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_________________________________________________________________ PEC Registration No._______________________ Discipline _____________________ Postal Address _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Phone/Cell No. ________________________ E-mail ___________________________ Domicile (Province) (attachment of copy is essential) ___________________________ is hereby nominated as a Candidate for the office of Chairman PEC (any discipline, all Pakistan basis). His/her bio-data comprising of 100 words is enclosed. Bank Draft/Pay Order No. ________________ dated ___________ for Rs.__________, in favour of Pakistan Engineering Council, Islamabad drawn on MCB Corporate Branch Blue Area Islamabad as Security Money is enclosed. It is certified that the Candidate is qualified to be elected and consents to the nomination. It is also certified that we have not proposed or seconded any other candidate for Chairman or any other office. Proposer Signature ________________________ Name ___________________________ PEC Regn No ____________________ Discipline ________________________ Domicile _________________________ Address _________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone/Cell No____________________ E-mail __________________________ Seconder Signature ________________________ Name ___________________________ PEC Regn No ____________________ Discipline ________________________ Domicile _________________________ Address _________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Phone/Cell No_____________________ E-mail __________________________

CANDIDATES CERTIFICATE Certified that I hereby consent to the nomination given in my favour, and affirm that I am qualified to contest this Election. __________________ Signature of Candidate
N.B. a. A member shall propose or second on one nomination paper only. b. Please ensure that the name of nominee, proposer and seconder is included in the valid voters list. c. Please see the instructions for filling up the nomination paper.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES/PROPOSERS/SECONDERS FOR FILLING NOMINATION PAPERS 1. 2. All members must thoroughly peruse Sections 4 & 9 of the PEC Act 1976 and Bye-law 23 to 32 of the PEC Bye-laws, 1976 (as amended) available at PEC website Nomination papers complete in all respect may be delivered or sent by registered post/courier service to reach the Registrar Pakistan Engineering Council, Ataturk Avenue (East), G-5/2, Islamabad not later than 1700 hours on 11th October, 2011. Nominations received after this date and time for whatever reason will not be accepted. A person may be nominated by more than one nomination papers. Each proposal shall be made by a separate nomination paper. Every nomination paper shall be accompanied by Security Money in the shape of bank draft or pay order in favour of Pakistan Engineering Council as under:a. Candidates contesting election for Chairman. b. Candidates contesting election for Senior Vice-Chairman. c. Candidates contesting election for Vice-Chairman. d. Candidates contesting election for Member of Governing Body. 4. Rs.5000/= Rs.4000/= Rs.3000/= Rs.2000/=


The Security Money shall be refunded to the winning candidates and other candidates who obtain 20% or more of the total votes cast in the relevant discipline/group or to a candidate who withdraws his/her nomination paper by the specified date or his/her nomination paper is rejected for any reason by the Election Committee. Copy of domicile certificate (mandatory for all candidates) and bio-data of the candidate is required to be sent alongwith nomination papers which should not exceed 100 words for Chairman, Senior Vice-Chairman and Vice-Chairman and 50 words for Member Governing Body. Under PEC Act, only valid Registered Engineers and Professional Engineers as on 30th June 2011 shall be entitled to participate in the Election as candidate/voter/proposer or seconder. Also no person shall be qualified to be elected as, or to be Chairman, Senior ViceChairman, Vice-Chairman or Member Governing Body for more than two consecutive terms. Furthermore the candidates for Chairman/Senior Vice-Chairman, and Vice-Chairman shall be Professional Engineers with not less than 25 years standing and candidates for the office of Member Governing Body, shall be Professional Engineers with not less than 20 years standing. According to bye-law 26(2)(i), a member from any discipline may propose or second the name of one member from any discipline for election to the office of Chairman or Senior Vice-Chairman, or one member of his own Province for election to the office of the Vice-Chairman, or one member of his own Province and discipline for election to the office of member Governing Body; and (ii) a member shall propose or second on one nomination paper only. Under bye-law 26-A, a member whose name is removed from the register for a specified period on account of his having been punished for professional misconduct or infamous conduct and is later restored to the register shall be disqualified from being elected as a member of the Governing Body until the expiration of two terms of the Governing Body following such restoration and a member on whom the penalty of reprimand has been imposed shall be so disqualified for one term of the Governing Body following imposition of the penalty. The candidates, their proposers and seconders may attend the scrutiny of the nomination papers to be held at 1000 hours on 15th October, 2011 at PEC headquarters Islamabad and the Election Committee shall give them reasonable opportunity for examining all nomination papers delivered or sent to the Registrar under clause (4) of bye-law 26. Decision of the Election Committee shall be final. To ensure fair elections, bye-law 29-A, reproduced below shall be strictly followed. Any violation may disqualify the candidate apart from action under Code of Conduct: 29-A. No candidate shall indulge in: canvassing through newspapers, pamphlets or hand bills; or exerting official pressure. Accepted nominations may be withdrawn by 1700 hours, 25th October, 2011.







(i) (ii) 11.

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