RPT Instruction Plan

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Lovely Professional University,Punjab

Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Lectures and Tutorials

Course No ECE202


Course Planner 15300 :: Kanika Saini

Lectures Tutorial Practical Credits 3 1 0 4

Text Book:

1 Floyd & Jain," Digital Fundamentals", Pearson Education, Eighth Edition

Other Specific Book:

2 Jain R.P., " Modern Digital Electronics ", Tata McGraw Hill, Third Edition 3 Tokheim R.L., " Digital Electronics - Principles and Applications ", Tata McGraw Hill, 1999

Other Reading Sr No Jouranls atricles as compulsary readings (specific articles, Complete reference) 4 http://www.nec.co.jp/techrep/en/journal/g09/n01/g0901pa.html 5 http://www.electronicsforu.com/electronicsforu/default.asp 6 http://journalseek.net/cgi-bin/journalseek/journalsearch.cgi?field=issn&query=1550-8781 7 http://www.semiconductors.co.uk/publications/journals.htm Relevant Websites Sr. No. (Web adress) (only if relevant to the courses) Salient Features

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Number Lecture Number Lecture Topic Chapters/Sections of Pedagogical tool Textbook/other Demonstration/case reference study/images/anmatio n ctc. planned

Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

Part 1
Week 1 Lecture 1 BASIC CONCEPTS: Number systems - Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal Conversion from one code to another, BCD ->Reference :1,Sec 2-1 to 2- 9 ->Reference :3,ch 2 ->Reference :1,Sec 2-1 to 2- 9 ->Reference :2,2.3; 2.7; 2.8; 2.9 ->Reference :2,2.9 ->Reference :1,3-1; 3.2; 3.3 ->Reference :1,3.4; 3.5; 3.6 http://elm.eeng.dcu.ie/~ digital1/afdez/JavaScript /Page2.htm http://elm.eeng.dcu.ie/~ digital1/afdez/Java+ +/addition/addition.html http://elm.eeng.dcu.ie/~ digital1 /afdez/JavaScript/Page2 .htm Lecture 6 Week 3 Lecture 7 Lecture 8 The universal property of NAND and NOR gates Combinational logic using NAND and NOR gates BOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND LOGIC SIMPLIFICATION: Boolean Operations and Expressions De-Morgan's Theorems ->Reference :1,5.3 ->Reference :1,5.4 TERM PAPER ALLOTMENT

Lecture 2

Lecture 3 Week 2 Lecture 4

Excess-3 Code, Gray code. LOGIC GATES: The inverter, AND, OR gates NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR gates

Lecture 5

->Reference :1,4.1; 4.2 Class Test 1

Lecture 9 Week 4 Lecture 10

->Reference :1,4.3

http://en.wikipedia.org/wi ki/De_Morgan's_laws http://www.lizarum.com/ assignments/boolean_al gebra/min_maxterms.ht ml#

Sum of products and product of sums, Minterms and ->Reference :1,4.9; Maxterms 4.10 ->Reference :2,ch 5

Part 2
Week 4 Lecture 11 Karnaugh map ->Reference :1,4.8 ->Reference :2,ch 5 http://www.eetimes.com/ discussion/programmers-toolbox/4024897/Aprimer-on-Karnaughmaps Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

Week 4

Lecture 12

Practice Problems using K Map

->Reference :2,ch 5

http://engineeronadisk.c om/V2/book_PLC/engin eeronadisk-47.html

Week 5

Lecture 13

FUNCTIONS OF COMBINATIONAL LOGIC: Comparators, Decoders Encoders, Code Convertors Parity Generators SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS: Flipflops - SR, JK Flip Flops - T, D

->Reference :1,6.4; 6.5

Lecture 14 Lecture 15 Week 6 Lecture 16

->Reference :1,6.6; 6.7 ->Reference :1,6.10 ->Reference :2,6.8 ->Reference :2,7.3 ; 7.4 ->Reference :2,7.5 ; 7.6 ->Reference :1,7-3 ; 74 ->Reference :2,7.8; 7.9 http://www.odyseus.nildr am.co.uk/RFIC_Circuits _Files/JK-type.pdf www.odyseus.nildram.c o.uk/RFIC_Circuits_File s/Dtype.pdf

Lecture 17

Lecture 18 Week 7 Lecture 19 Lecture 20 Lecture 21

Master/Slave FF Triggering of FF

Analysis of clocked sequential circuits - their design. ->Reference :1,7-5 ->Reference :2,7.10 Analysis of clocked sequential circuits - their design.

