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8th grade/6th year of study

Barem de corectare i notare

Se acord acelai punctaj pentru rspunsurile redactate n spiritul soluiilor din barem.

Pentru fiecare item se acord 2 puncte A. VOCABULAR 1. a) white 2. c) birds 3. d) pay for 4. a) fine 5. d) receipt 6. d) an employee 7. c)bossy 8. d) lesson 9. c) previous 10. c) sore throat B. GRAMATIC 11. c) has broken 12. c) two beautiful blue silk dresses 13. c) at 14 b) should 15. b) has been painting 16. a) for 17. d) will be / dont turn 18. c) will miss / finish 19. b) were coming / stopped / said / was looking / asked 20. d) did you go C. FUNCII COMUNICATIVE 21. a) Could you help me do the shopping? 22. a) If I were you, I would go and see this movie! 23. d) complaining 24. c) To be honest, Im not sure myself. 25. a) I have actually. 26. d) agreeing 27. a) I did not make any promises. 28. d)suggestion 29. a) A.S.A.P. 30. b) To be honest, I think it makes you look a bit silly.

Pentru fiecare item se acord 4 puncte A. VOCABULAR 31.c) deal with a problem directly 32. c) background 33. a) showers B. GRAMATIC 34. b) She doesnt speak German and neither does her aunt. 35. b) to 36. b) got / was cooking / were watching 37. b) would change / lent C. FUNCII COMUNICATIVE 38. b) 2, 6, 3, 7, 5, 1, 4, 8. 39. c) 2, 4, 1, 3. 40. 1 punct gramatica 1 punct vocabular 1 punct spelling 1 punct creativitate

TOTAL SCORE : 100 points


pag. 1

ETAPA 1 1.11.2008

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