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Raw Food Cafe Business Plan Executive Summary The executive summary for your Raw Food Cafe

Business should be written last. It should include the main people involved in your Raw Food Cafe Business and thei r experience related to the Raw Food Cafe Business. There should be a brief desc ription of what the Raw Food Cafe Business entails. Your Raw Food Cafe Business should include some brief financial statements such as loans you will require an d profit/loss statements for the first 3 years. Objectives Short term objective are creating uncooked health tastey cheap foods, Long term objectives are to make a income to live off of and supply people with even less expensive than typical fast food chain prices and blow them away the with flavou rs and health aspects. The should be your short term and long term objectives for your Raw Food Cafe Bu siness. Mission What is the main mission for your Raw Food Cafe Business. The main mission of the company* is to Sell the product of healthy cheap raw foo d to the wide customer base that has a hard time finding proper products. Keys to Success A few bullet points to briefly describe why your Raw Food Cafe Business will be a success. Selling delicous foods Using inventive packaging Putting the foods integrity first using herbal combination to add nutrition and flavor Company Summary Company Ownership Who owns your Raw Food Cafe Business and what type of business will it be will y ou be an LLC etc. Jason Kvestad and Seth Curry own the company* together under a LLC license? Location(s) and Facilities Address of your business if possible or a rough idea of the surroundings and the benefits this location will be for your Raw Food Cafe Business. The company* will be done at home or a place will have to be rented or boughten to supply the room needed tpo process and produce the high quality foods. If located in downtown Northfield mn the two colleges and upper class population will eagerly purchase our products. Start-up Summary for a Raw Food Cafe Business Provide basic details of the capital you require for your Raw Food Cafe Business and how you intend to acquire that capital if you don t have it already. TheCapital (MONEY?) will be attained from the food products which will be sold r elatively cheap but hopefuly still creating enough capital to give two to five p eople an annual income. Start-up Expenses for a Raw Food Cafe Business This should be a list of all your start up capital required before you start tra ding as well as the amount if any you will be needing to loan. Blenderx1-4 500-2000 Dehydrator x5-10 1000- 2000 seeds, nuts, fruits and veggies 1000-5000 per month Space for work 500-1000 per month Products / Services Product Description Describe all the products you will sell and give an indication of future product s you will sell and the reasons why these will be sold in the future and not now . Fruit Leathers Veggie Chips- Sweet potatoe, Kale, Granolas,

Spiced nut mixes, bars and cookies Dehydrated soups Service Descriptions Describe all the services you will provide and give an indication of future serv ices you will provide and the reasons why these will be provided in the future a nd not now. Sales of products Possible futures; sit down caf for resturaunt type atmosphere. Market Analysis Summary for a Raw Food Cafe Business Market Segmentation Give the details of who your target market will be for the Raw Food Cafe Busines s. The College students and local healthy minded people that love great tastes and great health beneifits and looking for healthier choices. Target Market Segment Strategy Explain how your marketing will get new and existing clients to buy from you. Marketing will be done online and through word of mouth as well as various sampl e advertisements being given out to probable investors. Market Trends Explain how in general the direction the Raw Food Cafe Business is taking. Is it up or down and what are the reasons for this and can you cater for the existing and new trends. The demand is high for this type of product, people are looking for healthier al ternatives and supplying a cheap and tasty alternative is what the market needs to really explode. Service Business Analysis Explain how the Raw Food Cafe Business is run in a nutshell. The Raw fruit, veggies, nuts, and seeds will be baught bulk or wholesale or dona ted to reduce prices then produces in home or buisness place aswell as packaged and shipped to buyers. Main Competitors Who are the main competitors for your Raw Food Cafe Business. Try to explain the ir strengths and weaknesses. The various other raw food companies try to simplify and try to do just one of o ur companies* goals; one is to make the food raw uncooked and natural, two is to make it delicious well textured, the third is to make the product available at low cost which is rare for all others. Examples are PURE bars, Rawnola, Freeland GORAW cookies etc. Strategy and Implementation Summary for a Raw Food Cafe Business Marketing Strategy How will you market your Raw Food Cafe Business. With word of mouth. Internet Marketing. Future; Store front in downtown nfld mn? Possibly local tv ads and newspaper articles. Pricing Strategy What are your prices and the reasons for your prices. Our companies* Prices are as low as possible to ensure our customers extatic dev otion. Idea is to make it cheaper than a mcdonalds alternative. Promotion Strategy Are you planning a grand opening with special discounts on your opening night? D o you need to give special offers to attract new and existing customers to your Raw Food Cafe Business once you are established. I bleive the strong company morals and product demand will promote the product l

