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For Silicon: B= 1.08 x 10" K* em* Eg=1.12eV pn = 1350 cm?/V-sec and pp = 500 cm*/V-see @300°K y= 6.73 x 10° fem? @300°K Constants: k= Boltzmann’s constant = 8.62 x10" eV/K Vr= Thermal voltage = 26 mV @300°K q = electron charge = 1.6 x10 C Governing Relationships: , a} = Br exp22 Intrinsic carrier concentration v=E Drift Velocity “- «° nxp =n? Mass Action Law J, =40, Electron Diffusion Current Density n+Na=Ny+p Charge Neutrality wat Dynamic Diode Resistance at Ta = Tyo O=4("Ulx + Pip) Conductivity In = que Electron Drift Current Density Question 1 (1 point) What is the concentration of Boron atoms that you must add to an intrinsic semiconductor to ensure that the hole concentration is approximately 2 x10"* /em 7? 4 p= Naga ay Naz pom = 2xidte W wilh wdéae -y Wen 2 cident minovity pepleho is meqiigeathe n

ede onaki cu both scckes a= a dy - = & ~ = & 2B = w(x) = Bx + Ge) ey denearty dept Ae. Gyackiod ts Gustank and RG) #s . Question 3 (1 point) ~ on ‘What is the concentration of electrons(n) and holes(p) in intrinsic silicon at 273°K? Do you expect it to be larger or smaller at 250°K? Why? (explain in terms of the relevant equation) 4 ~to\ 4 3 NE ee sere wha prren CE) = bed all ac OTN cx pS ay nies lx ia? =) ROD GRE ks oe whe Te TH ay for Fy SEF, {> why ew) avd 5 3 act = wi C2fe'k) J 0i(2¥) Question 4 (1 point) True or False The concentration of holes in a heavily doped p-type material at room temperature is highly dependent on moderate temperature variations. a Is 7 px Na depended of jatriusic popalabion =) i clepedleat 2 A Page 20f 5 dowcucted by erty pop. Question 5 (2 points) A silicon semiconductor is initially doped with Boron atoms to a concentration of 10'7 /em*. ‘Whaat is the resistivity of the silicon before and after doping? (Assume 300°K operating T). pe Neen = Nes volo s eye! wreqfegeble r- Pep a eee y ie a. own)! = 0,125 Rom (Abt) 4 - a Ts grin sip) 2 nes” xearie (Bee so = ae ae J Giessen 6 (pom pis oxic Fes Onn ere Draw an energy digram at room temperature for a p-type semiconductor showing some free carriers and the Fermi level. miverity eleckews 3 @ © < From e-h paris se — — Ferme level fyee kelessoroe Problem 7 (3 points) ‘Assume, in the following circuit that Di is off, D2 is on and D3 is on. Solve for all voltages in the circuit. Is your initial assumption correct? Why or why not? Use the constant-voltage model for the diodes with Virrenaia= 0.7V. 69000008 ¢8 8 Ey BV ~ Van 3 lek = 08 By Us deed of b bok COTV o-N, = o-(00.7) = 0.7V zy d2 ts ON Mea (- fe chee fh = 07M =) Dg es OW Question 8 (3 points) An n-type piece of silicon at room T with 5 x 10'* donors/ cm? is subjected to an electric field of 5,000 Vem, Find the electron drift velocity and the electron drift current density. Vie pa€ = 1350x5000 = 6,75 « v6 on/s é zt Jagan 2 Gye eS xlohe 67% ee a 5. KIe Aw Question 9 (3 points) The pn diode forward current is given by Ip = Lexp(Vp/3V"). {a) Find the dynamic resistance at room T when Ip = 5 mA. (b) If the voltage drop across this diode is 0.69 V for Ip = 5 mA, find the corresponding voltage drop when the dynamic resistance is 50.Q. (22 7 mye . “B2o « 15.6 L (@\ ta = ae a A 1 dNy/T +p 26 1.56— Dd s . ae 2 7h = bt) For Yd = 50 ey Thee Var Se or 2 ‘ vate 7 Un cdoe ey Sue don = STO" Te Bie exp a T, mir L cox a o GIN = BAO “ LS wine = ° Yo, = Yr” Ty v Gm ya = 54

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