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Management Concepts

People working together and coordinating their actions to achieve goals

A desired future condition that organization seeks to

The process of using organizational resources to achieve organization's goals by Planning, organizing, staffing, Directing and controlling

Additional Concepts
Resources are organizational assets and includes:
Raw material Machinery Information and skills Financial capital

Managers are the people responsible for supervising the use of an organization's resources to meet its goals

Organizational Performance
Efficiency :
Efficiency means doing thing right. It defines the ability to minimize the use of resources in achieving organizational objectives.

Effectiveness means Doing the right thing. The ability to determine appropriate objectives

Managerial Functions
Henry Fayol:
To manage is to forecast and plan, to organize, to command, to coordinate and to control

Koontz and O Donnel:

Management is the creation and maintenance of an internal environment in an enterprise where individuals, working in groups, can perform efficiently and effectively towards the attainment of group goals. It is the art of getting the work done through and with people in formally organized groups

Functions of Management
What? How? Who? Where? Why?

Grouping the activities Delegation of Authority And Responsibilities

Monitor & Measure

Right persons For right job

Guiding Motivating

Looking ahead Preparing for future Process
Determination of the goal Formulating policies, rules , procedures etc. Forecasting the future based on past and present activities

Effective Planning provides answer to questions like: What to do? When to do? How to do? Who is to do?

Establishes harmonious relationship among all the workers of an organization by providing them with suitable authority and responsibility. Process:
Identification of activities Grouping the activities Assignment of duties and responsibilities Follow up the activities

Identification of workforce requirement Inventorying the workforce requirement Recruitment Selection Training Placement Appraisal Promotion etc.

Supervising giving instructions and guidelines Motivating the subordinates to complete the tasks Communication- Provides the proper information to improved the effective management. Leadership process by which a manager guide and influence the work of his subordinates

Establishing standards Measuring current performance Comparing this performance to the established standards Taking corrective actions of deviation are detected

Management Levels
Top level Management:
Formulate goals, policies and budgets, direction, Distribute Profit Appoint top executives, Overall

Middle Level Management:

Monitor and control , To train and motivate, To coordinate etc

Lower level Management: train the employees, assign jobs, give orders & instructions, maintain discipline, to report feedback information

Three Levels of Management

Top Level Mgt

Middle level Management

Lower Level Management

Managerial Roles
Interpersonal Role

Decisional Roles

Informational Role

1.Interpersonal Roles

Figure Head role:

A manager performs symbolic duties required by the status of his office, attend employee family function.

Motivation and training the employees

Relationship with outsiders

2. Informational Roles


Collect internal and external environment

Distributes the information to his subordinates Transmits the information to the outside of the organization


Spokes person

3. Decisional Roles


Initiates and supervises design of projects

Responsible for corrective action Allocation of human, monetary and material resources

Disturbance handler:

Resource allocator:


Bargains with suppliers, dealers, trade union, agents etc.

Managerial Skills

Technical knowledge and skills:

Thorough understanding and proficiency in the activities to be performance at a given level. Ability to work with others and to direct and motivate people with a view to securing optimum performance on their part.
Ability the view the enterprise as a whole

Human knowledge and skills:

Conceptual knowledge and skills:

Skill type needed by Management level

Conceptual skills Human Skill Technical skills

Top Level Middle Level Lower Level

Management Challenges

Increasing number of global organisation Building competitive advantage through superior, efficiency, quality, innovation & responsiveness Increase performance while remaining ethical managers Managing an increasing diverse work force Using new technologies

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