The Curse

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CHAPTER 1 Azreen Saleh stepped out blindly from the matrons office. She approached elderly Filipino man, Mr. Costa. Azreen tell him, that she will leave London to Malaysia. After that, she went to her room and packing her textbooks and notes. Due to upcoming examination, she took the stairs down. Suddenly, she heard voice from top of the staircase. She knows that is not Filipino man because he already gone for breakfast but it comes from Julian Ng. Azreen escape from Julian. After a while, she heard someone called her name, it was Julian. Julian asking about the examination and hope Azreen will be alright at Malaysia. Then, Azreen tell Julian about her sister, who is died yesterday.Julian prodded after hearing the story and fell sorry about it. Julian wants to help Azreen but Azreen said that he should return to deck. Julian said that he will visit her after examination over.

CHAPTER 2 Azreen bought chicken pieces, yogurt and fruit salad as her lunch. She stared at her food without much appetite. She glad that she can eat Malaysian food once she reached home. While she eats, she remembers about her house. Her mind wandered off to her sister, Madhuri who older four years than she. She had despised her sister because nobody would notice her when Madhuri around. She hate when her friends and parent compare her with Madhuri. But now, Madhuri already dead. All happy moments with her sister become history,

CHAPTER 3 In tiny island at south of Langkawi Island, Puan Kamsiah bustled in from her vegetable garden. She looks like uneasy. Her attitude was seeing by her daughter, Siti who looked up her book. Puan Kamsiah said nothing when her daughter asking. Siti know there is something important in her mother mind. Siti followed her mother when she left the living room. Suddenly, Puan Kamsiah said that Normala spread nonsense. Siti asking what Normala said to her. Puan Kamsiah said Madhuri that murdered. Siti said that rumour should not be true. Puan Normala said that she see Madhuris blood is white.Puan Normala added that the village is being cursed. Datin Sharifah took Azreen from the airport. Datin Sharifahs husband, Datuk Zulkifli felt sorry to Azreen and help to carry her suitcase. They took Azreen to old creaky jetty jutting. Azreen got out from the car. After across waters, she reached to a tiny island which is her homeland.

CHAPTER 4 Siti sat in living room, trying to restrain her little brother from scampering about.At one corner, she saw Puan Normala was gathering a group a women to her side. Siti picked up her ears to hear story about Madhuri. She remembers that Madhuri had given her Quran lesson when she was six or seven but they were never close. For a moment, the whispering from Puan Normala stopped. Siti see robust women, edgy-looking man and a girl with twenty came up the steps. She knows who is that girl, that is Azreen Saleh,Madhuris younger sister. After Azreen disappear, Puan Normala said that she only give trouble. Some of them added that she does not have any manner. Puan Normala said to the group women that Azreen hate her sister. Datin Sharifah and Datuk Zulkifli help Azreen to her room. Azreen ask to Datin Sharifah, how did Madhuri died. But Datin Sharifah not tells it because that is time to tell it. After being forced by Azreen, Datin Sharifah said that Madhuri had been murdered and put curse before her died.Azreen stepped into a room which bedroom for her mother. Her mother sees Azreen as Madhuri. It seems her mother still do not know what happen to Madhuri. Azreen want to take her mother to burial ground. While going to burial ground, her father, Saleh Abdullah, forced Azreen to take her mother to go home. Datin Sharifah took Azreens mother to home. After a while at burial ground, she see a young man who Mohd. Asraf. She remembers how she met Mohd. Asraf. At night, while Azreen open the window, she sees a black hair girl like Madhuri. Haji Ghanis first wife, Puan Fatihah invites her husband to sleep after see that her husband still watching Madhuri photo. Puan Fatihah take Madhuri photo and torn it. CHAPTER 5 After back from market, Azreen see Mohd. Asraf standing outside of the mosque.Mohd Asraf made his move toward her. He was asking about condition of Azreens mother. After that, Azreen ask Mohd. Asraf what happen to Madhuri, Mohd.Asraf said that Madhuri was found at rubber estate and it seems like an accident. He added that Haji Ghani and his people was arranged everything. Azreen want to know more but Mohd. Asraf said that him need to prepare for the school. At home, she cooked porridge for her mother after being asked by her mother. While Azreen brought a spoon to her mothers lips, her mother grabbed Azreens hand and said that Madhuri is in danger. Azreen ask more about it but suddenly her mother fallen into a state of incoherence. After her mother calmed down, her mother took a spoon and eats the porridge.While Encik Saleh chopping the wood, he heard odd sound but nothing.Awang,the village bomoh was almost died when a crazy woman attack him. During came to farm, Awang remember about tragedy that happen a year ago. At school, Noor, Sitis friend tells Siti that her mother see Awang went to rubber estate. Noor make conclusion that Awang was killed Madhuri. Noor added that Madhuris parent wanted her to marry with Haji Ghani, the village headman than married with Mohd. Asraf. After lunch,Azreen sneaked out to go the jungle, the place where Old Lady lives. She remember how she met the Old Lady. Many villagers afraid with her, they said that Old Lady is witch but for Azreen, she just an old lady. The Old Lady seems happy when Azreen came to her house. Azreen asked about Madhuri, she said that is not accident but murdered.


