Case Study - Student Interest Inventory

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Case Study - Student Interest Inventory

Name: Jaen Munguia Date: 9/15/11

1. What is your job? What is your weekly schedule like? Did you choose to get a job or did your family urge you to? At what age did you start working? Do any of your friends have a job?` Sales representative at Cricket. He works 6 hours a day five days a week. He chose to get a job. He just started this job, his first job, a month and a half ago. Jaen says that a lot of his friends have jobs.

2. Do you think that having a job affects your school work? Do you feel like you get more stressed out than before you had a job? Do you sometimes have trouble finishing schoolwork because you have to work? Have you ever missed school because of work? When he first started his job, he would get really stressed out because he didnt know how to manage his time. He wouldnt get home until 10:00pm and he would be too tired to do his homework, but then he realized that he could get a lot of homework done if he did it right when he got home instead of messing around before work.

3. What is your favorite activity or subject in school? Why? Your least favorite? Why? His favorite is physics. His least favorite is E2020.

4. What clubs, groups, teams, or organizations do you belong to? Include both school activities and those not sponsored by the school. ROTC.

5. What careers are you currently interested in? Jaen is going to go into the Army. He signed his contract the day before our interview and leaves a couple weeks after he graduates (June 11) for basic training in South Carolina. He wants to be a parachute rigger and jumper. He plans on doing 20 years in the Army.

6. Think of a great teacher youve had. Describe what made this teacher so terrific. His favorite teacher was a middle school honors math teacher, Ms. Riebeck. He said that no matter what, that she would get through to every student, even if they were rowdy and didnt seem to care at all about the work. He then tells me about another one of the students in our class, Dedrick Smith, who was also in that class, and who he says, learned everything about math from her and now he is really good at math. He says that she affected everyone and that he often tries to go back and visit her whenever he has a chance because she got diagnosed with breast cancer.

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