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Features of globalization

Economically and politically

Information & communication

Developing of countries

New technology

Decision oriented

1. Globalization has closely intertwined economic, political, cultural and institutional dimensions whose social impact is often not easy to disentangle. 2. Technological advancements, especially in the field of information and communication technologies, have had the together in time and space, making possible new ways of doing business and profoundly altering social interactions.

Advantages of globalisation
Lower Marketing Costs Global Scope Brand image Consistency Quick and Efficient Use of Ideas Uniformity in Marketing Practices

Advantages of globalization

1.Lower Marketing Costs:

If you are to consider lump-some cost then, yes, it is high, but the same cost even goes even higher if the company has to market a product differently in every country that it is selling. 2.Global Scope: Scope of this kind of marketing is so large that it becomes a unique experience. 3.Brand image Consistency: Global marketing allows you to have a consistent image in every region

4.Quick and Efficient Use of Ideas: A global entity is able to use a marketing idea and mould it into a strategy to implement on a global scale. 5.Uniformity in Marketing Practices: A global entity can keep some degree of uniformity in marketing through out the world.

Disadvantages of Global Marketing

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