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Running the CloudSim examples ----------------------------To run the CloudSim examples you need to do the following steps.

In Windows: 1. cd <PATH TO CLOUDSIM PACKAGE>\jars 2. java -classpath cloudsim-<VERSION>.jar;cloudsim-examples<VERSION>.jar org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples.CloudSimExample<EXAMPLE NUMBER> In Unix/Linux: 1. cd <PATH TO CLOUDSIM PACKAGE>/jars 2. java -classpath cloudsim-<VERSION>.jar:cloudsim-examples<VERSION>.jar org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples.CloudSimExample<EXAMPLE NUMBER> Where you need to replace: <PATH TO CLOUDSIM PACKAGE> - by the path to a directory where you have unpacked the CloudSim package <VERSION> - by the version of the downloaded CloudSim package <EXAMPLE NUMBER> - by the of number of the example you want to run CloudSim examples source code ----------------------------You can find the source code of the examples in <PATH TO CLOUDSIM PACKAGE>/examples/org/cloudbus/cloudsim/examples/ Compiling and running examples -----------------------------To compile and run an example (let's say org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples.CloudSimExample1) you need to do the following steps: In Windows: 1. cd <PATH TO CLOUDSIM PACKAGE> 2. javac -classpath jars\cloudsim-<VERSION>.jar examples\org\cloudbus\cloudsim\examples\ 3. java -classpath jars\cloudsim-<VERSION>.jar;examples org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples.CloudSimExample1 In Unix/Linux: 1. cd <PATH TO CLOUDSIM PACKAGE> 2. javac -classpath jars/cloudsim-<VERSION>.jar examples/org/cloudbus/cloudsim/examples/ 3. java -classpath jars/cloudsim-<VERSION>.jar:examples org.cloudbus.cloudsim.examples.CloudSimExample1

Description of the CloudSim examples -----------------------------------Here is the description of what each example does: : shows how to create a datacenter with one host and run one cloudlet on it. : shows how to create a datacenter with one host and run two cloudlets on it. The cloudlets run in VMs with the same MIPS requirements. The cloudlets will take the same time to complete the execution. : shows how to create a datacenter with two hosts and run two cloudlets on it. The cloudlets run in VMs with different MIPS requirements. The cloudlets will take different time to complete the execution depending on the requested VM performance. : shows how to create two datacenters with one host each and run two cloudlets on them. : shows how to create two datacenters with one host each and run cloudlets of two users on them. : shows how to create scalable simulations. : shows how to pause simulations. : shows how to add entities in run time. network: this package contains examples on how to run simulation with network simulation. power: this package contains examples on how to use CloudSim's poweraware features.

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