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Social Media Campaign

Social Media as part of a Comprehensive Congressional Campaign





Twitter Publics
IDENTIFY People in the 48th district can be identified by hashtags and geographic locations. exp: #irvine or @uci ENGAGE Hashtag conversations one way to engage mass voters. exp: #OCGreatpark ACTIVATE Quality tweets activate people to go to your profile, follow you and possibly even retweet or or mention you. RETAIN The key to retaining interest is communicating directly with voters personally.

IDENTIFY These can be identified by number of followers and actiity. Influencers also include media and elected officials. ENGAGE Commenting about these individuals, their tweets, or even retweeting them. ACTIVATE Have them spread the message to their network. Again compelling content is key. We want retweets. RETAIN Moving the relationship from Twitter to real life meetings is the goal.

IDENTIFY ACTIVATE The Twitter coalition may Use Direct Messages to ask consist of active followers coalition to promote events. online and pre existing partners Get them to mention us. ENGAGE Make them aware of our social media, follow them, mention them, participate in their social media forums. RETAIN Again meeting in person and collaborating on events will solidify relationships. 2

Weekly Schedule
Monday: Scope the tWitter Social Media and Media Scene. id iSSueS tueSday: allign our Strategy and key MeSSageS With the iSSueS WedneSday: canvaSing MeSSageS, enter foruMS and haShtagS thurSday: direct MeSSageS, perSonal contactS, & folloWupS friday: beSt day for tWitter 4pM haS to be a great tWeet. Saturday: Meet people, go placeS, bridge the tWitter gap. Sunday: MetricS, evaluation

StrategieS identify, engage, activate, retain

MeSSage diScipline progreSSion Work Within the coMMunicationS plan

tWitter projectS
event proMotion gotv variouS action requeStS preSS releaSe/Media alertS

tWitter exaMpleS:
@bethkroM quality tWeetS contain a Mention a #haShtag and a link:

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