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rof. MoLo lkeda (Pokkaldo unlverslLy, !apan)
1he semlnar wlll revlew and conslder Lhe recenL caLasLrophlc evenLs ln !apan
(Lhe 1sunaml caLasLrophe and Lhe subsequenL lukushlma nuclear dlsasLer) as
an example of Lhe role of sclenLlsLs ln deallng wlLh naLural dlsasLers. ln
parLlcular Lhe role of sclence ln produclng lnformaLlon LhaL ls of value aL Lhe
rlghL Llme and space scales, and whlch can be effecLlvely used by clvll socleLy
Lo mlnlmlse lmpacL, wlll be examlned. 1he lessons learned from Lhls
experlence wlll be consldered ln Lerms of Lhe role of sclence ln deallng wlLh
global warmlng and cllmaLe change and examlne Lhe roles of boLh Lhe ocean
and ocean sclence speclallsLs.

Monday 10
CcLober 2011
1he unlverslLy of lorL Pare LasL London Campus, Covan
Mbekl CenLre 8oardroom, Plll SLreeL.
ConLacL: ur Carl almer, 021-6383991, cpalmer[
SLeven Arowolo: arowolos[

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