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Muaaz Choudhary Period 1 AP LANG- Petrusa

Ever since I was in the the United States, I wanted to be a doctor. The dedication to being some type of physician grew over the years as I understood more about careers. My career choice option was influenced by multiple factors, and these factors include parents and the salary of a physican. The biggest factor was the amount of RESPECT that a successful and educated individual earn. However, as a person grows, he is exposed to many more careers. Choosing a career that satisfied me and my family HAUNTED me every night. Due to me being exposed to many career choices, my choice changed almost every week. I can remember wanting to be a pilot, different types of doctor, and a business man. The one choice I felt I was good at was business. This choice conflicted with my parents because their dream was for me to become a doctor. I can remember arguing with my mom everytime I discussed my future. I eventually realized that business was a risky career choice because it had ups and downs. Therefore, I knew I needed a backup so that my family could live a good life. In

high school, I came to a conclusion that I could have my medical degree and my masters of business administration. The medical degree would not only satisfy my parents but also me, and the MBA would satisfy me as well. Obtaining both of these degrees would exhilarate me because I see myself as a highly educated and successful individual.

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