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Wireless Devices at 900 MHz, you get 1 mW DC over that

one meter (if you find a very good RF
Nancy Friedrich responds: Thank you,
Jiri. I’m glad you enjoyed the article. You
 IT WAS WITH MUCH INTEREST rectifier). Such power can charge a 100- made some great points.
that I read Nancy Friedrich’s editorial µF capacitor over a minute, and blink
on wireless power transmission (“Ener- an LED several times.
gy-Harvesting Solution Powers Wire- I do not see how to feed electronic gad- New Product Correction
less Devices,” Breaking News, January gets which need up to 1 W. Yes, there
2007 Microwaves & RF Notepad.) is an option: connect them directly to the  THERE IS AN ERROR in a New
This time they did it at 900 MHz! This power supply feeding the transmitter. That Product listing from Elcom Technolo-
is a problem that Mr. Tesla already would not be wireless, I suppose, but effi- gies that was titled “26.5-GHz Down-
tried to solve. It comes back again and cient enough. converter Offers 500-MHz Bandwidth”
again. And we failed to address the health in the January 2007 issue of Microwaves
The fact that Ms. Friedrich wrote, that effects of such multiple generators of & RF Notepad. The last sentence in
you can get ~1 mW over one meter from tens of watts at 900 MHz. But everybody the listing reads, “The broadband-
a 10-W transmitter, has been known is very afraid of cell-phone radiation microwave version costs approximately
since 1900; possibly even Mr. Hertz and brain cancer. A considerable amount $800,000.” Elcom Technologies had
was able to prove that electromagnetic of money has been and is being spent to actually received orders for the broad-
waves in free space propagate with do more research. Possibly, this will band-microwave version that totalled
inverse-square attenuation. Later, we encourage more money to pour in for $800,000. One single unit is not priced
learned that close to the antenna, field research purposes. (Wasn’t that the at $800,000, as was stated in the list-
intensity drops even faster, with inverse- main purpose?) ing in Microwaves & RF Notepad. We
cube proportionality. Thank you for an interesting read. apologize to Elcom Technologies and
So, this is all a very unexpected dis- Jiri Polivka to our readers for the error.
covery. Now, with a 10-W transmitter Spacek Labs, Inc. The Editors of Microwaves & RF

Microwaves & RF  FEBRUARY 2007 visit 13

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