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Political Ideological Assessment

Submit a typed report with the following information. Each assessment should have its own section in your report. Pew Research: Political Typology 1. Complete the quiz. 2. What is your typology? 3. What percentage of the population shares your ideological type? 4. Do you agree with What They Believe? Explain 5. How do you compare with the Who Are They list? Explain 6. Select two other types and briefly describe them. One of your selections should be a type that is very different from yours. IDEAlog Quiz Read the Introduction. For now, you can skip the Tutorial (Step 2 do NOT click) and go straight to Step 3 by clicking on the number 3. 1. Record your results. 2. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Worlds Shortest Political Quiz 1. Record your results. 2. After reading the description, do you agree with the results? Explain. 3. What is your Personal Issues score? What is your Economic Issues score? 4. Which political group do you most agree with? 5. Bring a free-hand drawing of the chart with your dot (or cut, paste and print) to class. We will recreate the chart on the board. You just need to know where to place your dot. The Supreme Court Topic Registered handguns at home Late-term abortions Corporate campaign ads Civilian trials for suspected terrorists Death Penalty for rapists of children Life sentence for a minor armed burglary 1. Complete the chart. You can cut and paste or recreate. 2. Which justices did you agree with the most? 3. Looking at the photos of three justices at the bottom of the page, who is considered the swing vote on the Court? 4. Who is considered the most conservative member of the Court? 5. Who WAS considered the most liberal member of the Court? Your Opinion Courts Opinion Americans Opinion (%)

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