WH: Statement by The Press Secretary On Conviction of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

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THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 29, 2011 Statement

by the Press Secretary on Conviction of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani The United States condemns the conviction of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani. Pastor N adarkhani has done nothing more than maintain his devout faith, which is a unive rsal right for all people. That the Iranian authorities would try to force him to renounce that faith violates the religious values they claim to defend, cross es all bounds of decency, and breaches Iran s own international obligations. A dec ision to impose the death penalty would further demonstrate the Iranian authorit ies' utter disregard for religious freedom, and highlight Iran's continuing viol ation of the universal rights of its citizens. We call upon the Iranian authori ties to release Pastor Nadarkhani, and demonstrate a commitment to basic, univer sal human rights, including freedom of religion. ###

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