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University of Adelaide

Production Documentation
Your Name
________Peter Kelly__________________________

Date/s of Production
________26 June 2008___________________________

Song Title
__________Helter Skelter______________________________________________

Sampling Rate __48Khz_________ Bit Depth _24___ Duration __2’20”__

Total Time Spent on Production

__6___ Hours _____ Minutes

Notes/Issues/Commentary on Production (Maximum 200 words)

Recorded live, all in the same room. As such could not use vocals due to too much spill. Vocalist
recorded at home – his recordings feature some kind of artifacts and areen’t the best.

They were very relaxed and just wanted to effectively rehearse so only recorded the song once.

Lots of spill in all mics, but add to an overall live sound.

The bass was the most problem, not particularly good playing and levels all over the place.

Track Information
(Duplicate this table as necessary for each track)
Track Instrument Performer Name
Production Techniques applied (EQ, dynamics processing, colouration etc, reasoning for
application and reference to reading and lecture.) (Maximum 100 words per entry)
01 Bass Drum.
Equalisation and gating.
02 Snare Drum
Equalisation and gating. Reverb.
03 Hi Hats.
04 Lo Tom
Equalisation, gating,reverb. Also trimmed unused audio sections
05 Hi Tom
Equalisation, gating,reverb. Also trimmed unused audio sections
06 Overhead
Bussed the pair to own channel for equalisation
07 Overhead
Bussed the pair to own channel for equalisation
08 Overhead buss
09 Bass DI

Version: 2 | Created: 26/6/08 | Saved: 26/6/08 | Printed: 26/6/08

University of Adelaide

Levels all over the place. Lots of compression. Equalisation. Compression. Also side chained
compression to kick drum for more space.
Bussed to track 10.
10 Bass DI buss.
Amplitude for more colour and overall effet in mix
11 Guitar
Equalisation. Reverb.
12 Backing vocals
Equalisation. Reverb. Also trimmed unused audio sections.
13 Vocalls.
Recorded on the night. Unused due to to much noise.
14 Vocals.
Recorded at home of vocalist.
Euqalisation. Compression. Reverb. Trimmed unused audio sections.
15 Drum reverb.
Filled with snare, toms, and a bit of guitar
16 Vocal reverb
Lead and backing vocals. Also a bit of guitar.
17 Master
L3 Maximiser.

Version: 2 | Created: 26/6/08 | Saved: 26/6/08 | Printed: 26/6/08

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