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• Cross Sectional Study
• Outline:
– Description of Respondents
– Description of Study Area
– Triangulation
– Data Collection Tool
– Data Analysis
Description of Respondents
• Residents of Pulilan, Bulacan
• Knowledgeable of medicinal plants
• Endorsed by he HCO and BHWs
Description of Study Area
• Pulilan, Bulacan
– 19 Barangays
• Industrially-competitive
• No public hospital
– Medical clinics, Private tertiary hospital, folk
• 47 km away from Manila
• Data Collection
• Triangulation Proper
1. Endorsement from the Barangay HCO
2. Confirmation from the folk herbalists
3. An interview will be conducted by the
1. Endorsement from the Barangay HCO

• Verbal endorsement
• Rubric Sheet
2. Confirmation from the folk herbalists

• Rubric Sheet
Interview Proper
• Researchers– 5 subgroups
• Subgroup– 2-3 folk herbalists
• Questionnaire
a) Indications
b) part of the plant used
c) preparation
d) route of administration
• Rubric Sheet
Data Collection Tool
Plant Identification
• Collection of Plant Samples
• Documentation
– Proper handling
– Photograph
Schematic diagram
Data Analysis

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