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Bodhran's Summer Solstice Spread ~~~~~1~~~~~~ 4~~The Sun~~2 ~~~~~3~~~~~~ Pull "The Sun" from the deck and

place it face up in the center. 1. During the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, more light is availa ble to us. What in my life has been in shadow, that I need to shine a bright lig ht on so I can see it clearly for what it is? 2. The word "solstice" comes from the Latin "sol" (meaning sun) and "sistere" (m eaning to cause to stand still). What in my life am I trying to force into happe ning when instead I need to be still and patient? 3. The Summer Solstice is often called "Midsummer" because it is roughly in the middle of the growing season. What in my life is fertile and productive now? Whe re are my opportunities for growth? 4. After Summer Solstice, the days gradually become shorter, and the sun's stren gth wanes as winter approaches. What is waning in my life? What do I need to rel ease?

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