you wish to continue ? (y/n)”);
if(cCh==‘y’) continue; else break;

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 45
Other looping statements
do {
} while (expr);

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The do-while statement lets you repeat a statement or compound statement until a specified expression becomes
iteration-statement :
while ( expression ) ;
The condition is evaluated after body of the loop is executed. Hence body of the loop executes at least if the
condition is true /false
Execution proceeds as follows:
First the loop is executed, next the condition is evaluated, if condition evaluates to true the loop continues
execution else control passes to the next statement following the loop
The do-while statement can also terminate when a break, goto, or return statement is executed within the
statement body. This is an example of the do-while statement:
{ a = b ; b = b – 1; } while ( b > 0 );
In this do-while statement, the two statements a = b; and b = b - 1; are executed, regardless of the initial value of
b. Then b > 0 is evaluated. If b is greater than 0, the statement body is executed again and b > 0 is reevaluated.
The statement body is executed repeatedly as long as b remains greater than 0. Execution of the do-while
statement terminates when b becomes 0 or –ve. The body of the loop is executed at least once.

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 46
for & while loops
for (expr1; expr2; expr3)

Rewrite it using while statement


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Consider the for loop to find accept 10 numbers, find their sum and print the result. Now lets
convert the same to a while loop
The 1st component of the loop is initialization, 2nd component is condition and 3rd is
increment. Considering this lets convert into a while loop

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 47
while & for loops
• Given
while (expr)

• Rewrite it using for statement

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The while loop will print numbers for 10 to 1 in the reverse order. Try writing the same using
a for loop and test your solution.

We arrive at a conclusion that all while loops could be converted to for loop and the vise

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 48
Programming Style
• Proper Naming
• Commenting
• Indenting
• Standards
• Distribute
» Good Code Text
» Bad Code Text

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When your program is submitted to a C compiler, style makes little difference. The comments, the well-chosen
names, and the careful alignment of the code have no effect on the ultimate execution of the program. So why
The effort you put into achieving good style in your program is clearly for the human element, and the most
important person who is going to read your code is you. A program written with good style is more likely to be
correct than one without and it will be easier for you to debug and modify as you move it to its final form.
That last point is worth noting. When you develop software in the real world, and even for this course, it is rarely the
case that you write the entire program in one attempt. It is far more likely that you will get the essential "core" of the
program running, then add the remaining features. Large problems are simply too complex to tackle any other way.
The result of this approach is that you will spend some time looking at your own code, asking questions like "What
was I trying to do at this particular point," or "Where is the best place to add a new feature?" It is at this point that
you will realize the value of an investment in good code.
Here is a simple example. Which of the following lines of code would you rather work on?
m = s * h;
distance = rate * time;
The first line gives no hint as to its meaning. If you are lucky, you remember what quantities the variables hold. If
you don't, or if someone else wrote the code, you will have to spend some time figuring out what is going on. The
second line holds no such mysteries.

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 49
Programming Style - (Contd…)
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Now consider the following attempt to determine a commission based on sales:

if (salesAmt <= 50.0) commission = 0.0;
if (salesAmt > 50.0) if (salesAmt <= 100.0)
commission = 0.02 * salesAmt;
if (salesAmt > 100.0) commission = 0.03 * salesAmt;
Though it produces the correct answer, the code above is not nearly as easy to understand or modify as the
following equivalent version:
if (salesAmt <= 50.0)
commission = 0.0;
else if (salesAmt <= 100.0)
commission = 0.02 * salesAmt;
commission = 0.03 * salesAmt;
Just these two examples should make the point. Writing with clarity is as important for software as it is for literature.

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Programming Style-(Contd…)
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Choosing Names
The first step in documenting code is choosing meaningful names for things. For variables names the question is
"What is it?" For functions, the question is "What does it do?" A well named variable or function helps document all
the code where it appears. You should not have much difficulty deciding whether your names contribute to
readability. Here are a few guidelines:

- Use lower/upper case EmpSalary

- Use nouns for variables EmpNumber
- Use verbs for functions PrintPayroll
- Use uppercase for constants #define MAX_VALUE 100
- Use moderate length

numberOfPeopleOnTeam too long

ntm too short
numTeamMembers about right
- Follow the standard (See Appendix –I)

Examples of good variable names include:


Examples of good function names include:

In a nutshell, the name should be meaningful to the reader.

