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Sundaram Clayton Ltd (SCL)

Abhishek Shukla Chiranjit Mitra Dhanraj Kurle Vasudevanand Kher


Deming Award and its criteria in correlation with TQM

Deming Award Role

of Top Management in TQM initiative of TQM at all levels is an crucial factor in TQM initiative

Benefits Training


on SCLs performance in 5

What is Deming Award


purpose of the Deming Prize was

to recognize those who excelled in quality control and as a way of driving quality control

was also established to thank Dr. W.

Edwards Deming for his accomplishments and impact in the Japanese 4/19/12 industry

Criteria Used for Deming Award

A firm

examines itself based on these viewpoints:

How well you implement TQM No unnecessary rules and regulations Understands and used TQM and statistical thinking Examination of production and nonproduction divisions of firm tested the same way

Criteria Used Contd.


on a 100 point scale

Executive Session must be 70% or higher Examined Session must be 50% or higher Company Average must be 70% or higher

Criteria Used Contd.

The Examination Viewpoints (For all)

Top Management Vision, Strategies


Top management leadership Organizational vision and strategies


Criteria Used Contd.


TQM Frameworks
Organizational operations Daily Management Policy Management Relationship to ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 structure and its


Outstanding results obtained for business objectives and strategies 4/19/12 as an outcome of viewpoint 2, in the

Correlation with TQM

This prize is given to only those companies that have accomplished in improving itself in TQM


Role of Top Management in TQM Initiative

TQM involves the whole organization without top level support TQM may failed at all levels Their personal impact credibility of TQM on the

Their influence can change the behavior and attitude of the employees Implementing this initiative in various sub-units4/19/12 organization of the

Benefits of TQM

Higher Productivity Higher moral of employees Decreasing cost of production It helps to improve process and product Most importantly improves customers trust towards company

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