Awang saw the Pontianak lady was died. Those make Awang more afraid because he knows there is something evil during Madhuri died. The Old Lady tells Azreen, that she saw Madhuri lying with her back to a tree. Old Lady thinks, it just an accident or being attacked by wild animal but after she saw gash across her said, she know that it murder. After that, she tells that Haji Ghani and his men know who killed Madhuri.While Puan Fatihah sits inside Madhuris room, she remembers how Haji Ghani met with Madhuri. Azreen picked up a torn piece of photograph that she saw. That was Madhuris photo. She saw all photo inside the album is torn. Suddenly, her father stepped in the room and forced her to out from the room to living room. At living room, her mother was dreamed about the accident that took her leg.Azreen remember how she protects Mohd. Asraf from being scolded by Encik Mohan, the owner the farm. After that, she saw an accident that involving her parent. Doctor said her mothers legs cannot be used again.Her father blame toward Azreen but her sister protect Azreen but her father does not listening it. During walked home, they saw a woman who standing half-hidden behind the signpost. After Azreen run from that woman, she saw Mohd. Asraf. He felt sorry about what happen to her mother. During Mohd.Asraf and Madhuri talked, Azreen went to Old Ladys house. In Old Ladys house, the Old Lady tell the story about her husband.Her husband was killed by her because she cannot stand the abuse committed by her husband. Puan Minah scolded Azreens mother because Azreen attitude that cause her daughter to a fever. At home, she saw Mohd. Asraf helping her sister with a basketful of vegetables. Azreen was following the foster programme. After the programme end,Azreen back to home. Her father does not like when outsiders helping his family. After a year, Azreen get scholarship. She had applied for course at London, England. She met with Old Lady and tells her that she will go to London. The Old Lady shows a special place that only Old Lady knows about it to Azreen. CHAPTER7 Mohd.Asraf help his grandmother to drink water. His grandmother fever worse than before. His grandmother does not want to see a doctor. Mohd.Asraf went to buy lunch. Haji Ghani walked up to Madhuris tombstone. He remembers how he found the dead body of his wife. He saw someone walking among the meranti trees, she look like Madhuri. But Haji Ghani knows that is not Madhuri. At home, Azreen answered telephone, it was from Datin Sharifah. Datin Sharifah saids that she wants to visit Azreen,but DatukZulkifli has some business. So, she said that she will visit Azreen next week.After that, her father scolds to her and tell that she forget to latch up the chicken coop.Azreen protest but her father does not want to hear it. Azreen clear away the carcass of chicken that it neck was being break by someone. The next morning, Mohd.Asraf met with Azreen. Mohd.Asraf tell to Azreen that PuanNormala saw Awang burning some odd things. It make PuanNormalas cat fell sick after near to it. When Azreen reached home,she found an envelope inside the mailbox. It from her friend, Julian. After read the letter from Julian, she read another letter that Julian post within it. It from Madhuri.Puan Normala said the raining is the sign of curse. She said, she saw langsuir a grave yard. She added that Puan Fatihah throw away all Madhuri personal belongings.During Azreen sat on the large root of flame tree, Mohd. Asraf met her. Mohd.Asraf was fighting with Haji Ghani because Haji Ghani insulted his wife and all women. After Mohd.Asraf back to home, Azreen walked to home too. At her room, she was searching Madhuris letter but it gone. CHAPTER 8

After raining for four day, her mother was passed away on the fifth day. She was buried next to Madhuri. In Madhuris room, Azreen remember how they struggle to make basket that Azreen broke it. After leave the room, she saw someone at window. After chase the woman until the veranda, Madhuris room was burning. After extinguish fire, she went to bed. Puan Fatihah met with woman who looks like Madhuri. She faint after saw her. Mohd Asraf goes to the market to look for medicinal plants for his grandmother but fails to find any because the rain drowns all Pak Huzaimi plants. In desperation, he decides to go to the Old Ladys house for help. The Old Lady hesitates at first but after much persuasion from Azreen and Mohd. Asraf, she finally agrees to go over to Mohd Asrafs house to help his grandmother.

