6° Ano Ingles

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1) Neste exerccio voc ter que passar todas estas frases que esto no afirmativo para a forma negativa

(negative form ) e tambm para a forma interrogativa (interrogative form). Voc pode usar as contraes se desejar! a) She is a very good student.

F. Negativa

F. Interrogativa b) Andrew and Tania are brothers.

c) He is studying English literature.

d) They are walking on the street.

e) I am playing game on the laptop.

f) It is getting out of control.

g) We are reading a poem.

h) He is a good basketball player.

2) Neste prximo exerccio voc vai praticar as contraes. Voc dever escrever no espao em branco as contraes adequadas: a) I am

b) You are c) He is d) She is

e) It is

f) We are g) You are h) They are

She's French. --> Is she French?

architect house hour good artist

umbrella honest man woman green apple apple story elevator moment bicycle airplane

1. You're from Argentina.

VerificarDica 2. They're in school now.

VerificarDica 3. John is tired.

VerificarDica 4. They're good with Maths.

VerificarDica 5. Joanna and I are in the same class.

VerificarDica 6. This egg is rotten.

VerificarDica 7. Those horses are calm.

VerificarDica 8. That dog is a poodle.

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