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Name __________________ Date____________ Class _______ Sample Questions:

Who said, "What trash is this girl reading? She should be reading Mein Kampf" Hans Hans Jr. Max Rudy Who said, "Do you still play the accordion?"? Rudy Liesel Rosa Max Hans Who said, "I wish I was just like Jesse Owens"? Rudy Max Hans Liesel Hans Jr. Who is a symbol of horror? Stalin Hitler Roosevelt Churchill Chamberlin What was Goebbels' role? Strategy Finance Eastern Bloc Western Bloc Propaganda What prompts Hans to hide Max from the Nazis?

Maxs father saved Hanss life during World War I Hans feels its his duty to help as many people escape the Nazis as possible He was instructed to do so by a rather specific message from the Resistance

What does the Gestapo want with Rudy? They want him to join the military They want him to attend a special training school for gifted athletes They want him to rat out Hans They want him to arrange the entertainment for Hitlers birthday party Why is Hans conscripted to the military? As a punishment for hiding Max As a punishment for giving a Jewish man a piece of bread As a trade to keep the Gestapo from taking Rudy As a favor for being a friend to Hitlers cause (hell make good money in the military) SHORT ANSWERS (1 or 2 paragraphs at most) 1. What theory does the narrator suggest about colors? 2. Describe a distinct historical even or personal experience that occurred during the authors life that may have had an influence upon his writing. 3. What are the three colors associated with the book thief? What are they and why would these colors be used? 4. Family relationships are an integral thread within this novel. Describe one relationship that you believe of greatest significance and explain why. Vocabulary: Write a definition for each of the vocabulary words that are found in this text. Abhorrence Affable Shrouded Traipsing Trepidation


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