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1. Do you ever use drugs alone? 2. Have you ever switched drugs, thinking one was the problem?

3. Have you ever lied to a doctor to obtain prescription drugs? 4. Have you stolen drugs or stolen to buy drugs? 5. Have you ever used one drug to relieve the effects of another drug? 6. Do you avoid people who would disapprove of your drug use? 7. Have you ever used a drug without knowing what it was? 8. Has your job or school performance suffered from your drug use? 9. Have you ever been arrested as a result of using drugs? 10. Have you ever lied about what or how much you use? 11. Does the purchase of drugs affect your financial stability? 12. Have you ever tried to stop or control your drug use 13. Have you ever been in a jail, hospital, or treatment center due to using? 14. Does drug use interfere with your sleeping or eating? 15. Does the thought of running out of drugs terrify you? 16. Does it seem impossible to live without drugs? 17. Is your drug use disrupting your family life or relationships? 18. Do drugs seem necessary to have a good time and fit in? 19. Have you ever felt guilty or ashamed about your using? 20. Do you think a lot about drugs? 21. Have you ever used drugs to mask your emotional pain? 22. Have you ever overdosed on any drugs? 23. Do you continue to use drugs despite negative consequences? 24. Do you feel that you may have a drug problem?

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