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Diabetes mellitus

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Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disease. The pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body cannot use insulin effectively. As a result, sugar accumulates in the blood and the excess sugar is excreted in the urine. Types of DM 1. Type 1 diabetes: It accounts for 5% to 10% of DM patients. It is more common among children and young adults. Due to failure of the pancreas, the body does not have enough insulin. The onset is usually sudden and the symptoms may be severe. Patients require long-term insulin injection. 2. Type 2 diabetes: About 90% to 95% of diabetic patients belong to this type. It mainly affects the middle-aged or elderly, especially those with family history, obesity, poor eating habit or lack of exercise. The body fails to produce enough insulin or the use is ineffective. Symptoms usually develop gradually and some people may have no Click the early stage. obvious symptoms in to edit Master subtitle style


Treatment depends on the severity of the disease. For mild cases, diet control with appropriate exercise may already suffice. Others would need oral hypoglycemic drugs. For those poorly controlled patients, insulin may be required. 3. Gestational diabetes: These women develop diabetes during pregnancy, which subsides after delivery. They have higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes later. 4. Secondary diabetes: It refers to diabetes that is caused by other diseases (e.g. mumps, chronic pancreatitis or Click to edit Master subtitle style long term use of steroids).


Risk factor for development of type 2 DM include: age over 45( the risk of DM increases with age) over weight ( body mass index greater than 25) and having a waist-to-hip ratio approaching 1. African American parents or siblings with DM Blood pressure above 140/90 low level of high density lipoprotein (less than 40 for men and less than 50 for women) (good cholesterol) high levels of triglycerides (above 250 mg/dl) diabetes occurrence while pregnancy or diving birth to a large baby (over 9 lbs) Click to edit Master subtitle style sedentary lifestyle and exercise less than three times per week.

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