Week 8 Lecture 22 Lecture 23 SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS CONTD: Counters, Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters Synchronous and Asynchronous Counters ->Reference :1,ch 8 ->Reference :2,8.4; 8.5 http://www.allaboutcircui ts.com/vol_4/chpt_11/2. html ->Reference :1,ch 9 ->Reference :2,8.2 ; 8.3 ->Reference :1,ch 9 http://www.allaboutcircui ts.com/vol_4/chpt_12/4. html http://en.wikipedia.org/wi ki/Analog-todigital_converter

Lecture 24

Shift Registers: Serial and Parallel Shift Registers

Week 9

Lecture 25

Shift Registers: Serial and Parallel Shift Registers

Lecture 26

A/D AND D/A CONVERTRS: Principle of analog to digital conversion, Weighted resistor and ladder networks

->Reference :2,10.1 ->Reference :3,13-1; 13-2; 13-3 ->Reference :2,10.2 ->Reference :3,13-4

Lecture 27

Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

Week 10

Lecture 28

single slope, dual slope convertors.

->Reference :2,10.5

Part 4
Week 10 Lecture 29 Lecture 30 successive approximation and flash converters. CMOS circuits, RTL, DTL ->Reference :2,10.5 Class Test 2 ->Reference :2,4.3; 4.6 http://www.playhookey. com/digitalelectr onics/rtl_gates.html ->Reference :2,4.8; 4.11 ->Reference :1,11-4; 11-7 ->Reference :1,10-2 ->Reference :1,10-3 ->Reference :1,10-3; 10-4 ->Reference :1,12-3 ->Reference :2,12.4 ->Reference :1,12-1; 12-2 ->Reference :2,12.3 http://www.playhookey. com/digitalelectr onics/rtl_gates.html TERM PAPER SUBMISSION

Week 11

Lecture 31

TTL, ECL circuits

Lecture 32 Lecture 33

MEMORY: Overview of RAM Overview of ROM

Week 12

Lecture 34 Lecture 35


Lecture 36

Practice problems of PAL and PLA

Spill Over
Week 13 Lecture 37 Lecture 38 Introduction to CPLD's Introduction to FPGA's ->Reference :1,12-8 ->Reference :2,12.5 ->Reference :1,12-9 ->Reference :2,12.6

Details of homework and case studies

Homework No. Objective Topic of the Homework Nature of homework (group/individuals/field work Individual Evaluation Mode Allottment / submission Week 4/4

Class Test 1

To familiarize students with the topics.

1. Basic Concepts 2. Logic Gates 3. Boolean Algebra and logic simplification

all the questions given in test would be evaluated.

Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

Class Test 2

to familarize 1. sequential circuits contd students with basic 2. A/D and D/A convertors concepts for research purpose 1 CMOS Design 2 CMOS IC Counte 3 Applications of Decoder in traffic light controller 4 LCD display. 5 Calculator 6 FPGA 7 Semiconductor Memories 8 Static and Dynamic RAM 9 Error Detecting codes 10 Xilnix XC 9500 CPLD family 11 LED Display 12 Clocking Systems ( properties and problems) 13 Schmitt Trigger 14 HDL's 15 Sample and Hold Circuit


all questions will be evaluated. Presentation

10 / 10

Term Paper 1


3 / 11

Scheme for CA:out of 100*

Component Term Paper class test Frequency 1 1 Total :2 Out Of Each Marks Total Marks 10 10 20 10 10 20

* In ENG courses wherever the total exceeds 100, consider x best out of y components of CA, as explained in teacher's guide available on the UMS List of suggested topics for term paper[at least 15] (Student to spend about 15 hrs on any one specified term paper) Sr. No. Topic 1 CMOS Design 2 CMOS IC Counter 3 Applications of Decoder in traffic light controller 4 LCD display. 5 Calculator 6 FPGA 5 Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

7 Semiconductor Memories 8 Static and Dynamic RAM 9 Error Detecting codes 10 Xilnix XC 9500 CPLD family 11 LED Display 12 Clocking Systems ( properties and problems) 13 Schmitt Trigger 14 HDL's 15 Sample and Hold Circuit

Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned (case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)

Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 Tutorial 4 Tutorial 5 Tutorial 6 Tutorial 7

Problems on conversion of number systems. Compliment arithmetic and Boolean Algebra. Minterm Max-term , karnaugh map, Tabulation and computer aided minimization procedures. Combinational logic using NAND and NOR gates Test 1 Decoders, Encoders, Code Convertors, Parity generators Flip Flops SR, JK Flip Flops T, D.

Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving Problem solving,Test Problem solving Problem solving Discussion

After Mid-Term
Tutorial 8 Tutorial 9 Tutorial 10 Tutorial 11 Tutorial 12 Counters A/D and D/A converters Test 2 PAL PLA Problem solving Problem solving Test Problem solving Problem solving

Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

Approved for Autumn Session 2011-12

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