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Pmt SQ MR. OLYMPIA 199: Six-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates reveals his secrets for Packing on quality mass has been said that correct nutrition can be as much as 80% responsible for a bodybuikler’s success, 1 don't go along with that reasoning. To my mind, bodybuilding is a fourway fusion of correct training, correct nutrition, correct recuperation and correct mental approact Training is the initial kiekc-start stimulus, nutrition and recu peration fuel the effect of that stimulus, and a positive men= tal attitude is the glue that holds the whole mechanis together, All four are interrekted and dependent on each other, Deny or shortchange yourself of any one of those fe elements and the whole entity collapse is easy to see why the 80% nut favor, especially when applied to beginners. Bor eager y« bodybuilders, the act of getting into the gym and trainin, problem indeed, overtraining is x more likely pitfall, Hane in hand with that eagerness goes a positive mental attitude But nutrition? Well, nutrition is very often the poor relation While b ules, are inners, in pursuit of drawing up training sched. to splash around more ink than found in in War and Peace, very few will bother to put pen to pape and list their dietary needs. If you're really serious about your bodybuilding, keep in mind that nutrition is the tool with which you augment your work done in the m. Support the intensity of your workouts with rally committed approach to nutrition and ns will not only be greater, they will come quicker and you will feel healthier and more 7e wuscue SQ Leb w ure) | The Muscle-Building Diet This eating-plan example comorises 3,500 calories broken down into a ratio of 50% ~55% carboinydrate, 30% protein and 15%- 20% fat, This meal plan is based on a 5 p.m, workout you tran at a citfeent time, revamp this schedule so thatthe Preworkout and postworkoul meals bookend your alning, MEAL | 7am: Breakfast | 100 g oatmeal 6 egg whites 2egg yolks 2 slices whole-wheat toast 1 banana ‘AL.| 10 am: Midmorning | Snack | 409 protein powder (mixed with water) 300 g baked potato (Meru continued on following page) Editor's Note To convert sewing sizes, remember that t ounce uals about 28 grams, and 100-gram portions are about PT Cry Pare eed 1992-97 Even though I rate nutrition as an essential part of the mos cle-building quartet, ir does not have to be a complex subject fo understand, The rules of nuisition as they apply t accumu lating lean body tissue are relatively simple and logical The following questions represent the topics that 1 am asked about most Frequently concerning diet, The answers offer 2 step-hy-step guide to suceess in an area that is to fofien overcomplicated by jargon and information irrelevant to beginning and intermediate bodybuilders. What should be the first step in formulating my diet? The stasting point is o determine the amount of nutritious calories you will need in order to start increasing your body. ‘weight via lean muscle. We'll come to the proteinearbony Orate/fat breakdown in due course, but first let's deal with tealories asa total, To gain extra muscle, you have to consume more calories than the quantity required to keep your present bodyweight stable. Each of us (due to personal factors like bodyfat/muscle composition, metabolic rate, ete.) has an jnevidual capacity to burn calories. There's no golden, rule that deerees that every 160-pound person burns X amount of calories. Thus, calorie intake and output has to be @ totally individual assessment, ‘Obtain book on nutrition that lists the amount of calories ‘contained in each individual food product Over a seven-ay period, log the food you cat and then compute the total MEAL| 4p 4 Preworkout Snack 40 g protein powder (mixed with water) 1 banana (Workout: 5-6 p.m.) MEAL | 1pm: Lunch 200 g chicken breast 400 g rice 100 g mixed vegetables ‘Bodybuilding is a four-way fusion of correct training, correct nutrition, correct recuperation and correct mental approach? amount of calories consumed. Divide that figure by seven and — providing your bodyweight remains static — you have the daily calorie figure that maintains your bodyweight, Increase that daily allowance by 500 nutritious calories and, unless. a metabolic problem exists, you should be in a body sweight-gaining mode, ‘What is a reasonable rate of bodyweight increase? You should be aiming for an increase of 1-2 pounds of hodyweight pet month, You can build muscle only at a certain If you're experiencing a gain far in excess of three pounds “month, it’ likely the gain will comprise more ft than muse! If my bodyweight remains the same after increasing my calories, what should I do? Ler's take the example of someone who hias computed his 12s being 3,000 calories, and ied! his daily caloric intake to 3,500. If has therefore incr after two weeks, his bodyweight has remained static, he should boost his daly intake by a further 400 calories, Always Up the ante in small increments, [n all aspects of bodybuilding (training and diet), 1 advocate that whatever changes are made be completed gradually. A gradual approach to change makes it so much easier 1 monitor the effect, or lack of efleet, of those changes. For instance, if you corally altered your diet in one fell swoop and racically revamped your tain ing schedule at the same time, the transformation would be too clramatic for you to assess the factors that hac! actually generated change, ifany What percentage breakdown of nutrients should Vaim for? ‘On a daily basis, the rotal calories you consume should be constituted as follows: 50% arbohydlrate, 30% protein ancl 15%~20% fit, Again, a dietary handbook will list which foods fail into which category and the calorie count for each. The percentage of fat advised is MEAL | 6 pm: Postworkout Snack 70.9 carbohydrate powder 30 g protein powder Menus continued on the following page)

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