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Part A

Time(sec) Toothpick #
20 4
40 8
60 8
80 9
100 10
120 10
140 12
160 11
180 13

Part B
Time(sec) #
in bowl
20 10 4
40 20 5
60 30 9
80 40 12
100 50 13
120 60 19
140 70 16
160 80 18
180 90 19
200 100 22

5- The enzyme rates were diIIerent because the substrate was being increased. When the
substrate concentration is increased then it is easier Ior the enzyme to Iind a substrate break
down thereIore the reaction rate increases.
Part C
Without Ice 18
With Ice 50

4a-Increasing the temperature will increase the rate oI reaction until the point when the
temperature is so high it begins to destroy the enzyme.
4b- The optimal temperature Ior an enzyme to Iunction in a human is 37 degrees Celsius and
98.6 Fahrenheit.

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