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Study Guide for Functions, Limits, and Continuity

Functions Week 1 Read Appendix D (posted in Learn under Textbook Readings) and do some of these problems: No. 1, Odd numbers from 21-41, 47. Read Appendix E from Anton and do a selection of these problems: Odd numbers from 1-31. If you have not heard of sets before, here is a website on sets (set notation is also important in MATH103) Study Sections 1.1 and 1.3 in Anton's Calculus. Suggested Exercises: Section 1.1 Quick Check Exercises 1.1, Ex. Set 1.1 Numbers 1, 3, 9, 11, 13, 19 Section 1.3 Quick Check Exercises 1.3, Ex. Set 1.3 Numbers 1, 3, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37 Families of Functions and their Graphs Study Anton Calculus Section 1.4 Do Quick Check Exercises p. 48 Try Exercise Set 1.4 Numbers 1, 9, 15, 21 Inverse Functions and Inverse Trig Functions If needed, see revision material on trigonometry in Topic Resources section. Study Anton Calculus Section 1.5 Do Quick Check Exercises p.62 Numbers 1-4 Try Exercise Set 1.5 Numbers 1,3,7,9,11 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Study Anton Calculus Section 1.6 Do Quick Check Exercises page 74 Try Exercise Set 1.6 Numbers 1, 5, 9, odd numbers from 11 to 31. Introduction to Limits Study Anton Calculus Section 2.1 Do Quick Check Exercises p.110 Try Exercise Set 2.1 Numbers 1, 3, 5, 7 Calculating Limits Study Anton Calculus Section 2.2 Do Quick Check Exercises p.121 Try Exercise Set 2.2 Odd Numbers 1-35 Limits at Infinity Study Anton Calculus Section 2.3 Do Quick Check Exercises 2.3 Try Exercise Set 2.3 Odd Numbers 1-35 Continuity Study Anton Calculus Section 2.5 Do Quick Check Exercises 2.5 Try Exercise Set 2.5 Odd Numbers 1-25 Trig Limits and Squeezing Theorem Study Anton Calculus Section 2.6 Do Quick Check Exercises 2.6 Numbers 1-3 (especially Q2 memorise these limits!) Do the squeezing theorem questions in Tutorial 6

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