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Poisoned Spring By Lovely Joy R.

Rosano My place is peaceful Thats why Im thankful Because I live with the holy Who treasures life truly. But when I go outside To get back is what I decide Because God has been set aside As long as self is satisfied. What happens to this world? All things seem so bold Virginity is sold Sex becomes sordid. Now you have this bill The only aim is to kill Fornication becomes a thrill That is against Gods will. Youre starting to be a killer Dont you have a mother? Or an innocent sister Who will be affected deeper. There is danger in impurity Which the eighth and ninth graders will suffer early They start pairing off and going stead Spending more nights in each others company. I dont want to have children Wholl lose their virginity at 14 Later to become sex slaves Where knowledge on purity is nave. Hedonists become famous Sex as center of talk is adventurous Women become tawdry Because they look at sex fancifully. People seem to act like animals Self-respect is minimal Exchanging of wives is casual Were worse than criminals.

Life will be miserable If prostitution will double Are you not aware of Our Lady Who will be hurt deeply? Your bill is thoughtful But we become doubtful Will it solve poverty, Or entertain adultery? Forget about your bill, please Before HIV cases increase Rape cases, too, would increase A burden and a non-stop crisis. If the bill is declared Then you will have permitted That marriage be omitted And divorce repeated. Are you not aware of these, all Are just so dull You see the errors glaringly Yet you fight for it continually. Please let not this bill be passed I dont want my way to be lost I dont want to see Jesus Christ Nailed again on the cross.

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