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You are invited to unleash adaptive leadership and tap into the collective creative wisdom of your organization, association or community. Using the process of Open Space, you can intentionally and innovatively adapt through new connections, new information, and new ways of being together. Open Space invites heart-felt issues and opportunities to emerge without pre-setting an agenda. All stake holders identify issues and hold concurrent dialogues to more successfully adapt in real time to the challenges of a constantly changing environment. Originated by Harrison Owen, the process has been used for over twenty-five years throughout the world in organizations of every kind and size. When you have high levels of complexity, diversity, potential for conflict, and time pressure, you have an ideal scenario for using Open Space. It works with any size group, large or small. The process unleashes adaptive leadership by setting some simple conditions and getting out of the way so that the organization can more creatively and collaboratively come together. It is not about the process per se; it is about giving the organization the permission to do what it already knows how to do and the time and place to do it most efficiently and effectively. And, it always works! You wont know the specific outcomes ahead of time, but they will be the ones that will enable the most successful adaptation and generate high performance through creative collaborations with fully engaged participants. Emergent outcomes in Open Space include identification of key issues and opportunities as well as a deeper understanding of all issues including passionate visions, appropriate structures and control, surprising results, increased trust, and an experience of genuine community with full participation. Opening such a collaborative space allows you to discover not only the issues, but also the greater capacities needed to successfully adapt. With amazing ease, you can unleash the creative leadership potential and talents of everyone involved while allowing them to take responsibility for the emergent outcomes. The elegance and simplicity of the process as well as the powerful collaborations and effective results will surpass individual expectations guaranteed!

Linda Stevenson Stevenson & Associates

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