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Programming Style-(Contd…)
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There are a few variable naming idioms that are so prevalent among programmers that they form their
own exception class:
i, j, k Integer loop counters.
n, len, Length or Integer number of elements in some sort
of aggregation
x, y Cartesian coordinates. May be integer or real.
head, current, tail Pointers used to iterate over lists.
The uses of the above are so common, that the apparent lack of content is acceptable.
Using comments effectively
The motivation for commenting comes from the fact that a program is not just compiled and
executed by the computer but is also read by people. A program must strive to be readable, and not just to the
programmer who wrote it. A program expresses an algorithm to the computer. A program is clear or "readable" if it
also does a good job of communicating the algorithm to a human. Given that C is a rather cryptic means of
communication, an English description is often needed to understand what a program is trying to accomplish or
how it was designed. Comments can provide information that is difficult or impossible to get from reading the
code. Some examples of information you might find in comments:
- General overview. What are the goals and requirements of this program? This function?
- Data structures. How is data is stored? How is it ordered, searched, accessed?
- Design decisions. Why was a particular data structure or algorithm chosen? Were other strategies tried and
- Error handling. How are error conditions handled? What assumptions are made? What happens if those
assumptions are violated?
- Nitty-gritty code details. Comments are invaluable for explaining the inner workings of particularly
complicated (often labeled "clever") paths of the code.
- Planning for future. How might one make modifications or extensions later?
- And much more... (This list is by no means exhaustive)

At the top of each file, it is a good convention to begin with an overview comment for the program, interface, or
implementation contained in the file. The overview is the single most important comment in a program. It's the first
thing that anyone reading your code will read. The overview comment explains, in general terms, what strategy
the program uses to produce its output. The program header should lay out a roadmap of how the algorithm
works— pointing out the important routines and discussing the data structures.

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Programming Style-(Contd…)
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Here are a few guidelines for comments:

- Comments should make the code accessible to the reader
- Explain the code's intent in the heading
- Keep the comments up to date (if you update the code, update the comment)
- Don't comment bad code--fix it
- Avoid useless comments

Avoid embedding magic numbers and string literals into the body of your code. Instead you should
#define a symbolic name to represent the value. This improves the readability of the code and
provides for localized editing. You only need change the value in one place and all uses will refer to
the newly updated value.

#define-d constants should be independent; that is, you should only need to change one #define to
change something about a program. For example,

#define RECT_WIDTH 3
#define RECT_HEIGHT 2
#define RECT_PERIMETER 10 /*WARNING: problem */

is not so hot, because if you wanted to change RectWidth or RectHeight, you would also have to
remember to change RectPerimeter. A better way is:

#define RECT_WIDTH 3
#define RECT_HEIGHT 2

Remember that you must always enclose your #define values in parentheses when they are not
simple integer constants to guarantee that the compiler interprets the value properly.

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Programming Style-(Contd…)
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One final point about style is that you should develop a consistent approach. Doing so
improves readability and adds information to the code. For example, if you always use all
caps and underscores for constants, then when you see a line like this:


you know right away that MAX_TEAM_SIZE is a constant and that it is defined somewhere
in a #define statement. If sometimes your constants use mixed case, and sometimes your
variables are all caps, then you can't tell for sure and you've lost one small chance to make
your code more understandable.

One convention you will have to decide on is the placement of braces. Choose the
convention that you believe does this best and be consistent.

You should take care in the formatting and layout of your programs. The font should be large
enough to be easily readable. Use white space to separate functions from one another.
Properly indent the body of loops, if, and switch statements in order to emphasize the nested
structure of the code.

Likewise, for capitalization schemes, choose a strategy and stick with it. In this course we
will typically capitalize each word in the name of a function, variables will be named
beginning with a prefix confirming to its data type, #define constants will be completely
uppercased, etc. . This allows a reader to determine more quickly which category a given
identifier belongs to.

ER/CORP/CRS/LA06/003 54
• Software Life Cycle
• Programming Approach
• Algorithms
• Program life cycle
• Basic constructs
– input, output
– assignment statements
– conditional statements
– looping statements
• Programming Styles

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Thank You!

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