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biin ve khOi tbUy (Prototype Drawing)
1. XlIe dan vi ve, dung UNITS
- Doo vi dl) dhl ChQD 2-Decimal (ddll. vi co sO Iii mm).
- Do g6c chQn 2-Degrees/mimutes/seconds, g6c 0 6ng v(ri kim d6ng h6 hie 3 gio,
chieu dUdl1g eua g6c 13. chieu quay nguqc chieu kim d6ng h6.
2. gio; b3n ve (Ung vo; khO giay A4=297,210), dung LIMITS
- Cho diem g6c tnU dum (Lower left comer) ia 0,0
- Cho g6c ph3i tren (Upper right comer) HI. 297,210
3. thJ toan-bQ giOi ve ra maD binb, dung ZOOM vOll"a ch9D ALL
4. Ve khung baD ve va khung ten, dung LINE.
Chu y dung cae each cho tQa dl) tuyt d6i, tl1dl1g d6i (@).
5. cae thOng s6 khae
- lum treo man hlnh: + SNAP: luCri.
+ lenh GRID: bien luOi ra man blnh.
- lap cho ban ve. dung LAYER' .
- kieu ghi kich tlmac. diing Dim V AR de xie djnh eac bien kichtbuac tboo kieu
ghi ella ffilnh: . _
DimCEN: dQ dai dail tam dllt'lng tron, vi <ill cbQn
DimDU: khoang each cae duOng U:h thu\jc. N nhau. YO: 6mm.
Diml'X'r. dQ cao chil siS kiclo IhuiicrYO: 4mm. .
DimEXE: dQ dhl duimg kich tbuac \'1lQl quadueJng d6ng. YO: 3mm.
DimASZ: dQ dhl ten duimg kich dluac, VD: 4uun
DimEXO: dQ hiJ cua duimg dOng to; g6c gbi klcl).tbuac, VD: 2mm
DimCLRD: cho duimg kich thuac, VI): red
DimCLRE: milu cho duimg d6ng. VD: red
DimCLRT. milu cho chi! s6 kich tbuOc, YO: red
DimTAD: dot ON de ghi chi! s6 kich tbu6c len teen duimg klch tbuac
DimTIH: dot OFF ghi chi! s6 kich tbu6c hUUng dQC tboo duimg kich tbu6c
DimTIX: OFF chi! s6 kich tbmJc do dQ dai. do g6c du<;IC a trong hay IJ ngoai 2
duiing dong tuy du chb hay khOng; elm d6i vo; chi! s6 kich tbuac duiing kinh, ban kinh tbi
se ghi ra ngoai cung tron. D<}.t ON thl chu s6 kkh thuOc dAi, gOc se luOn ghi 0 trong, con
kich thuoc ducrng kfnh, ban kinh ghi 0 trong cung tron.
DimSCALE: tY cua \dch thu&:, VD: 12
DimlOFL: ON thl dulmg kich thu&: luOn vo ben trong 2 duimg d6ng.
- viel chil, dilug Inh STYLE.
6. giil ban vi! khiri Ihuy (PD) vita Il,lo, dung SAVE AS vOl ten mm, vi d\l
Sir d\mg cae each cho t<;>a d() tuyt d6i, t<;>a" d() mang d6i (@) ella diem de vi! hlnh.
