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Anand: The Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd.

(Amul), the apex marketing organization during the financial year 2008-09, has registered a quantum growth of 28 per cent to reach a record turnover of Rs 6705 Crores (Rs. 67.05 Billion), an increase of nearly Rs. 1450 Crores in absolute terms over the previous year. It is noteworthy that GCMMFs Turn Over has almost doubled in last three years. It is also noteworthy that the unduplicated Group Turnover of GCMMF and its 13 Dairy Cooperatives has touched Rs 10,000 Crores. With its quality products and fair pricing, at a time when the economy is witnessing recessionary trends, GCMMF has proven that business which is engaged in upliftment of the farmers as also keeps consumers at its centre stage, will continue to grow and benefit both these stakeholders. It is these stakeholders who have turned AMUL into the largest milk brand of Asia. GCMMFs growth has... come from all its major products as well as from all geographical regions of the nation. The milk procurement of GCMMF grew by 15% reaching a peak of 110 Lac Ltrs Per Day during last winter. B.M. Vyas, Managing Director, GCMMF said , This impressive growth in milk procurement is attributed to the remunerative prices being paid out to the farmers consistently year after year . The Federation plans to continue its stride and march ahead with a target turn over of Rs 8000 Cr for the coming year...

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