Programme 081107

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"Women's Political Rights - Empowering Women to Work

for Gender Equality"

Thursday, 8th November 2007

at the Embassy of Finland (Kelenhegyi út 16/A)


10.00 Registration

10.30 Opening of the Seminar

Mr Jari Vilén, Ambassador of Finland

10.40 Key note speech: Women's Voting rights in Finland 100 Years,
Ms Mari Kiviniemi, Minister of Public Administration and Local

11.00 Women's Political Place in Hungary. Why Change is a Must?

Ms Gabriella Ilonszki, Professor of Political Science at Corvinus
University of Budapest

11.15 Promoting Women's Rights and Participation - the Finnish Example,

Ms Tanja Auvinen, the Coalition of Finnish Women’s Associations:

11.30 Representation of Women in Political Decision-Making - Quota Discussion in

Ms Klára Sándor, Member of Parliament (SZDSZ)

11.45 Discussion and Concluding Remarks

12.30 - 13.30 Buffet Lunch hosted by the Ambassador of Finland

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