a. Ve tam giae deu nhu hinb 1
-Inh OPEN rna ban vo khi1i thuy (A4.dwg, bili i1 tren)
- Command: line
From point:
To point:
To point:
To point:
P'\ f-_--,,60"-_-1.1"'
b. V@ hinh thang C3n nhu hlnh 2
<chi con tro cho 1 diem tren man hinh>
<cho P3>
<dong kin tharm tam giac>

Hiiy sit dl:mg d. 2 each cho tQa de) tt1ang d6i:
- @ pp (loa d c\IC luang d6i )
-@ x2,y2 (so vm diem xl,yl da c6)
VO hlnh duOi day vm be rQng ntl a 0,7. Hiiy. oiI dyng nay dn thiel
trong vo 3 chieu) voi Osnap rnode/CEN PEDIT. HuUng d!n vo bftng 2 each:
a. Cach 1: cho t1)ng IJ1Itjc khl ye polyline
1. open rna ban vi! khiri thuy .. A4.dwg" (bal ,*p 1 da lam)
2. Vi ebu vi ngoai, drra hi 0.7 vao b"rl6r khi 1'1
Command: pline
From point: <dung con trb cho P1>
Current line wi""th is 0
Arc/Close/Halfwidlh/Length/Undo/Width/<Egd poinl of line>: W
Den day dap W de! cho be rI\g 001 0.7 thl ti' vo polyline se c6 be 1.0.7;
C\l the nhu sau: .
Startingwidth< ... >: 0.7
Ending width< ... >: 0.7
Arc/Oose/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width/<End point of line>: @120,0
Arc/Close/Halfwidth/Length/UndofWidth/<End point of line>: a
Undo/Width/<End point of arc>: @O,-IOO
Undo/Width/<End point of arc>: I
Arc/Close/HalfwidthjLength!UndofWidth/<End point of line>:
Arc/Oose/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width/<End point of line>:
Arc/Oose/ ... /Length/Undo/Width/<End point of line>: a
Width/<End point of arc>: R
Radius: 30
Angle/<Endpoint>: @0,60
UndofWidth/<End point of arc>: 1
Arc/Oose/Halfwidth/Length/UndofWidthl<End point of line>: c
P1 P2
3. Vo du/mg Iron $50 eli r(lng net 0.7
Command: donut
Inside diameter< ... >: 49.65
Outside diameter< ... >: 50.35
Center of doughnut: <dung Osnap/CEN va chi V30 cung tron>
Center of doughnut: .j
b. Cach2: ve vOi be rQng net dfnh, chua cho be r(mg net
1. Ve chu vi ngoai
Command: pline
From point: <dung con tro cho PI>
Current liI)e width is 0
Arc/Oose/Halfwidth/Length/UndofWidth/<End point of line>: <cho P2>
- Ve tip cac khac tUC1Ilg tl;t nhu phAn a 0 tren.
- G9i Inh PEDIT d6i b<\ rQng net thanh wdJ.7:
Command: pedit
Select polyline: <chi vao polyline da
Open/Join/width/Editvertex/Fit/Spline!Decuve/LtypeGenjUndo/eXit< ... >: w
Enter new width for all segments: 0.7
Open/Join/width/Editvertex/Fit/ ... /LtypeGen!Undo/eXit< ... >: .J
2. Vo duimg trim $50 c6 be r(lng net 0.7 nhu;' philn a lJ tren
Ve ehi tiet may dum day. Huang dan sau sir cae lnh CIRCLE, LINE, COPY,
Osnap/CEN ... theo tdnh tv sau:
1. Vo 2 duimg trim d6ng tam $30, $50 phia tren dinh
- lnh open mb ban vo khlri thuy (A4.dwg)
- Command: circle (ve dUOng tron
3P/2PfITR/<Center point>: <dung chut chi 1 diem>
Diameter/<Radius>: 15
- Command: offset (ve duemg trOn
offset distance or Throught<Throught>: 10
Select object to offset: <chi vao duemg trim
Side to offset: <chi 1 diim viing ngoru duang tron 30>
Select object to offset: .J

2. Vi! 2 duimg Ir/)o $30, +50 phis cltnlI.WI\ plulJvlt Wn Inii
- Command: copy
Select objects: <Chi vao 2 duimglron+30, +.50>
Select objects: .J
<Base point or displacement>/Multiple: cEN
of <chi vao du<mg tron ,SO>
Second point of displacement: @90,-110
- Command: copy
Select objects: P <Previous>
Select objects: .J
<Base point or displacement>/Multiple: CEN
of <chi vao dui1ng tron
Second point of displacement: @-90,-llO
3_ Ve 2 tie'p tuyn ben ph.i, ben trai
- Command: line
Frompoint: TAN
To <chi vao dUCmg trOD $50 a tren dinh>
10 point: TAN
To <chi vao duang tron $50 ben trai>
To point: .J
- nha de ve tie'p tuyen ben phai.
