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Appointment and removal of director

Appointment of director
Any individual competent to contract and who

is not disqualified under sec.274 and who holds necessary qualification shares,if any may be appointed as directore of company. Directore may be appointed in following way
First directore Appointement at general meeting Appointement of directors by board

Appointement of directors by third party

Appointement of directors by propositional voting Appointement by the central govt.

First director
The first name mention in article of association.

Such directore hold office untill the director are duly

appointed at general meeting of the company.

Appointement at general meeting

Sec.255 provide that not less than 2/3 of total No. Of

directors of public company must be appointed by company. 2/3 of directors shall be those who shall retired by rotation such director are called rotation directors.

Appointment of director by the board

Additional directors:Additional directors shall hold

office only upro the end of the next annual general meeting. Casual director: if director falls vacant for some reason before his expire. Alternate director:director appointed during absence of director for more than three months.

Appointed by third parties

Appointed of directors by

proportional voting. Appointed of director by the central govt.

Removal of directors
By expire of his period---Section 408 of company

act 1950.

Removal of director by the company law board

(sec.388 B and 388 E)

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