ong term and single free samples or 5% discountsmay be offered during start up. Competitive Edge Explain why customers will come to your Raw Food Cafe Business as compared to so meone elses. Cheapest price compared to competitors. Natural Wholesome Organic guranteed healthy Raw Foods loaded with nutrition. Delicous tastey crunchy chewy foods impossible to dislike. Web Strategy The web is becoming ever more important for any business. How exactly are you go ing to use this medium in your Raw Food Cafe Business strategy. Connect with raw food groups and forums add a website for the company online and avidly conribute to linking sources. Sales Strategy How are you going to generate more sales for your Raw Food Cafe Business. Advertise online and in person, giving out samples and calling natural foods sto res. Strategic Alliances What other companies can you work with to help your Raw Food Cafe Business. possibly wholesale foods companies to lower initial food prices. Findinga friend ly business suite manager to strike a good deal on a rented buisness area. Management Summary Management Team Who are the main people involved in your Raw Food Cafe Business. Jason Kvestad and **** ***** are the main people involved in our company* Organizational Structure Which people are in charge of which departments in your Raw Food Cafe Business. Buying; Adverstising; sales; production; packaging; Personnel Plan List all the people involved or you will require to run your business smoothly w ith salaries or share options. Buyer/seller/accounting= *** **** paid 20-50k/yr Production/packaging= jason paid 20-50k/yr advertising? Cleaning? Receptionsit? Strategic Direction SWOT Analysis This is a summary of the business's most important strengths, weaknesses, opport unities and threats. Strengths of the Business Excellent quality product "Which means that" Adds to reputation. Good management skills. "Which means that" Well run business Good ability to extract information. "Which means that" Can control the business.Weaknesses of the Business New Player "Which means that" Credibility problem may affect initial sales Lack of systems "Which means that" The company needs to develop systemised operational & sales t echniques or sacrifice profits Opportunities in the Marketplace Add-on products such as ** "Which means that" A potentially enormous market for the Raw Food Cafe Business to tap into. Growing market segments. "Which means that" our Raw Food Cafe Business should target these segments.

Threats in the Marketplace Increasing supplier prices. "Which means that" Resulting in reduced profitability. Declining size of the ** segment. "Which means that" Need to focus on growing segments to spread the company's por tfolio New Products To evaluate and launch new products or services which will turn over $xxxxxx in the first year. Other Objectives (Goals) To not exceed a marketing budget of $xxxxxx To not exceed a payroll budget of $xxxxx To not exceed a general overhead budget of $xxxxxx Marketing Plan for a Raw Food Cafe Business Marketing Objectives Sales Objective To achieve sales by XX% to $XXX Sales Objectives by Market Segment #1 Segment: To achieve sales to $xxxxxx #2 Segment: To achieve sales to $xxxxxx #3 Segment: To achieve sales to $xxxxxx Other To achieve sales to $xxx Promotional Strategies Advertising Develop a corporate brochure. Month 20XX Develop personalised business cards. Month 20XX Create Basic Website as a tool to promote services Month 20XX Advertise in local publications Month 20XX Advertise monthly in magazines that are specifically targeted to the ** and ** s egments. Month 20XX Advertise monthly in magazines that are aimed at the general industry. Month 20XX Lead Generation Program Conduct monthly on-going lead generation program. Send out monthly direct mail l eaflets with response coupons. Month 20XX "Centres Of Influence" Program Personally contact at least ten potential partners each week. Produce a monthly newsletter that shows examples of (your products) and how cust omers have benefited from using them. Month 20XX PR Program PR release to be initiated each month to various trade journals and magazines. Month 20XX Sales Force Employ telemarketing staff. Month 20XX Organise training program to be implemented. Month 20XX Lost Customers Contact monthly all past customers that have not re-ordered to ask why not and s ee whether we can win back their business. Month 20XX Follow up Enquiries Contact all enquirers monthly and determine if they have purchased from a compet

itor and, if so, why. Month 20XX Existing Customers Follow up all new customers two weeks after they purchase to ensure they are sat isfied with the product. Month 20XX Send quarterly newsletter to existing customers to keep them informed of our oth er products. Month 20XX Sales Promotion Develop an ongoing sales promotion to target existing customers. Month 20XX General Marketing Strategies for a Raw Food Cafe Business Competitor Profile Keep updated competitor profile. Month 20XX Marketing information system Document on every enquiry "How did you hear about us?" Month 20XX Document on every order "How did you hear about us?" Month 20XX Produce monthly sales reports by product, by market segment, and by territory. Month 20XX Financial Strategies for a Raw Food Cafe Business Cash Flow Eliminate cash shortage in the traditional tight periods of <month A> to <month B> Month 20XX Payment Days Maintain payment of bills, on average, to xx days. Month 20XX Expenses Develop and implement new policies on approval and signatories on expenses. Month 20XX Leases Pay off the existing lease on capital equipment, thus reducing the monthly finan cial burden. Month 20XX Overdraft Reduce the overdraft from $xxxxxx to $xxxxxxx Month 20XX Wages Pay all wages on a monthly basis instead of weekly. Month 20XX New Equipment Organise funding for the $xxxxxxx expenditure on new equipment. Month 20XX Payback Ensure a payback on new equipment through sales of one year. Month 20XX Inventory Improve the number of stock turns to xxxxx a year. Month 20XX Rent Negotiate new terms on the premises and reduce existing payments by xx% Month 20XX Bank Charges Renegotiate with the bank and consolidate some outstanding loans with lower inte rest rates. Month 20XX

Organisational Plan Organisational and Management Next Year's Objectives Budget - To not exceed the payroll budget of $xxxxxxx Staff - To employ or re-deploy a total of xxxxx full-time and part-time staff ov er the next year. HUMAN RESOURCE STRATEGIES Organisational Draw organisational chart. Month 20XX Develop incentive scheme related to job requirements. Month 20XX Policies and procedures Develop policies and procedures manual. Month 20XX Employ or re-deploy staff Employ one specialist ** salesperson. Month 20XX Employ one marketing assistant. Month 20XX Employ one accounts receivable person. Month 20XX Training Carry out training needs analysis. Month 20XX Morale Install suggestion box. Month 20XX Organise monthly meetings to follow up tasks Month 20XX

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