4_ Ve eung tiep xue R150
- Command: circle
3P!2PfTIR/<Center point>: TTR
Enter tangent spec: <chi vao dUCmg trOD $50 ben tnii>
Enter second tangent spec: <chi vao duang trlm $50 ben phai>
Radius< ... >: 150
- command:
Select cutting edges .,_
Select objects:
Trim cae cung thua)
<chi vao 2 dUOng trOD ben trai, phai va 2 duemg
tip tuyn tnii, phai>
<Select objects to trim>/Undo: <chi vilo phAn dum cung R150 va phla dl100
duimg tron trtn dinh>
<Select objects to trim>/Undo: .J
5_ Ve trlle d6i xUng
- linetyPe/set de g9i dui1ng center ra vi!:
Command: Linetype
? /Create/LOad/Set: L
Linetype(s) to load: Center
Linetype(s) to load: .J
- Command: line'
Line From point: CEN <vi! In!C di qua tAm dui1ng trOn <\>SO ph!a trtn dinh>
of <chi V30 tron $50 tren dinh>
To point: 4n F8 va di chu"t xu6ng duOi chi tha 2 cua
- dung MOVE dm trl!c nay len cho clln Mi.
Ve hlnh chieu cua chi tiet may dum da.y, r(mg net ve Ii'!. O.Smm.
1. Ve cbu vi
- open mo bim vi; kMi thuy (A4.dwg)
- ve chu vi ngoai dung PLINE (hay PL) :
Command: pi
From point: <cm 1 di!m A tren man hlnb>
Current line width is 0.000
Are/Oose/Halfwidth,lLengthNndo/Width/<End point of line>: w
Starting width< ... >: 0.5
Ending width< ... >: 0.5
Arc/Oose/Halfwidth/LengthNndo/Width/<End point of line>: @11S,0
B ,
Arc/Oose/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width/<End point of line>:
Angle/CEnter/CLoselDirection/HalfwidthlLine/ ...
/Width/<End point of arc>:
Angle/CEnter/CLoselDirection/HalfwidthlLine/ ...
/Width/<End point of arc>:
Arc/Oose/Halfwidth/Length/Undo/Width/<End point of line>:
Arc/Oose/Haifwidth/LengthfUndo/Width/<End point of line>:
Angle/CEnter/CLose/DirectiooJHa\fwidth/Line/ ...
. /Width/<End point of arc>:
Angle/CEnter/CLose/Directioo/Haifwidth/Line/ ...
/Width/<End point of arc>:
Arc/Oose/Haifwidth/LengthfUndo/Width/<End point of line>:
Arc/Oose/Halfwidth/LengthfUndo/Width/<End point of line>:
2, Dung FILLET IU<!D trim 2 goc I.:!i A va B
Command: fillet
PolylinelRadius/<Select first objest>: R
Enter fillet radius: 7
Command: .J
Polyline/Radius/<Select first objeHl>: . P
Select 2D polYline: <chi polyline dii vi!>
3, CiIc du/mg Iron _ trong F34 va F4S .'
- Qe vi! dutmg tron 4>34 c6 n6t Il 05, dMg DONUT (xem bai 3)
4, Vi! 16 khuill va CiIc dU/mg I",c .
