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4/20/12 3:16 AM

y name is Jared


Swanson and I currently attend an international school in Seoul. One day I would like to achieve my goal of becoming an aircraft pilot, flying passengers safely to their desired destination creating a friendly bond between fliers and having a positive attitude.
Develpment in Jobs and Positions First Jobs

18 21 22 24 31 40

High School Degree College Degree in Transportation Internship for an airline Co-Pilot Full-time Pilot Cheif Pilot

Capstone of Career

them as they come on the plane. I would like to work for an airline in the US. I would like to move up from being a co-pilot to actually flying my own plane.

College I would like to go to college in the United States. I would like to go to a small college that has an emphasis on aircraft transportation. I would like to major in transportation and minor in fitness.

Capstone of Career While in the prime of my career, I would like to become a full time pilot and fly all over the world. I can teach the new pilots the skills and things they need to now to get to where I would be. I want to influence the company so that they

First Jobs I would like to get an internship for an airline in the US. First I would like to work as a co-pilot and help the pilot do his job while learning the skills required in order to fly a plane. I can see how to control a plane and maybe fly once in a while. Since I won't be flying the plane I can interact with the passengers and make sure they are enjoying their flight.

will remember me far after I retire. I want to make an impact on the airlines so that passengers would fly on our airlines and have a fun flight.

Qualities to be successful Determination Passionate Ability to try again when you fail

Development in Jobs and Positions I would like to become the pilot of a passenger plane. I like to interact with people and greet

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