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IBM DB2 9.

Troubleshooting Hands-on Lab

Information Management Cloud Computing Center of Competence IBM Canada Lab

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................3 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................3 SUGGESTED READING...............................................................................3 WORKING WITH THE HELP (?) COMMAND...............................................3 4.1 5.1 6.1 TRY IT: PRACTICE WITH THE HELP (?) COMMAND ............................................4 TRY IT: DIAGNOSE A PROBLEM USING THE DB2DIAG.LOG FILE ..........................4 TRY IT: GET MORE INFORMATION USING THE DB2 INFORMATION CENTER ........5 WORKING WITH THE DB2DIAG.LOG FILE ................................................4 WORKING WITH THE DB2 INFORMATION CENTER.................................5 SOLUTIONS..................................................................................................5 PRACTICE WITH THE HELP (?) COMMAND ................................................................5 DIAGNOSE A PROBLEM USING THE DB2DIAG.LOG .....................................................6 GET MORE INFORMATION USING THE DB2 INFORMATION CENTER .............................7



In this lab you will practice with troubleshooting techniques.



By the end of this lab, you will be able to: Work with the DB2 Help (?) command Diagnose a problem with the db2diag.log file Look for more information about a topic from the DB2 Information Center


Suggested reading

Getting started with DB2 Express-C eBook (Appendix A) A free eBook that can quickly get you up to speed with DB2


Working with the help (?) command

When working with DB2, you may encounter problems, and a SQLCODE may be returned. You can find out more information about this SQLCODE using the DB2 help (?) command. For example, try the following for these SQLCODEs -104, -204 respectively: From the DB2 Command Window or Linux shell type: db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2 ? SQL0104N db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2 ? SQL0204N If you dont remember a DB2 command, or the full syntax of the command, you can also use the help (?) command. For example, lets say you partially remember a command that starts with LIST, but dont remember what follows after. You can try from the DB2 Command Window or Linux shell the following: db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2 ? LIST

Note that the HELP command will not work with SQL Statements. Use the DB2 Information Center for more information about SQL Statements.


Try it: Practice with the help (?) command

1. Find out more information about these SQLCODEs: -805, +100 2. Find out the syntax of the BACKUP command using the help (?) command


Working with the db2diag.log file

The db2diag.log file is another source of information for problems encountered while working with the DB2 server. Find the location of this file and take a look at its contents. The location of the file depends on the operating system: Windows Vista and later

Windows XP/2003
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\IBM\DB2\DB2COPY1\<instance name>

INSTHOME/sqllib/db2dump (INSTHOME is the home directory of the instance owner)


Try it: Diagnose a problem using the db2diag.log file

1. Rename the db2diag.log to db2diag.old.log. Next, issue these changes from the DB2 Command Window or Linux Shell:
db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2 update db cfg for sample using LOCKLIST 4 db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2 update db cfg for sample using MAXAPPLS 100

Review the db2diag.log, and find the entries corresponding to the above changes. 2. Issue the following from the DB2 command window:
db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2 connect to SAMPLE db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2stop

Review the db2diag.log. What error message do you get? 3. This is the end of this section. Reset the configuration parameter changes using these commands:
db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2 reset db cfg for sample db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2stop force db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2start


Working with the DB2 Information Center

The DB2 Information Center contains the DB2 online manuals. To access it, go to this site:


Try it: Get more information using the DB2 Information Center

1. Lets say you want to learn more details about the syntax of the CREATE TABLE statement. Look for this information in the DB2 Information Center.



Practice with the help (?) command

Solutions for section 4.1
1. Find out more information about these SQLCODEs: -805, +100 From the DB2 Command Window or Linux Shell type: db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2 ? SQL0805N db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2 ? SQL0100W (or db2 ? SQL0100)

Find out the syntax of the BACKUP command using the help (?) command: db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2 ? backup

Diagnose a problem using the db2diag.log

Solutions for section 5.1
1. Rename the db2diag.log to db2diag.old.log. Next, issue these changes from the DB2 Command Window or Linux Shell:
db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2 update db cfg for sample using LOCKLIST 4 db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2 update db cfg for sample using MAXAPPLS 100

A new db2diag.log file should have been generated. Take a look at the contents. What do you see? This is a sample of what you would see. Obviously, the timestamp will be different.
2011-05-07- I1097H468 LEVEL: Event PID : 2448 TID : 8048 PROC : db2syscs.exe INSTANCE: DB2 NODE : 000 DB : SAMPLE APPHDL : 0-588 APPID: *LOCAL.DB2.080907152844 AUTHID : ARFCHONG EDUID : 8048 EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, config/install, sqlfLogUpdateCfgParam, probe:20 CHANGE : CFG DB SAMPLE: "Locklist" From: "50" To: "4" 2011-05-07- I1567H482 LEVEL: Event PID : 2448 TID : 8048 PROC : db2syscs.exe INSTANCE: DB2 NODE : 000 DB : SAMPLE APPHDL : 0-588 APPID: *LOCAL.DB2.080907152844 AUTHID : ARFCHONG EDUID : 8048 EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE) FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, config/install, sqlfLogUpdateCfgParam, probe:20 CHANGE : CFG DB SAMPLE: "Maxappls" From: "40" <automatic> To: "100"

2. Issue the following from the DB2 command window:

db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2 connect to SAMPLE db2inst1@db2rules:~> db2stop

Review the db2diag.log. What error message do you get?

2011-05-04- I5006H302 LEVEL: Error PID : 2200 TID : 528 PROC : db2syscs.exe INSTANCE: DB2 NODE : 000 EDUID : 528 FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, base sys utilities, DB2StopMain, probe:502 MESSAGE : EntryId[000][Reason:GATEWAY_INUSE]

The message says GATEWAY_INUSE which maps to what you get from the DB2 Command window: SQL1025N The database manager was not stopped because databases are still active.

Get more information using the DB2 Information Center

Solutions for section 6.1
1. Type create table in the Search Field of the DB2 Information Center and click Go. From the left tree, click on the item that best meets the criteria of looking for the syntax of this statement. Normally, if it refers to the syntax of a statement, if will be represented in upper case. So from all the hits, look for CREATE TABLE in upper case. Click on that item, and on the right side scroll down until you find the complete syntax. Below we show part of this syntax:
>>-CREATE TABLE--table-name-------------------------------------> >--+-| element-list |----------------------------+-------------> +-OF--type-name1--+-------------------------+-+ | '-| typed-table-options |-' | +-LIKE--+-table-name1-+--+------------------+-+ | +-view-name---+ '-| copy-options |-' | | '-nickname----' | +-| as-result-table |--+------------------+---+ | '-| copy-options |-' | +-| materialized-query-definition |-----------+ '-| staging-table-definition |----------------' >--+---------------------------------------------------------------------+--> | .-,-------------------------. | | .-DIMENSIONS-. V | | '-ORGANIZE BY--+-+------------+--(----+-column-name-----------+-+-)-+-' | | .-,-----------. | | | | V | | | | '-(----column-name-+--)-' | '-KEY SEQUENCE--| sequence-key-spec |----------------' .-DATA CAPTURE NONE----. >----+----------------------+----+------------------------+---> '-DATA CAPTURE CHANGES-' '-| tablespace-clauses |-'

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