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NAME_______________________________________ UNIT 2

INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the correct present tense form of the verb in parentheses. 1. Allison and her husband ____________________ (want) to have another baby. 2. Ann ____________________ (know) how to swing dance. 3. The members of the school administration ____________________ (meet) once every month. 4. Elizabeth is a friendly person. Everybody ____________________ (like) her. 5. Yesterday I learned that my neighbor's name ____________________ (be) Leslie. 6. People in the United States ____________________ (have) a big dinner on Thanksgiving. 7. The best way to survive long days at work ____________________ (be) to take little breaks every few minutes. 8. Not one of the students in the class ____________________ (have) below a B average. 9. Birds ____________________ (fly) south for the winter. 10. Two members of our high school football team ____________________ (plan) to go away to college.

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose one of the verbs in parentheses to complete each sentence. 11. Sara ____________________ (want / wants) to be an actress. 12. The members of the book club ____________________ (read / reads) a new book every month. 13. Who ____________________ (say / says) that we can't win this game? 14. Most people ____________________ (like / likes) warm weather better than cold weather. 15. The flowers in front of my house ____________________ (is / are) blooming now.

INSTRUCTIONS: Your teacher has given you the topic for a paragraph: "The Benefits of Growing a Vegetable Garden." Which of the following brainstorm ideas would be best to include in your paragraph? 16. growing vegetables saves money a. include b. leave out

17. vegetable gardens provide food to birds and butterflies a. include b. leave out 18. people like flower gardens better than vegetable gardens a. include b. leave out 19. working in a garden can help you relax a. include b. leave out 20. water the vegetables every day a. include b. leave out INSTRUCTIONS: Your teacher has given you the topic for a paragraph: "Learning to Sew." Which of the following brainstorm ideas would be best to include in your paragraph? 21. read books about learning to sew a. include b. leave out 22. buy thread, needles and other sewing supplies a. include b. leave out 23. buy books on drawing a. include b. leave out 24. sew a button or start another simple sewing project a. include b. leave out 25. people prefer knitting over sewing a. include b. leave out INSTRUCTIONS: Some of these sentences have errors in subject-verb agreement. If the sentence is correct, write "C." If it is incorrect, write the correct form of the verb in the blank. 26. My father watchs television every day. ______ 27. The mother of the two schoolchildren try to teach them right and wrong. ______ 28. Ferdinand works at the local grocery store. ______ 29. The author of the horror books sell 1 million copies every year. ______ 30. To avoid being tired at work, you should goes to sleep early. ______

31. Paula has been away from home for seven months, and she miss her parents. ______ 32. My grandmother bies groceries once a week. ______ 33. Natalia and her friend need to lose weight. ______ 34. Arthur studys a lot because he wants to get into a good university. ______ 35. The local homeless shelter need donations of clothing and furniture. ______

INSTRUCTIONS: Unscramble the words to write a complete sentence. Be sure to use the correct present tense form of each verb. Example: after dinner / she / watch / the news / on TV She watches the news on TV after dinner.

36. sweaters / by hand / she / wash / her


37. always / reply / Marco / to e-mails / immediately


38. Guatemala and Brazil / the main / be / of / coffee / product


39. pair / a new / cost / jeans / $55 / of


40. people / my town / in / speak / many / Spanish


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