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Differential Equations Summary

We give a summary of our results about dierential equations in the form of a ow chart. We will assume that rst order dierential equations are either linear or separable and that second order dierential equations are homogeneous and linear with constant coecients.

Given: Dierential Equation

First or Second Order?

2nd order

Put in Standard Form: d2 y dy +p + qy = 0 2 dx dx Solve Auxiliary Eq:

1st order Put in Standard Form: dy + p(x)y = q(x) dx Set Integrating Factor: =e
R p(x) dx

m2 + pm + q = 0


Linear? Type of Roots? no distinct real roots m1 , m2 General Solution: y(x) = c1 em1 x + c2 em2 x

General Solution: 1 y(x) = (x)q(x) dx (x)

Put in the Form: dy = h(x)g(y) dx Rewrite as: 1 dy = h(x) dx g(y)

Let G, H be antiderivatives for 1/g, h, respectively

Integrate both sides: 1 dy = h(x) dx g(y) General Solution (solve for y if possible): G(y) = H(x) + C

double root m

General Solution: y(x) = c1 emx + c2 xemx

complex roots a bi

General Solution: y(x) = eax [c1 cos(bx)+c2 sin(bx)]

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