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International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2000 THE AXIALLY MODULATED, CUSP-INJECTED, SLOWLY VARIED SECTION OPENED CAVITY, MAGNICON AMPLIFIER* Hebi Zhang** Institute of Applied Electronics P.O. Box 919-1012 Mian Yang, Si Chuan, People’s Republic of China, 621900 Received September 30, 1999 Abstract J introduce a novel hybrid microwave amplifier that utilizes the axial bunching mechanism of Hystrons in conjunction with the energy extraction mechanism of cyclotron resonance masers on TM mode, A simpler analytic model is used to show the viability ofthe device configuration and to explore limitations of the scheme, An example of an 11.5 GH, fourth harmonic amplifier is presented. Adopting a multi-particle in azimuth range of (0, /2) whose divide thickness of beam into three share approach, numerical simulation are used to demonstrate bunching in physical space and to estimate system efficiency et al, It shall be shown that this configuration enables the design of efficient, high harmonic devices over a wide range of parameters. Magnicon [1]-[11] is a kind of microwave amplifier tabe, it operates on the mode of rotating E,1. in cylindrical cavity and there is solid focus fine electrons beam. In it from theory, the paper researches the new type ‘magnicon, it is changed into using annular electron beam and using slowly variable section ‘opened cavity. Compared with magnicon, its pervence beams will may be increased, its frequency ‘may be increased up to millimeter wave band, its bandwidth also will may be increased same times. Than model of new type magnicon is put forward. Starting from large signal's theory, interacting of the annular electron beam into driver cavity in between the mode of rotating E,yo, numerical value to simulate. It done on the small current density and small density of electron in space that electrons dynamic are simulated, which may uses Runge-Kutta method to do it. Keywords ‘New type magnicon (The device), E,y mode, RF fields, Large signal theory, Interacted power 1. Introduce In 1994 I proposed a new type of magnicon. Since 1996, I had researched it, In 1998 I proposed its model. As resonate cavity on the mode of rotating TM in the new type magnicon, it is draft axial symmetry cylindrical opened driver cavity & slowly variable section’s.output cavity. The device (temporary calls KCS-magnicon, * ‘These work is support Sei. & Tech. foundation of China Academy Engineering Physics! ++ Author: In 1999 applied foundation of nation nature science, but not obtained to suppor. 39 (0185-927 /070100.0029618.000 © 2000 Penom Pubishing Cerporaioe 40 Zhang or hybrid-magnicon, or complex-magnicon) has similar interacted theory to magnicon, in centimeter wave band of short wave’s side. Its frequency will increase up to millimeter wave band; its peak power wills may be increased; it may be made broad or narrow band tube. But, it hopeful will still keeps supethigh efficiency and high gain et al characteristic. Generate make it to frequency pulsing tube or continues wave tube or multi-harmonic frequency tube. The device is amplifier, will be also makes oscillator, which include oneself-excited oscillator or locked mode’s oscillator. It operate at strong RF fields that the device different from magnicon, but whose to do at side-axis feeble fields. Therefor, there are more strongly swap of energy to interact between electron and RF fields, which have stronger bunch effect. For linear and no-linear theory of magnicon, author presented in [7]. After 1995, same new paper is published main to AD reports. About resonator’s cold quality factor of magnicon please see [8] and [10], where to particular. The device are proposed to based on theory of magnicon and also colligate TM or TE mode gyrotron, klystron, Cusptron, open cavity, composite cavity, slowly section cavity, et al, It is overload cut-off waveguide that in entrance, but in other extremity of device is diffract output hole or closed cavity, their extraction from longitudinal slot or hole of cavity’s side. This interact space have characteristic of. standing-wave fields, It are depended on the shape of this longitudinal bisection section’s scheme of open resonator cavity at axial and on the diffract hole (and slot) size that RF field’s axial distribution in cavity, loaded Q value of cavity body, and distribution of RF field’s amplitude E,. The device designed procedure is, to choose operation mode, to enactment the voltage of electrons beam and the compress ratio a and the current J of beam, to determinate the length Z of cavity, the electron’s beam radius R,, the loading Q of cavity-body, and the axial immersion magnetic field B(z) et al parameter. Where the device are reached to greatest efficiency. Otherwise, for output-cavity or one-cavity tube, also should estimates quality of electrons beam, and axial RF field’s distribution function G (Tj) to respond to operation of the device. Problems for interact of relativistic cyclotron electrons beam in between standing-wave fields, ever someone from dynamic and orbit two side’s theory finely researched to magnicon [4] [5], but while analysis in small signal environment. This paper draft attempt to passing no self-consistent and no linear interacts between electron beam and standing wave's fields that solve parameter’s design problem of the device. ‘Magnicon Amplifier a SH EH=88 2. Deflection system For increase the operated frequency, deflection system of the device uses linear cylindrical cavity. Entrance of cavity opens annular hole as electron’s 0.4, channels. At tow azimuth point of °4\ difference 90° in drive cavity where are coupling RF signal of coequal time phase difference with geometric space’s one. Obtain rotating E,, mode RF field. Harmonic wave problem of arbitrariness : ; oe Fig.1 Electric field vector E distri- n order is performed discussion. For tution, (n=4, ‘FILSGH,). samples, driving frequency f= 1.5GHz, radius of cavity Ry=31.8 mm are first zero point’s radius at Bessel function of order n=4, length of cavity = 13.6em. It to increased complication (complexity) for structure configuration of deflection system that du to the device add bunch effect of electrons beam still production largest transverse velocity. Both should set up time early or late order or set up same time to be embodies. But its basic configuration should is cylindrical open cavity of length L=M nx A. Where, M is integer number, 2 is wavelength. Please see Fig.2. It main are should: © ensure balance of force between electrons beam diffuse and magnetic fields bunch; @ ensure balance of moment while beam into e longitudinal immersion magnetic field; ® ensure beams to shall deflect to biggish transverse velocity which pass through magnetic cusp piece; @ ensure synchronization between

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