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Pow 1errorlsLs llnAnCL

Lhelr AC1lvl1lLS
WhaL ls money launderlng?
lL ls a process where cash ralsed from crlmlnal
acLlvlLles ls made Lo look leglLlmaLe for re
lnLegraLlon lnLo Lhe flnanclal sysLem
%llnanclal AcLlon 1ask lorce on money
luLn1lllLu 1PL lCLLCWlnC
W urug 1rafflcklng
W Money launderlng
W lraLed Cu
W LxLorLlon and kldnapplng
W lraud
W Cambllng
W Smuggllng and Lrafflcklng ln counLerfelL goods
W ConLrlbuLlons and donaLlons or charlLles
W LeglLlmaLe buslness acLlvlLles
Increas|ng sh|ft towards ra|s|ng funds through cr|m|na||ty
8LvLn1lCn Cl 1L88C8lSM
LducaLlng Lhe clLlzens and Lo be unlLed
undersLand Lhe dlfferences ln culLures rellglons
bellefs and human behavlors
LsLabllsh survelllance and monlLorlng sysLem on
Lerrorlsm aLLack
lmprove proLecLlve sysLem for clLlzens

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