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When the attack on Russia starts the world will hold its breath Hitler.

1939 Non Aggression Pact

Deep seated Hatred Germans and Russians Nazis and Communists

Poland East: USSR West: Germans Finland Russia Invades 1940 Baltic States



Origins of cold war Beliefs USA: Capitalist/valued democracy Aims USA: Prevent spread of communism (poverty spread communism). Help Europe recover (especially Germany) but also to aid trade create markets. Repairing the 4/19/12 damage of isolation?

USSR: Communist dictatorship/suppression of individual

Experience of Russia

20 million men lost Winters/harsh conditions 3 million Soldiers 3580 tanks 7184 Artillery guns 1850 Planes 750000 Horses


Defeating soviet union would lead to solving the labour problem slave labour Ukraine (huge agricultural potential) and Baku Oil fields Blitzkreig was the tactic the germans used to take over france and intended for russia

1 week 150000 dead soviet soldiers

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