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Lathrom 1 Ariel Lathrom Neuburger ENG102-104 14 September, 2011 On Paragraph Essay A Case of Assisted Suicide: Mercy or Malice?

Suicide has long been a controversial topic all over the world, but in the short story A Case of Assisted Suicide, Dr. Jack Kevorkian brings new meaning to the act by assisting his patient in ending her life. Many would consider what he does to be wrong, but A Case of Assisted Suicide shows us his purely merciful intentions. Kevorkian states, Because I consider medicide to be necessary, ethical, and legal, there should be nothing furtive about it (318). Dr. Kevorkian believes what he is doing is merciful and the right thing. To further explain his genuineness, Kevorkian also states, I had made a Herculean effort to provide a desirable, clinical setting (319). Kevorkian had gone the distance to make sure that his patient had a comfortable and modest place to pass on. His firm, honest beliefs and outstanding effort to end the suffering of a woman comfortably proves his intentions are genuine, even if not everyone thinks so.

Kevorkian, Jack. A Case of Assisted Suicide. Power of Language: Language of Power. New York: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2011. 317-23. Print.

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