CHAPTER 9 Siti keeps an eye on Mohd. Asrafs grandmother while he goes out to get her medicine.Puan Kamsiah and Normala are curious at the Old Ladys presence at Mohd.Asrafs house. The Old Lady tries to cure Mohd. Asrafs grandmother.Azreen is puzzled to discover a university prospectus that reveals Mohd. Asrafs intention to pursue his studies in Kuala Lumpur. When Azreen returns home, she sees the bomoh scampering behind the bushes. As she confronts the bomoh, he informs her about the mob incident at Mohd. Asrafs house. She immediately runs to Asrafs house. Normala blames Azreen for bringing the Old Lady to Mohd. Asrafs house and causing heavy downpour to hit the village. An argument starts and Azreens father intervenes to stop the commotion. Meanwhile, Mohd.Asrafs grandmother is beginning to recover and Mohd Asraf is extremely relieved. They thank the Old Lady for bravely coming over to cure Nek and the rain finally stops.


Azreen had good condition of dinner with her father. At almost midnight, a flurry knocks on her door awake her. It came from Siti. Siti tell Azreen that Nek has passed away an hour ago. Siti added that Mohd. Asraf believed that Old Lady poisoned Nek and bring a few men for revenge. After that, Azreen went to Old Ladys house, she tried to stop Mohd. Asraf but he does not hear it. Azreen took a spade and stabs Mohd.Asrafs legs. As the result, the torch at his hand fell and rolled toward the wall of house and soon the house was the fire. Azreen finds Nek, barely alive lying beside the stove and she advises Azreen to learn to forgive before it is too late. Azreens father saves her before the whole house crumbles. Azreen feel upset. She beat Mohd. Asraf but him not fight back. After Azreen done, she asking why he did this to Old Lady. Mohd.Asraf ask a sorry for what happen. Mohd.Asraf fells Allah against he, then he said that lost Madhuri and then his grandmother. Azreen puzzled when he said he lost Madhuri. He said Madhuri is his lover but Haji Ghani stole her from him. Mohd Asraf tell that him get offer of teaching course at Kuala Lumpur. As it chance for him to leave, he also planned to bring Nek too because he know she would get good medical care than village. He tell Madhuri about his plan, and he see that Madhuri love him too. Madhuri said that she will ask permission to release him. Mohd Asraf wants to leave immediately but Madhuri ask to give her another month. She wants to tell her parent first then she wants to see Azreen for last time. She said that she already write a letter to Azreen. But hope just is a hope. After an hour he leaves Madhuri at rubber plantation, Mohd Asraf get news that Madhuri was died. Azreen fell upset and shocked after hear that story, she run away from Mohd Asraf. She ran without any destination until her reach at the tall cliff near the sea.She tries to sleep as she wants to calm herself. After her angry gone, she walked back to home but she at rubber estate. She does not where she headed. Suddenly she met Awang the bomoh. Azreen knew that Awang lied to her when he said that his just around at rubber estate. Awang tell the Azreen about Madhuris secret, that Madhuri is just foster daughter of her family. Her father found the baby which is Madhuri when her mother left her at paddy field. She did that for searching scraps. Her family agreed to take Madhuri as their daughter. Her mother fell upset when her baby is gone but she knows that is only way for Madhuri get better live. So, she not searches her baby. But after Madhuri died, she appears again. She also who broke up the chicken neck and cause the burning Madhuris room.Awang said that he causes the bull run away and hit motorcycle of Azreens parent.Awang also confirms that he had seen Madhuri and Mohd Asraf together several times in the rubber estate. The chapter ends with Haji Ghani, the headman thinking about his young wife meeting her lover on that fateful day when she was killed.


Azreen delves on the bomohs words that Madhuri was not her real sister.She encounters a shadow of a woman from behind the wooden fence again that directs her To a woodpile a few feet away behind her house.Azreen and her father walk towards the woodpile and see a parang that Saleh used to chop wood.There is white and sticky stain at the edge of the parang. Azreen immediately recalls Normalas words She had white blood and she stares at her father in disbelief.She gently asks her father did he kill Madhuri.Saleh remember how he found Madhuri. He not regrets to take her as foster daughter as she becomes a good girl. Suddenly, he found Madhuri with other guy, which his Mohd Asraf. He wants to kill Mohd Asraf. After hear that Madhuri loved Mohd Asraf,he complete lost his mind and kill Madhuri. Azreen does not believe and run away. Then, woman who look like Madhuri come to get him. Saleh taught that was Madhuri, and she the woman drag on the parang on the ground and walks slowly to his place.Saleh suffers a heart attack and dies. Mean while in the village, a rumour spreads like a wildfire that a woman who looks suspiciously like his dead daughter had been wandering about at the time of his death.

CHAPTER 12 Azreen visits her familys graves. She leaves a flower on each grave and leaves quietly. She leaves a flower at the hillside where the Old Lady was buried, too. As Azreen leaves, she sees a smiling figure which resembles Madhuris smiles.

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