- lnh line vi! tt1!c dUng di qua tarn duimg tron b!n pOOi <1>45 nhu sau (I> dAy vhl dilng
dUOng continuous):
From point:
Th point:
<chi VB-O dumag trim <D45>
<Jfn F8 va keo Ie con tro len sal mep tren mm hlnh, blfrn
phfm de! xac dinh dic!m thll 2 cus tt1!c dUng>
- lnh MOVE diJi trl,lc d6 xu6ng cho can d6i
Ve cae trl;lc ngang cling tuang ll!
- OFFSET VO trl!c cua lO va 2 dUOng khuM:
Command: offset
Offset distance or throught<Throught>: 74
Select object to offset:
Side to offset:
Hai duang khua't cung dung lnh offset wong tt!
- CHANGE de thay dOi kieu dUOng:
Command: change
<ve 10 khua.:t>
<chi vao tIl,lC dUng da ve>
<chi 1 0 ben tnii
Select object: <chi V3.0 cae- dUng va ngang>
Properties/<Change point>: p
Change what property(Color/Elev/Layer/LTypefThicknees)?: LT
New linetype< ... >: center
De thay d6i d.c dl1Cmg continuous thanh cae dl1Cmg dlit{hidden) cung lam tl1C1ng t\l.
Ve hloh chit!u eua chi may dum dAy .
10 YO dau ben Irai
- rna blm ve khOi thuy A4.dwg
- RESfANG vo hinh chi! nhAt, dlnh tha nhilt cbo bfutg 'con tro, dinh tha 2: @96,-80
- lnh circle ve duemg tron ben trong:
Command: circle
3DI2DfITR/<Center point>: oX
of <bat diem giua MID q.nh nAm ngang eua hloh chfr
(need YZ): oY
of < bat giUa MID qnh thfing dUng eua hloh chii'
(need z): 0
Diameter/<Radius>: 24
- FILLETlugn 2 goc R13
20 YO pMn ben ph"i
- lnh line ve cac dUng, ngang qua HIm 0
- lnh OFFSETtIQc mam ngang voi khoang cach 5 de ve 16 khoang cach 20 ve
$40; sau do offset tf\lc thkg dUng v6i khoiing cach 54 va 176
- lnh ARC v6i h,ra ch9n Start, End,Radius de ve cac eung R13
- lnh trim cae do..,.n thira
- CHAMFER vat 2x45
3. Dung change dili cae duimg true tMnh dUimg cenler, duimg bao 16 +10
!banh duimg hidden.
Ve hloh chieu cua chi tiet sau day. Hu6ng dan nay se dung cac CIRCLE, LINE,
OFFSET, CHANGE, 1RIM. Osnap/CEN ... theo cae bucle:
1. Vi! 2 duimg Iron d6ng lam 011a +60,+100
- rna: ban ve khOi thuy A4.dwg
- circle ve duang tron $60
- Inh of set ve dUCmg trim +100
2. Vi! 2 duimg Iron d6ng tam 02 la +60, +30
- lnh copy de copy duang tron +60 sang trai khoang each Ia 150.
dung circle vai osnap/CEN di ve duemg tron $30.
3. Vi! liep tuyen dulii viii duimg Iron +100 v8 +60
- lnh line v6i osnaprrAN.
4. Vi! eung tjep xue R80 vOi +100 v8 +60
- Inh eirclefITR
- trim cung thita
5. Vi! cae duimg lAm Ihang dUng, nam ngang Il!i 01 V8 02
- line vOi osnap/CEN va F8
6. Vi! 2 duimg ngang each nhau 15, va cae 16 +16
offset, chQo duemg tam ngang di qua 0102 dua 1m 7.5 va xu6ng 7.5
- offset, chQn duang tam thiing dUng qua 01 dl1a sang tnii 8 va sang phai 8; tuang
tI! chQn duemg tam thiing dUng qua 02 va dl1a sang tnii 8, sang phai 8.
- trim cac phan thua.
7. D6i dU<mg net
change vai Iva chQn LTYPE d6i cac duang 16 +16 thanh net dm(hidden}, dOi cae
duang tam thanh net tam(center}.

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