National Convention of The SI (Catalan Solidarity For The Independence)

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Newsletter N.

0 25/10/2010

National Convention of the SI (Catalan solidarity for the Independence)

More than 1.500 supporters of the SI in the 1st Convention

In the first National Convention of the Catalan Solidarity for Independence, held today in the Congress Palace of Catalonia, The Election Manifesto of the coalition was passed with 894 votes in favor, 2 blank and none against it. Out of the passed amendments one is referred to the replacement of the word espoli for espoliaci ( both mean plundering with a shade of meaning). In this case the amendment was passed with 436 votes in favor, 238 against and 204 blank ballot papers.

At the time of the election for the Manifesto there were 896 joint members in the auditoruim but throughout the morning the number of joint members and supporters has increased until it exceeded 1500 people. After passing the Manifesto, some of the party representatives that are part of the coalition (Els Verds-Alternativa Verda, Catalunya Naci Independncia, Partit Republic Catal, PSAN, Democrcia Catalana i Solidaritat per la Independncia) gave a brief speech. For instance, Santi Vilanova, representing the party Verda-ALternativa Verda, has highlighted that "the nation that we aspire to has to be ruch in life quality" and, for that reason, they are committed to ecological policies to preserve the environment. The leader of the Partit Socialista dAlliberament Nacional (PSAN), Josep Guia, has admitted the following:"Now not only the Valencians must talk about the SI, all of you must talk about it as if you were Valencians", highlighting this way the importance of acheiving the unity of all the Catalan regions. Agust Soler, representative of the Partit Republic Catal, has assured that "the greatness of the nations is measured by their people, let's promote then the values of peace, human rights and the rights of the people".

After that, Anna Arqu, the number five of the SI in Barcelona, announced the social entities that were present in the First Nacional Convention of the SI and gave her word to the members of international parties like the I'N-VA in Flanders, represented by Jan Jambon, who emphasized that his presence in the National Convention of the SI is, above all, due to his affinity with Catalonia:"I'm not here just as a member of the party but also as a Flemish nationalist because there are a lot of similarities between both territories". In fact Jambon has given support to the political project led by Joan Laporta. He manifested "I'm here for the peaceful fight and for freedom". Anyway, Brice La Fontaine, secretary general of Unitat Catalana, party that has singed a collaboration contract with the SI, he brought up the marginalization of the catalanism in the North of Catalonia, but he also stated that thanks to his party's work Catalan has gained visibility in the public sphere.

In her turn, the writer Isael-Clara SIm, number four of the SI in Barcelona, said that "this is boiling of independence, so it's ready", however, she admitted that "maybe we'll get some scratches but the path has begun and those who don't want to see it should get used to it" and she remembered in front of the more than 1500 members and supporters of the SI that "the enemies of an Independent Catalonia would be the Spanish, the Catalan Spanish nationalists and the puritan independentists that always find reservations in joining the path to freedom" Afterwards it was time to introduce the candidates of the four constituencies, which heads of the list praised their lists. The candidate of the SI in Girona, Toni Strubell, announced that he ignores "the century the other organizations represent, but the SI is the independentist option of the 21st century". Strubell explained that the list for Girona is transverse and admitted that what "makes me happier is that there are such important people in it from the beginning to the end" he also added that Nria Cadenes closed the list he headed. On the other hand, the head for Tarragona, Hctor Lpez Bofill, has assured that "we will get the 68 deputies we need for the Independence" because "we are the hope, the excitement and the truth" and he highlighted his list was diverse "with competent people that loves the nation". And Francesc Xavier Segura, who heads the list for Lleida, has insisted that "the people of the SI is brave because has hold onto the opportunity of attracting people like me to Independence and we have passes the election manifesto that tell us how to go where we want to go". The last candidates to take part ere the promoters of the SI project. The number three of Barcelona, Uriel Bertran, explained that "the 26th of November we will have existed for three months, and if in this time we have been able to achieve everything we have now, in four months we should obtain the absolut majority" Bertran has warned that they'll try to take us apart, but it will be too late because this movement is not us but the Catalan nation" and precisely because of that, "from this movement will rise the people that will rule the country". The candidate of the SI, referring to the anthem of Catalonia,

remembered that "the 28th of November will be the fight of our ancestors and be will aim for the 68 deputies". Alfons Lper Tena, number two in Barcelona, has emphasized that "here we are the ones that must hold the beating heart that is the hope of Catalonia". Lpez Tena also assured that "now is the moment to work for Catalonia's freedom" because "we shouldn't leave another generation under Spain". And finally, the candidate of the SI to the presidency of the Generalitat, Joan Laporta, defended the independence as a solution for the global crisis and explained how was created the coalition that he heads: " I put my fame to the service of this country because as a Cataln I had the obligation to do so but what actually triggered the creation of the SI was the visit of Uriel Bertran and Alfons Lpez Tena who sacrificed a lot" and also "the protest on the 10th of July which wasn't against the Constitutional Court but called for independence". Furthermore, Laporta thanked the Constitutional Court because "it's taught us the path we should take", actually with a free state "Catalonia wouldn't lose 22.000 million euros every year "sum that represents 10% of the Catalan GDP. Laporta insisted that independence will be achieved through peaceful and democratic means" and asked all the members and sympathizers to have "courage and audacity" to achieve freedom. "The day after the independence Catalans will go to work as always with the only difference that they will be ruled by someone that cares about their interests", stated the candidate to the SI to the presidency of the Generalitat.

Joan Laporta added that the politics "have done nothing but crying and that should be punished in the elections, democratically" since "after the shame we've got to go through with the Statute now they say they will develop it in secret, which we don't accept because we hold our head high". The head of the list of the SI has highlighted that "we will be independent when women want us to be so because all great countries are matriarchies and they will be the ones who will bring independence to life".Nevertheless, Laporta has declared "I don't want my children to be independentist, we all have the right to the pursuit of hapiness".

Lacte ha acabat amb tots els candidats de SI sobre lescenari cantant els Segadors. To end the ceremony all the candidates of the SI went on stage to sing "Els Segadors".

Comissi Internacional de Solidaritat Catalana per la Independncia

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